9:44am May 22 2018 (last edited on 4:05pm May 28 2018)
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Posts: 316
CLOSED!! Thank you guys so much! Her name is EVA!
Hi There! So, I have recently obtained a 5 year old female iguana that was in need of a new home. However, she has no name. Normally, after giving it some time, i can come up with the perfect fitting name. This time though, i am having a bit of trouble and it has already been almost 3 weeks. My girl needs a name that fits her.
SO! That's where Res comes in! I need your help. I need some awesome suggestions from your brains. Don't worry, you will be handsomely rewarded even just for trying whether i choose a name you suggest or not.
How This Works: Users can submit as many names as they would like, the more the better. For every user that even attempts to help with a name fitting suggestions 1 and 2 below, 3mil tu will be sent to them for their efforts, even if i do not choose one of their names. This does NOT mean that the user will get 3mil for every name. It is a one time reward. I do not have a time limit as i wont know what the right name is until i see it and it just sort of clicks. Therefore, i cannot give a limit to this forum. There is a chance i come up with a name myself while looking through your names and using one as a reference. If i do not use the exact name suggested, but the suggested name was used to get to the chosen name, that user will be rewarded the same as if the suggested name itself were chosen. The user whose name is chosen or used as a reference will received 25mil tu!!! It is free and there is no cost to participate!!!
Suggestions for Submission: 1.) I tend to prefer 1-2 syllable names as they are shorter and easier to say and i often make nicknames out of them anyway. 2.) While not off limits, try to avoid names starting with A, B, E, G, K, L, and N as those are the letters my other nine babies' names start with and i am hoping for something different. 3.) I am a fan of weird letters randomly thrown together to make something cute or nice. It does NOT have to be an actual name.
EDIT: I am partial, for her, to 1-2 syllable names starting with "P"
Names of my Current Babies: Ara- Tarantula Baxter- Ferret Binx- Ferret Echo- Savvy monitor lizard Eiji- Plecostamus Grissly- Cat Kobe- Tortoise Lily- Hamster Nano- Leopard Gecko
(I will add a picture of her when i figure out how to make it fit and not be crazy huge)
10:07am May 22 2018 (last edited on 10:41am May 22 2018)
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Posts: 1,179
First names that come to mind: Diana Sarah Melissa Mia Victoria Hannah Mac Chariot Spot Jiji Penny Tabby Ruffles Stella Sandy Pita Pistachio
10:11am May 22 2018 (last edited on 3:35am May 23 2018)
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Posts: 1
How about names like .. Raquel , Delores, Ivory , Solana , Excella , kraljica (j spelled as y) Iris , Hera, Lumina , Vanille , Yeul , Yuna , Shams (means sun) , Daisy .
10:13am May 22 2018 (last edited on 2:07pm May 28 2018)
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Posts: 63
Drac (Is the catalan way to say Dragon) Shy Sun Sand Sea
Well, I hope it helps lol (Maybe I edit this later xD) EDIT:
Kurt Fan Ilua Maley Karey Tara Baran Hei
Moon Star Laisa Pepa (an Spanish form of Joseph (for girls)) Leaf Ona (Catalan name for Wave) Duna (Dune in catalan/spanish) Lluna (Moon in catalan)
10:15am May 22 2018 (last edited on 10:19am May 22 2018)
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Posts: 2,122
Lizzie Tina Dolly Minnie Anita Penelope Princess Octavia Precious Jade Penny Athena Gamora - I am a huge fan of this one idk seems fitting ;P
10:42am May 22 2018 (last edited on 10:43am May 22 2018)
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Posts: 556
Iggy (Sounds cute ;) Cayden Poshé Sunshine Tillie
10:51am May 22 2018
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Posts: 43
Harlow Juno Margot (or Margo) Shiloh Willow
Figured I'd go with a theme based around what your other two lizards are named. I see a sort of rhyme/rhythm going on there. Hopefully, you find something for your bab!
11:16am May 22 2018
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Posts: 13
what about?: seriana, clara, romana, morgana, serena?
11:37am May 22 2018
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Posts: 17
I like Zora Xanis (zan iss) Nagini Petrichor (which means the smell of the earth after it rains)
6:07pm May 22 2018
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Posts: 31
May 22: Slither; Scales; Dessy (like a desert); Claws; Swifty
12:51am May 26 2018
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Posts: 6
Lisko Firben Kadal Zandolit
^^^ they all mean Lizard in some other language, but like they sound so cool!
11:25pm May 26 2018
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Posts: 3,000
Candy,cassy,carnisour,cherry,chomp,chilly,crystal,case,Cyrus,clove. Daisy,doughnut,dairy,dreamy,draco,druid,Demon,dino,DD. Fawna,Frito,face,figgy,freya,frill,floam,fatty,flow,fairy. Hanna,hellen,Houdini. Icey,ivy,itchy,imp. Jackie,Jillian,jello. Mushy,missy,Mohan,milly,Munster,mimi. Opal. Piggy,pepper,pickle,pimple. Quartz. Rootie,raison,rachial. Sally,sweets,sammich,sassafrass,sassy. Tutu,tootsie,tamillia. Vulkin,voodoo. Wanda,willow. Yogurt,yoda. Zulu,zoozoo.
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen! \r\n \r\n\r\n
12:48pm May 28 2018
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Posts: 42
Cairo (Capital of Egypt) Celine Celise Cherish Chupra (kinda short for Chupacabra lol) Drachen (German for dragon) Daffa Dormi Demi Doris Dactyl (like Pterodactyl dinos) Destiny (maybe desti for short) Glory Ira Isto Illux Istra Imp Ioris Nempa Nekku Nehdri Naela Saurus Sauris Stein (German for stone) Siffri
To be updated when I'm feeling more creative ;P
2:17pm May 28 2018
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Posts: 376
Karis Carma Karma Susanna Shyann Belle Luna Truffle Rose Jenna Jenny Matilda Rosey Leah Andrea Gretal Vestal Eva Piper Prudence (Prue) Prue Thirza Krystal Arabella Nanook Anaba (native american meaning she returns from war)
2:23pm May 28 2018
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Posts: 735
Not 2 sylables, but seeing how you have another lizard named Echo, How about 'Parody' as a synonym. Because P 'Phansy' for a very Fancy lady.
Persephone for the goddess lady.
Teifling (Teef-ling) is a D&D race for one touched by feinds or demons. It is also a really nice word and is fitting for reptiles.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
2:36pm May 28 2018 (last edited on 2:36pm May 28 2018)
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Posts: 99
Digit Nixie Cindy Jen Ragi Veri Jenrah Lexi Mika
2:51pm May 28 2018
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Posts: 206
PixiePetunia Piper Peatree Tara Zena Dahlie Dedra Fauna Callie Mayra Vivia Hope you like some of these :)
4:04pm May 28 2018 (last edited on 4:06pm May 28 2018)
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Posts: 316
Thank you everyone for helping with name suggestions. You guys came up with some awesome names, some i may even use for future children. I was considering Eve during part of the process but the decided upon name for my new girl is Eva, suggested by Islandgirl. Thanks again for everyone's help. Below is a link you can follow to see a few pictures of my gorgeous girl :)
8:12pm May 28 2018
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Posts: 3,000
I thought you said to stay away from names beginning in the same, Letter,as the rest of you babies. Or I would have suggested more.
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen! \r\n \r\n\r\n
8:11am May 29 2018
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Posts: 316
I said to try to avoid them but that they weren't off limits. I also said I wouldn't know the right name until I saw it and it just fit. When islandgirl first suggested it i at first overlooked it because it's another E name but it also kind of fit her. I advertised two separate times after originally seeing it but no other one that I saw, searched for, or came up with fit her bett r so unfortunately there's another E name to my group. Willow first suggested by Ebonrabbit and Ivy, one of your suggestions were two others I heavily considered as well. Regardless thank you for all the suggestions as they were a great help.