Fairy Of Love~

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3:54pm Sep 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
Ohmigosh. She is going to LOVE this. Thank you so, so much Fariy! <3

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

5:27pm Sep 11 2012


Posts: 1,586
Username: Tryst

Creatu Selection: Stardust Zaphao

Date Joined Rescreatu: 2010-05-04

Why You want this creatu: I have a growing collection of zaphao, called the Lightning Corps. I one day plan to own all the colours. Zaphao are one of my favorite creatu. Even though they seem tough and mean, with their oversized super charged claws, they are sweet and kind to their owners if treated right.

Future plans for this creatu: He will be part of my Lightning Corps, and as he is already stardusted he will go well as part of both my Zaphao collection and stardust collection. I also plan to "spring bean" my stardust pets and other selected creatu from my showroom, so likely he will be painted a gorgeous colour that will complement his amazing effect <3


5:28pm Sep 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Creatu Selection:
Zaphao :3
Date Joined Rescreatu:
Why You want this creatu:
|D I spent three hours at the comet trying to dust pets. Not a single Zaph was dusted that day. XD
Future plans for this creatu:
|D  Keep forever. Maybe dye a pretty color or keep the same. |3 I dunno I like the stardust effect. XD <3


5:29pm Sep 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
Creatu Selection: Saruka
Date Joined Rescreatu: 2012-06-04
Why You want this creatu: Because I don't have that many rare, expensive pets, and they are so cute! It would be amazing if I got it. :)
Future plans for this creatu: Well, to be honest, I don't know! Maybe on my profile, with tons of art for it! Or in a showroom? I don't know, but probably on my profile. :) THank you for this wonderful opportunity, you are so nice!

psalm 103:12 |-/

8:25pm Sep 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 275
Username: Lollipop10
Creatu Selection: Saruka
Date Joined Rescreatu:6-27-2012
Why You want this creatu: I am obsessed with monkeys because of their cute faces and their personalities, which are full of curiosity.  Sarukas remind me the most of monkeys, with their adorable faces and unique curly tails.  I have never had one, and getting a Saruka has been one of my top goals ever since I joined Rescreatu.
Future plans for this creatu: I will love it with all my heart, and of course, it will stay with me forever.   I will for sure get very attached to it, and whenever I look at it, I'll think of you and your kindness in letting one of my top dreams come true. :)


8:48pm Sep 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
Creatu Selection:ebilia
Date Joined Rescreatu:2012-05-30 20:34:15
Why You want this creatu: Well, I love halloween, it's in my blood.I love cats
expecially undead cats.I have always lived with felines, for my entire life.
Cats always join me when i carve pumpkins and greet the trick-or-treaters.
It's a nice creatu for good memories.
Future plans for this creatu:Bathe it in springs, for calico or maybe turn it black,
or if i grow impatient, ill trance it,and take it with me everyplace.Lets it read
books,and eat pizza as we grow fat and jolly.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


10:19pm Sep 11 2012 (last edited on 10:19pm Sep 11 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Username: Megabyte
Creatu Selection: Saruka
Date Joined Rescreatu: 2012-06-18
Why You want this creatu: I have always wanted a couple of the CS pets, Saruka, Shaefu, and Ezahnih being the main ones. Unfortunately, I never really had enough tu to buy any of them. I think they look amazing, and are marvelous creatures.
Future plans for this creatu: I will most likely keep it forever, but one of my friends really wants one. If she doesn't get one soon, I will give it to her.

Not sure if I can play after I answered a riddle.


11:08am Sep 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
Thank you, so much! And when does a new round start? Can we post once each round?

psalm 103:12 |-/

3:57pm Sep 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
Thank you, so much! And when does a new round start? Can we post once each round?

psalm 103:12 |-/

11:06am Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 444
Username: Westie
Creatu Wanted: Galta, Draqua, zennies
Item(s) Wanted: RMP, Misty breeze wig
Date Joined Rescreatu: 2010-01-24 

What does Feara wish for Resmas?


11:07am Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 468
Username: Dustfire
Creatu Wanted:
-Calico malal
-Any colored Shaefu (can't find people selling them, seriously :C)
-Any colored Aerix
-Colored vaspi XD

Item(s) Wanted: 
-Any dye kit
-Silver stardust
-Curse of the undead XD

Date Joined Rescreatu: Somewhere in 2010 I guess D:


11:14am Nov 18 2012 (last edited on 11:16am Nov 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Username: Noctre
Creatu Wanted: Noctis is always one of my favorites, though I also have a love of colored and mutant Zaphao..
Item(s) Wanted: NCJB mostly, though a cs egg would be very nice...
Date Joined Rescreatu: Original date is February 11, 2010, though this account is November 11th, 2011


11:20am Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
Username: sapphierwolf c:
Creatu Wanted: a natural kioka ^^, or if that is to much an achro zennie to finish off my collection :D
Item(s) Wanted:  Beastly claws :3 or an earthly wig ^o^
Date Joined Rescreatu: 2010-10-07 

//goes to hoard tu for fearas goals :3


12:47pm Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 638

Username: Angel123456

Creatu selection: Albino Roditore, Ezahni, or Calico Iluvu

Date Joined Rescreatu: 2012-09-30

Why You Want This Creatu: I want the Albino Roditore because I LOVE roditores. Roditores are my absolute favorite creatu and I've wanted an Albino one since I've joined rescreatu I just can't find any. I want an Calico Iluvu because my little sister loves Iluvus and she really loves the color Calico so I've been trying to get one for her.  I want an Ezahni because my sister and I really love them and they are so pretty and cute. My sister and I share an account so we don't get banned.:] 

 Future plans for these creatu: If I get the Albino Roditore I will keep it   keep it forever and NEVER sell it. If I got the Calico Iluvu I would give it to my sister and she would never sell it. If I got the Ezahni my sister and I would share it and it would never be sold.


4:09pm Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Username: Megabyte
Creatu Wanted: An achro tesuri. If that is too much an amber jaaku or a blonde zenirix would be appreciated
Item(s) Wanted: Foam Shawl, Atquati Coral Shoes, Shamrock Circlet, Shamrock Bracelet, or Starry ring
Date Joined Rescreatu: 6/18/12

Giving you reasons for why I want these-
Achromatic Tesuri~ Achro Tesuris are my dream pet. I already have one, but I plan on having a whole army :D I really want to name one May and one Skylander, my favorite name and the name of my favorite video game
Amber Jaaku~ Jaakus are so amazing! Especially amber ones. I am currently attempting to hoard seasonals, though it is failing miserably. I think the only jaaku i have is a nattie one :(
Blonde Zenirix~ I have the cutest dog at home named Oreo, so I love collecting Zenirix! The highest color I have is silver, so this would be my best zenirix!

All the clothing items are for my Dream HA. The only ones I didn't list are the Virgo Wings and Little Angel Halo, which I wouldn't expect in a thousand years.

So, yeah. Gave you options ^^


4:10pm Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Username: GreenKat
Creatu Wanted: Wyrae or pet named Strawberry
Item(s) Wanted: RMP's and/ or NCJB's
Date Joined Rescreatu: May 16th, 2011, on the 56th second of 9:19 P.M.

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