9:46am Aug 11 2018 (last edited on 9:34am Aug 22 2018)
Normal User 
Posts: 552
So... I've been gone awhile, and if it isn't obvious, I've lost interest in the the game, so I'm giving away everything I own, as I have no use for it and it will be better used by people who actually have interest in this game
Inventory: Black Beach Ball Marble, Blessed Flowers, Dog-toothed Violet Seed, Jade Stardust Telescope, Missiletoe, Relcore Berries, Toilet Paper Launcher, Vroom Vroom Broom, Xespas Charm Of Protection
In Graveyard (You will have to give me a Resurrection item): Otachie: Natrual(7), Sepia(1) Non-Otachie: Sepia Vogar
10:16am Aug 11 2018 (last edited on 10:38am Aug 11 2018)
Normal User 
Posts: 43
May I grab WitheredHeart, the albino undead Otachie? Been my other egg goal for a bino Otachie xD Also maybe the achromatic frost light myotis
10:23am Aug 11 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 1,186
May I have the Blonde Vogar, and maybe the graveyard backdrop?
10:35am Aug 11 2018 (last edited on 10:36am Aug 11 2018)
Normal User 
Posts: 2
@StormfootTheDemon Ahhh, this newbie is excited, so many fun things! May I take the Miko Crain Hakama and WiltingRoses, the undead Otachie please? My middle name is Rose so his name really spoke to me. You have a lot of nice names! (Also really loved the name HeavensBones. Fits so well!)
Thank you so very much for doing this!
10:45am Aug 11 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 552
All Requests up this point have been fulfilled
5:15pm Aug 11 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 1,764
Can I get the burial chest wrappings please?
6:35pm Aug 11 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 3,011
May I get the attack pumpkin,field 0f pumpkins,and Seashell necklace?
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen!
9:55pm Aug 11 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 9
Could I have the winter wonderland backdrop..I've always wanted a backdrop but have never had one....
11:31pm Aug 12 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 35
Hello! I just looked through your showroom. Umm, could I please have AngelsClaw, DeathTails, DiscoFur, FallenBane, Grayear, HeavensBones, LightPelt, MessyPelt, StealthHeart EpicLion, JadeSoul and LillyFur? I like to collect creatures with the undead effect and dye colours. Actually, I like to collect any creatures. I hoard creatures. Thank you ^w^
7:28pm Aug 13 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 2,088
Could I have Kumaal and Oakear please? <3
8:03pm Aug 13 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 57
May i have the endless slice of pie?
8:16pm Aug 13 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 204
May I please take the Albino Ebilia wings from the closet? Thank you for the generosity, I hope you have fun wherever you go next.
10:35pm Aug 13 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 557
May i have lovelypet, nightmareclaws, everlasting jar of sand, reclore star map and flame belted vest?
4:33pm Aug 14 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 57
Ty !
7:22pm Aug 14 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 3,011
Thank you for the lovely gifts!
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen!
9:25am Aug 15 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 35
Thank you so much! Umm... Is there a limit to how much you can request? I mean, I don't want to seem greedy but I did see a few more pets that tickled my fancy such as SavannahFur, FiresRoar and WitheredSoul. And I only just noticed the list you have for pets in the graveyard. Can I also ask for the Amber, Lemon and Magenta mutant otchies as well as the silver? I can supply the resurrection potions for all 4. Also, I know this is greedy of me, but could I perhaps trouble you for some tu? I'm a little short for something I want. You have every right to refuse if you see fit considering I am requesting stuff for the second time. If you are okay with it, can you rmail me when you want the resurrection potions? Sorry for the long message ^^'
9:31am Aug 15 2018 (last edited on 9:33am Aug 15 2018)
Normal User 
Posts: 552
Please take whatever you want, I want to get rid of it all
2:26am Aug 21 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 35
Hey! Me again! I managed to get a hold of 12 res potions so I can clear out your graveyard a bit more. Could I get the Ginger Zenirix, Cream Drindian, Black Drindian, Natural mutant Vogar, All the derp otachies, all the mutant otachies and the Ginger and black regular otachies please? And I'll empty out your closet a bit too. Could I also have the Cupid Arrow, Cupid Bow and Arrows, Dark Heart Print Boxers, Essence of Youth, Ice Skates, Jade Stardust Blazer, Jade Stardust Dress Pants, Narwi Onesie, Paper Bag, Purple Halloween Dress Jacket, Scary Halloween Flag, Steel Sword, Tiki Mask, Trick or Treat Bag and Zaphao Oni Mask. Rmail me when you want the potions. Thank you!
11:51am Aug 21 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 62
can I have the natrul mutant vogar and a mutant oatchie
8:42pm Nov 1 2018
Normal User 
Posts: 131
May I have what ever is left over or that users don't want