Enchanted Springs

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7:58pm Oct 29 2013

Normal User

Posts: 95
I am level 100 something on Enchanted Springs and i can dye your pets.
It could take a long time or short depending on what it chose for me.
I can dye your pets any color exept trance and acromatic.
I can get you a quelis egg.
I can't make it a mutant or do any of those things.Rmail me for more detail.
1Mil Each and if i take you long you can take your pet back and your money.


10:42am Oct 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 319
Can you decide what color the pet's gonna be or is it just random colors? I'm sending you four creatu, Seradipi, dye that albino please, Feassero, calico please, QueenOfHearts, calico also please and Nanarwi, albino please. Sending you the tu and creatu now. 
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