First Raffle: The Wyrae

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6:19am Apr 9 2020 (last edited on 6:55pm Apr 30 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hello, everyone, that's my first raffle so I'm sorry if I'm not doing something right, I will be happy to tell me so I could correct me. Thats the Wyrae Raffle. 
First of all here are the prizes :

Actacos - The Blonde Dusted Wyrae

Butterwick - The Frostlight Albino Tesuri 
Jyni - The Stardust Gold & Silver Shaefu 

Barbarons - The Derp Natural Otachie (It can be dyed if the winner wants to as a bonus) 

Next are the tickets:
A single ticket costs 100k

I'm accepting items such as Dye Kits, Natural Colored Jelly Beans or Random Morphing Potions. Here are how much tickets gives you every item :

+ Amber Dye Kit - 20 tickets 
+ Orchid Dye kit - 30 tickets 
+ Lemon Dye kit - 35 tickets 
+ Magenta Dye kit - 35 tickets 
+ Azure Dye kit - 40 tickets 
+ Lime Dye kit - 50 tickets 
+ Indigo Dye kit - 65 tickets 
+ Rose Dye kit - 80 tickets 
+ Gold & Silver Dye kit - 120 tickets 
+ Random Dye kit - 150 tickets 

I'm Accepting CS Creatu as well:
For a nattie - 3 tickets 
Nattie retired CS - 1000 tickets 
If they are dyed with :
Amber dye kit - 25 tickets 
Anything else - 50 tickets 

,, Trash" and Colored (if someone even wants to give them LOL) creatu accepted as well. 

+ Nattie - 1 ticket
+ Sepia - 2 tickets
+ Cream 3 tickets
+ Black - 5 tickets
+ Ginger - 7 tickets
+ Silver - 10 tickets
+ Blonde - 20 tickets
+ Achromatic 20 tickets 
+ Calico 35 tickets
+ Albino - 40 tickets

+ Natural Colored Jelly Bean - 80 tickets 
+ Mutation Potion
+ Random Morphing Potion - 135 tickets 

+ Derp Axolotl Squishy - 5 tickets 
+ Queen Axolotl Squishy - 7 tickets 

....... Seasonal eggs...... 
+ Easero egg - 20 tickets
+ Kurrabi egg - 15 tickets 
+ Iluvu egg - 15 tickets 
+ Any other seasonal egg - 10 tickets 

Accepting seeds as well:
Every seed from the hunts - 2 points each 

End date May 1st

The rules are simple:
1. Respect the others. 
2. If you don't win, it's not my fault since I'm gonna choose the winners with a random number renerator. Don't be mad at me.
3. I can postpone (End the raffle later) if I think that there aren't enough items /tu to pay for the provided creatu. 
4. I will keep track of everything in personal notes so it can be easier for me but I will post how many tickets each of you have. 
5. I have a right to change the rules anytime but not In a bad way for anyone. 
6. Everything sent to me it's considered mine and I can do whatever I want with it unless I happen to close the raffle. A return is possible if you Rmail me about it if something went wrong. 
7. I can end the raffle of any time for any personal reasons. Of course I will return everything that you have given to me for joining the raffle. If that happens it may take more than a day for the items to be returned. 


10:49pm Apr 10 2020

Normal User

Posts: 164
Sent you 4 nattie jahra :p


10:57pm Apr 10 2020 (last edited on 4:35am May 1 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 436
If I count or type something wrong, please correct me! 
Schemes 1-12
Bones 13-227
Wanderland 228-327
Rosette 328-347
Growlithe 348-467
Red/Jenn 468-487
GlitchGirl 488-1057
RedDust 1058-1110
Autumn 1111-1149
SecretsOfTheShadows 1150-1154
Autumn 1155-1165
RedDust 1166-1187
SecretsOfTheShadows 1188-1191
Autumn 1192-1200
Chaos 1201-1350
SecretsOfTheShadows 1351-1353
Autumn 1354-1359
SecretsOfTheShadows 1360-1365
RedDust 1366-1368
Autumn 1369-1377
SecretsOfTheShadows 1378-1382
Chaos 1383-1432
RedDust 1433-1435
GlitchGirl 1436-1465
Autumn 1466-1473
Autumn 1474-1779
Growlithe 1780-1859
GlitchGirl - 1860-1881
GlitchGirl 1882-1893
RedDust 1893-1906
Growlithe 1907-2069
Autumn 2070-2075
Autumn 2076-2084
SecretsOfTheShadows 2085-2093
Autumn 2094-2101
Bloodyn 2102-2111
Kush 2112-2121
Growlithe 2122-2209
SecretsOfTheShadows 2210-2221
Autumn 2222-2230
Autumn 2231-2237
Growlithe 2238-2350
RedDust 2351-2410
GlitchGirl 2411-2550
Autumn 2551-2560
Autumn 2561-2572
Autumn 2573-2577
Growlithe 2578-2587
GlitchGirl 2588-2639
RedDust 2640-2646
Autumn 2647-2650
Autumn 2651-2654
Schemes 2655-2668
SecretsOfTheShadows 2669-2769
SecretsOfTheShadows 2770-2772
Illuminati 2773-2826
Last time entry :
Chaos 2827-3332


11:12pm Apr 10 2020 (last edited on 8:48am Apr 19 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 142

Sending you an RMP for 135 tickets and a NCJB for 80 tickets!

Image Not Available
Wyrae art by Bucky!

1:51am Apr 11 2020 (last edited on 1:55am Apr 11 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 557
Oooh wyrae <3
Sent 5 sepia, 1 black, 1 amber and indigo dye kit (100 tickets)


6:22pm Apr 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 85
Sent a blonde ahea :)

10:46am Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 14
I sent 19 natt, 4 sepia, 1 cream, 1 black, 1 silver, 1 calico, 1 albino. Makes 120 tickets

11:37am Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 349
Sent 2 mil c:


12:11pm Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 12
Okay, i sent those things:

natties 6, nattie CS 1, sepia 7, cream 6, black 7, ginger 6, silver 4, blonde 2, achro 1, calico 3, albino 1. queen axo 1, azure dye kit 1 and 2 naturl colored jelly beans

12:35pm Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 12
im in. i sent naturals 9, sepias 9, creams 2 and 2 silvers

12:41pm Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 305
I sent 12 natties, 1 sepia, 1 CS and 1 achromatic, should total to 27 tickets i think?


12:47pm Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 305
sent two more natties!


2:44pm Apr 12 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Sent 5 natties!


9:33am Apr 13 2020

Normal User

Posts: 305
i sent a few more natties over, not sure if it was 11 or 12!


12:58pm Apr 13 2020

Normal User

Posts: 12
i sent 2 more natties and a blonde berrok

9:18pm Apr 13 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Sent a cream zapho and a nattie valabex


1:22pm Apr 14 2020

Normal User

Posts: 305
sent 9 more natties!


1:38pm Apr 14 2020

Normal User

Posts: 321
I’d like to buy 150 tickets, sending 15 mil


4:04pm Apr 15 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
sent 3 natties


7:46pm Apr 15 2020

Normal User

Posts: 305
sent 6 natties!

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