Free raffle thingy of awesome epicness wow so cool omg

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5:08am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 5:18pm Dec 8 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 184




Yep, its that time again ladies and gentlemen, when I put some goodies up for grabs for the sake of positivity!


This time, all you have to do is find people who fit the following categories to you (you must choose a player for every catagory):

Most generous player

Favourite username

Best artist (if you don't know any artists, look at the artists studio section of the forums and decide who you like best)

Best profile

Unique player - with explanation of what makes them unique (yes I know that everyone is unique, but choose a person that you think is cool or quirky and that you can say lots about)


Post you answers on this thread (please don't rmail me the entries as the alerts would be crazy xD)






click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2744746);" href="">








So there you have it folks! All that's left to say is good luck!!!


P.S. Thanks so much for the donations for 2-4th place (you know who you are :D) ILY <3






1. Headache

2. Infernofire

3. Octopusbaby

4. Llama

5. Insane

6. Redrock

7. Pretzel

8. lilie

9. MissHalloween

10. Murderess

11. GaltaGirl

12. Anthony101

13. Boomboom39

14. Hyprus

15. Awesomepanda168

16. Nick

17. Zen

18. Lynx

19. MyMeloChan

20. Cursive

21. Bahearts

22. Loki

23. Mmamushi

24. water51

25. Lovergirl2468

26. Jerry24


Winners~ (drawn using


1st - #1 Headache


2nd - #19 MyMeloChan


3rd - #12 Anthony101


4th - #23 Mmamushi




5:27am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 5:39am Dec 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 694
Most generous player- Fireelf
Favourite username- Arcanewolf
Best Artist- Syaraa 
Best profile- Llama
Most unique player- Jess because she is awesome writer and drawer. She is such a kind user to everyone and never wishes for anyone to pay her back for all the awesome gifts. She is like my sister and she needs to learn how awesome she is.


5:33am Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

Most generous player - Octopusbaby at this very moment, due to the 102 alerts she spammed me with <3 But fireelf for president * o *

Favourite username - My username is actually the best [in my humble and modest opinion - snorts] but if not Cecil, Fawn, or Salt.

Best artist - I really really like KiraraNeko's omg, but Loki's is amazing and so is LoveDroid's! And man Crow's art is sublime man.

Best profile - Uh, my old profile used to be my favourite, but I changed it. So I'm thinkin' Zen's c:

Most unique player - InfernoFire, to me, is the most unique player. Because with every disability she has, every trouble she faces, and every person who sneers at her [or insulted her writing] ; she has never given up, lost hope, or surrendered to the status quo. She is a lovely, well-expressed human being and I admire her so much. I feel as if she is the most unique because of these reasons, and many more <3

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

5:36am Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 381

Most generous player: without a doubt would have to be Tiberius

Favourite username: yours tommeh <3

Best artist: whoever drew waterlogged books, i will have to come back to this

Best profile: ummm i dont really take note of many peoples profiles except mine because I adore my profile coding but i have to say that any person who uses 3mmiques coding is a legend because her profiles are ace!

Most unique player - ZOEH! (*cough* Headache) She's literally one of my favourite people on this whole dang site. She makes me laugh and she's always so appreciative of everything which i find sometimes I actually don't find as a quality in people.


5:36am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 5:38am Dec 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 777

Most generous player.  Thowra. All her gifts are meaningful in some way.

Favourite username.  Outsane

Best artist. AgnesChan. I really like her style.

Best profile My own. I can spend hours making my own base codes and seasonal themes when in the mood to code and take pride in my work. I especially love doing styles that are more out the box.

Most unique player -  pretty much everyone is unique so I don't feel it's possible to name a specific person. I guess I would say creepy. With her weird collections of nail clippers and dead flies and her ability to make sure her face is covered so nobody can see her on every selfie


5:52am Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,422

Most generous player; Gelgarin. An old, old user, who doesn't come online anymore. When he quit res, a few years back, he gave myself and another person items and tu equal to at least 250m a piece. 

Favourite username; Outsane~

Best artist; Hm... I personally adore KiraraNeko's artstyle. 

Best profile; Either Poison or KiraraNeko

Most unique player; There are SO many people I could put here, but I'll /try/ to pick just one... I think... I'll choose Kubbi. When I met Kubs, I was probably thirteen, to be honest. Kubs put up with pre-teen me, and never ceased to intrigue me with stories of his snakes and missing fingers. Countless nights were spent talking about his reptiles and the insane situations he'd get himself into.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

6:39am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 3:42am Dec 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,942

Most generous player - Jess / Tomburgerpie

Favourite username - Pegasus

Best artist -Muspell

Best profile -kibo's because of the kiokas on it. I love kioka

Most unique player - Jess because she's always zapping other people's pets for free and very nice to talk to.


9:56am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 9:57am Dec 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 76

Most generous player: Tiberius hands down. They give everything away and next to never keep anything for themselves. 

Favorite username: Quarantine - They collect names of diseases and viruses and that's just too funny to me in conjunction with their username. 

Best artist: Me, because I feel left out :C / Creepy/Zen

Best profile: I don't look at  profiles too often but I like Judge's. It's not eye bleedy and I like the use of colours. 

Most unique player - This is kind of an unfair question, it's like asking me to choose a favorite and I don't think I'm gonna do that so I hope this answer suffices instead. I don't do favoritism on grand scales, and there is no one player I like above all others on here. Everybody on my ResPal list is valued just as much as the next person.


10:02am Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 184

Ok Hyprus, just pick a player that you know and explain what makes them unique. Doesn't have to incite favouratism


10:11am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 3:55pm Dec 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652

Most generous player


Favourite username 

Mine :P But besides mine i love  CSK's cause it stands as Cozy Sock Kitten (To me :P)

Best artist AgnesChan her style is amazing.

Best profile um idk but I really like Bunny's profile.

Most unique player Bunny we have womance going on. We think alike in many stuff and we're both coocoo in the head :P I wuv chu Jessie <33333333



12:11pm Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 12:48am Dec 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
Most generous player, Zaefyra, choongi, tomburgerpie and lastchance96
Favourite username: Lillie (?) XD
Best artist: misshalloween
Best profile: the hippi
Unique player - Zaefyra because she is the best! She always gifts me and talks to and is really nice. ^^


12:21pm Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 12:22pm Dec 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 3,005

Most generous player...Bahearts, cause not only helps out,but gives gifts 

at times for no reason.


Favourite username....Blue. Cause well,its one of my fave colors,

and i get to call him blue-berry,and i love blue berries..and i can say

stuff like 'hey blue,why so blue?' or 'blue berry boy'. teehee.


Best artist... I say Zaefyra. Cause she did some amazing entries

this year,and years back.And shes going to collages to do amazing

arts. She can take a concept and just make it twist around

into some thing that would make you drop your jaw.


Best profile....angel12345. Cause she got thoes animals

and flashing sparkly profile. WOOT!!


Unique player... Gosh i would pick myself,but i don't think i can

So, i shall pick 14BrokenMirriors. cause when she does come on

the sb she can really lighten the mood,and then loves to talk

about food,and makes us all crave it.then for some reason we

can smell the food right from the computer. then she can

mysteriously vanish for a long while,yet still knows whats going

on in here,and seems to pop up,when you mention the word 'bacon'.

I think thats pretty unique.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

4:33pm Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,122

Most generous player-Tiberius

Favourite username-bahearts

Best artist-AgnesChan

Best profile-Llama

Unique player-I'll have to go with Nick. He has a very unique username compared to others it's rare to get a username as your name. He's very blunt and honest which I really like in a person. He knows a lot about the site, because he's been on here since like res started lol. And he's a really nice and likable person.


4:36pm Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 737
Most Generous Player: Tiberius
Favorite Username: Vamp
Best Artist: Zaefyra
Best Profile: Octopusbaby
Unique Player: dude41 because we talk a lot and he is a generally sweet person and he's really nice, he's helped me when I was sad and mad, and I was there if he needed anyone to talk to. And he is just an overall, lovable person <3


6:00pm Dec 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 85
Most Generous: Deam564
Favorite Username: Tomburgerpie (not kidding)
Best Artist: KiaraNeko
Most Unique: Wolf

7:07am Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 500

Most generous player: xXStormyXx. Thanks Stormy! 

Favourite username: Cursive

Best artist: Crow. I love their art!

Best profile: GODL1KESME :)

Unique player: xXStormyXx. She is always up for a conversation, and she'll help you through anything :)

Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!

1:25pm Dec 6 2014 (last edited on 1:28pm Dec 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200

Most generous player: holidays321

Favourite username: Blue

Best artist: Florence

Best Profile: I love mine. So um me.

Unique player: Dozdays. She is super kind and very outgoing. I've never met anyone like her.


4:34pm Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 136

Most generous player: Tibe of course and sorcerer465 (cough)

Favourite username: Drow *look up the lore behind this it's nuts it's a society of female elitist dark elves*

Best artist: Zaefyra most definitely her edible halloween piece from last year was just outstanding.

Best profile: okay I have 3 if that's okay xD Raychol, Llama, and Xeeroh.

Unique player:  I would have to say the most unique players is everyone :D!  But just because I have to pick 1 let's go with Smuh because she is totally random in her on way, her obsession with clothes items and natural colored jelly bean spree's is so random and unique xD.. Her username has a very unique background and I really enjoy this user as a whole so there :D!


6:09pm Dec 6 2014 (last edited on 6:09pm Dec 6 2014)


Posts: 3,217

Most generous player: You ;w; 

Favourite username : *whistles* ehmm wow that's a hard one. Probably CH purely for the number of nicknames you can get out of it |D 

Best artist:  Spears or Zaefyra o3o

Best profile: can I say mine? ^^""

Unique player: everyone is unique in their own way soo ehmm Bahearts, they are kind, crazy and sweet with a great sense of humor :p


6:10pm Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 104

Most generous player: Nick

Favourite username: Lynx. No kidding... But other than that, Bunny. Cause Animal names ftw

Best artist: Emothivamp

Best profile: Llama's

Unique player - We are all unique? Um.. I'm not good at this. I have several friends that help me and make me feel special. Nick, Bunny, Emothivamp, Bahearts, Lovergirl2468, Noctre. They all have been there to help me out when I needed someone to talk to. They have been supportive and kind, understanding and compassionate. I am glad to call them my friends. (Sorry if this doesn't count...)

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