Free Resmas Raffle/Giveaway

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1:42pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 6:51pm Dec 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
Hey there!

This year I've collected enough pets and items to hold a small raffle/giveaway for Christmas.
Though, right now I only have about 50 pets and i'm not sure how many items. 

So donations are loved and appreciated.

The pets being given away can be found in the Resmas gifts section of my showroom
and the items can be found under the Resmas gifts section of my gallery.

To Enter:
One ticket per person. To get a ticket, post here with something funny. pictures, jokes. Or not, I don't really care. :D


I will assign you numbers.
Winning numbers will be picked randomly on Christmas Day and I ---
totally unrelated face
Here is some of the stuff up for grabs!

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

1:44pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 1:09pm Dec 26 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
Ticket Numbers:
1) Frank1110987 - Secavi, black ebilia
2) Florence - Wyrae Scarf
3) Dustfire - Venaji, amber tesuri
4) Mustache - Hookra, undead draqua
5) Pegasus - Tendency, orchid paor
6) Ka - Darigon, amber mutant sirleon
7) Canada - Frostmark, silver otachie
8) maclew13 - Shinimun, silver mirabilis
9) angel123456 - Encompass, stardusted zaphao
10) ponylover1996 - Cirale, mutant aukira
11) Scar - Xiha, natural cyid
12) Shadow - Minyan, blonde aukira
13) Pandoryn - Dashrin, silver gondra
14) Liiish  - Melanochroic, mutant meiko
15) Kewlgirl - Atquati Goody Bag 2011
16)HereLiestheHero - Loyure Creatu Egg
17)LunarStorm - Owliette, natural uilus
18) Gasp - Meraso, silver meragon
19) Neomaemae - Kuoka Creatu Egg
20) Souten - Bonneh, orchid leverene
21) Miss Halloween - Banditra, indigo ebbie
22) Sasafras - Buwei, blonde gondra
23) Owly - Givler, mutant meiko
24) Taila - Grege, sepia undead kayoki
25) Piggie668- Hollid, blonde aukira
26) Redrock - Bellorum, blonde otachie
27) Voyboy - Klerna, orchid meiko
28) Frayz - Atquati Goody Bag 2012
29) lilypadgurl - HURRMONKEY, nattie saruka
30) Linkification - SilverStardust, blonde dusted zennie
31) lunel - Scrap Leather Leg Wrap
32) nenebaby - Jeshe, indigo narwi
33) Decker - Black Intimidating Jaaku Mask
34) bkat99 - Dabora, lemon iluvu
35) megabyte - Drepio, undead sepia drindian
36) ThePhoenixUnchained - Garenal, rose aerix
37) Wickednew - Dearst, undead kayoki
38) Dragoon147- Stormfang, rose goiba
39) Kitten5862 - Cang, silver berrok
40) Lunchboxbaby - Quadesh, azure mutant otachie
41) Salt - Margret, stardusted valabex

blue = sent!

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

1:46pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,658

So a neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "How much for a drink?"
The bartender answered, "For you, no charge"


2:21pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 2:22pm Dec 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
I am terrible at jokes. D:
But I'll give it a shot:

What's green, fuzzy, has four legs, and if it fell out of a tree, it would kill you?
A pool table.


2:26pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 2:27pm Dec 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 468

Lol. XD


2:32pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 2:33pm Dec 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 53
Oh no, jokes... 
So my friend and I were playing chess one day.
"Let's make this more interesting..." I said.
I flipped the table over, and we stopped playing chess. 
kinda like this: 
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

3:44pm Dec 9 2012


Posts: 1,586


Entering please :P


3:47pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 239


3:52pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
why was 6 afraid of 7?
because 7 8(ate)9
ehehe bad jokes |D

may i enter? :3


3:53pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 4:21pm Dec 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
oops double post x-x


3:55pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 336
my joke is....  
There was a blonde, a red head, and a burnett, and they were climbing the stairs to heaven.  The angel told them that they had to climb the 100 stairs of laughter.  Each stair would have a joke, and if you laughed, you would have to go all the way down and start again.  So the Burnett got to 63, the red head got to 82, and the Blonde got all the way up to 99 and started laughing. "I haven't told you the joke yet" said the angel.  "I know" replied the blonde, "I just got number 1"


3:55pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 336
my joke is....  
There was a blonde, a red head, and a burnett, and they were climbing the stairs to heaven.  The angel told them that they had to climb the 100 stairs of laughter.  Each stair would have a joke, and if you laughed, you would have to go all the way down and start again.  So the Burnett got to 63, the red head got to 82, and the Blonde got all the way up to 99 and started laughing. "I haven't told you the joke yet" said the angel.  "I know" replied the blonde, "I just got number 1"


3:56pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 336
sorry don't know why it did it twice?


4:09pm Dec 9 2012 (last edited on 1:15pm Dec 26 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 638


4:28pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 391
Well I'm bad a jokes, so why dont you go look up Chuggaconroy on youtube and my joke can be all of his funny puns.

5:21pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 244


6:49pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Look, it's Picolas Cage. 

hello my name is elder price

6:54pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 704


Sig in progress

6:55pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 461
Okay okay i got this one in the baaaaag :D

Did you hear about the hyena who drank a pint of gravy?
He was a laughing stock

-holds stomache-
okayokay next one

What did the ghost say to the bee?

well i found them funny...

Roditore Queen, Always

7:03pm Dec 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,058
Don't break people's heart, they only have one, break their bones, they have 206
I'll join
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