2:40pm Feb 24 2016 (last edited on 1:40am Feb 25 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 292
Do you feel quite... Gloomy, this Valentines?
Me too!
To (not)celebrate, I am hosting a raffle.
First off, I will show you the prizes.
It's a highly recommended thing to show when hosting a raffle, I find.
All of the prizes (especially the first two (I think)) are definitely worth it! Try to enter as many times as possible and remember - I'm fine with this type of spam!!!
1st - Albino Quelis (I'll be sad to see her go)
2nd - Achromatic Ahea (I'll be sad about that one too)
3rd - Blonde Zenirix
4th - Natural Sheafu
How do I enter? Easy-as-pie. Send me a Valentines request. I will either accept or decline.
So, how do I win? Again, easy-as-chocolate-pie. Once you have entered once (you can enter as many times as you like) you get entered into the raffle. As soon as I've collected both wings, I will draw the raffle.
What if I win? I will send all winners (there will be four) an Rmail. If Rmail isn't answered within 48 hours, the prize will be rolled over.
Feel free to ask more below.
1st - ??? 2nd - ??? 3rd - ??? 4th - ???
Raffle to be drawn using Random.Org, a website that isn't mine, but is great for drawing raffles.
2:42pm Feb 24 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
Enter the almost free raffle for the chance to win a bino Quelis!!! [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/feel-the-apatheticness-/~page/1/#post_2072685]
3:21pm Feb 24 2016 (last edited on 9:38am Mar 13 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 292
Entries: A 1. Aero - 1 2. Aidin8 - 1 3. albino0rca - 1 4. Alien - 1 5. anananubia - 1
6. angel123456 - 1 B 7. Blacksasscat - 1
8 - 34. BunnysaurusRex - 26 C 35 - 38. Chickaree - 3 39. Cyco - 1 D 40. Devoid - 1 42. Dragosauroslol - 2 E 43-48. eenobegeeto - 6 49. EmuCat - 1 50. EmoWolf1 - 1
F 51-55. FallenNights - 5
56-58. Fernweh - 3 59. FreyasArrow - 1 G H I J 60. Jewelzzies - 1 61. Jetsam - 1 K 62-63. KarmaLion - 2
64. Katiee - 1 65. Kisme - 1 L 66. Llama - 1 67. LordNugget - 1 68-69. LunaSparkle - 2 M 70. meagles - 1 71. MissHalloween - 1 N 72. Nativegal - 1 O P 73-76. Pastelle - 4 77. pearlpapillon - 1 Q R 78-79. Redrock - 2 80-95. Roosiket - 15 S 96. sarahcat777 - 1 97. Sleepwalking - 1 98-99. Snowpea - 2 100. Steampunk - 1 T 101. Taokaka - 1
U 102. universe - 1 V 103. Veram - 1
104-105. vera13 - 2 W 106. WaffleRocket101 - 1 X Y 107. Yuume - 1 108-109. Yoshi3357 - 2
Z 110-112. ZebraSan - 2 113. Zen - 1
Thank you all for entering
Currently at
70 Declined 70 Accepted
Amorous Tattoo - complete Apathetic Tattoo - complete Sorrowbound Wings - 70/70 Lovebound Wings - 70/70 COMPLETE!!!
**entry list is in alphabetical order so that everyone is easy to find when raffle is drawn** Aero,Aidin8,albino0rca,Alien,anananubia,angel123456,Blacksasscat,BunnysaurusRex,Chickaree,Cyco,Devoid, Dragosauroslol,eenobegeeto,EmuCat,EmoWolf1,FallenNights,Fernweh,FreyasArrow,Jewelzzies,Jetsam,KarmaLion,Katiee ,Kisme,Llama,LordNugget,LunaSparkle,meagles,MissHalloween,Nativegal,Pastelle,pearlpapillon,Redrock,Roosiket,sarahcat777,Sleepwalking ,Snowpea,Steampunk,Taokaka,universe,Veram,vera13,WaffleRocket101,Yuume,Yoshi3357,ZebraSan,Zen,
4:14pm Feb 24 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
All updated!
8:45pm Feb 24 2016
Normal User
Posts: 570
Just a heads up you can only collect each prize once. The only way to get multiple sets of the wings or whatever else is to buy them from other players
1:29am Feb 25 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
Oh... I didn't realise. I'll shorten the deadline then. Thanks!
11:20am Feb 25 2016 (last edited on 11:31am Feb 25 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 292
8 declines to go!!!
As soon as we hit 70, all requests are going to be declined.
11:41am Feb 25 2016
Normal User
Posts: 103
Wait...you get credit for accepting/declining valentines as well as for when people accept or decline yours?
6:51am Feb 26 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
What do you mean?
6:51pm Feb 26 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
There are 29 requests left!!!
After that, I am going to sell tickets for one week at 50k, for those that want a higher chance of getting that quelis or have missed out.
5:50pm Feb 27 2016 (last edited on 5:50pm Feb 27 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 292
10:48am Feb 28 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
Light's are going off! No more valentines needed, We've hit 140!
I'm so glad!
From the 28th Feb to the 6th March, tickets are available at 50k. Tell your friends and thank you all for helping!
Taokaka - you were the 140th request - thank you!
7:50am Mar 5 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
5:58pm Mar 7 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
Honourable Mention - Taokaka, for being the final request.
Natural Sheafu - FallenNights
Blonde Zaphao - BunnysaurusRex
Achromatic Ahea - Pastelle
And Finally,
The one we've all been waiting for
The suspense is wild
Who will it be?
The lovely,
Goes tooooo
(What are the chances? 1 in 113! THAT'S INSANE!!!)
Each winner will be Rmailed. If Rmail is not answered within 24 hours (it'll probably be slightly longer than that), Day by day a contestant will loose a ticket until there are only 10 left. Then raffle will be re-drawn for that prize.
The same will happen if you are absurd and decide that you don't want the prize.
Congrats Winners!!!
9:25am Mar 13 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
Two prizes are now UNCLAIMED. The Natural Sheafu and the Albino Quelis are going to be drawn throughout march. Each day, 5 people will be taken out of each list.
You can buy yourself back into the list, by sending me a 50k barter token. You can buy yourself back in however many times you want and can buy more tickets for a securer chance of winning.
Send me an Rmail with the ammount of tickets and state which list you are re-entering.
Many Thanks,
12:50pm Mar 14 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
People Out: Zen
12:50pm Mar 14 2016
Normal User
Posts: 292
Natural Sheafu
People out: Taokaka