Hi Guys. I have pretties to give you.

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2:42pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
Pet Name: 
Pet Location: CS
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Because Who wouldn't want an Ivik? It would live on my profile.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

2:43pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 47
Thank you so much <3 You have just helped me make her birthday better (even if I am a horrible friend and was a couple days late D8 )  -big hugs-  Good luck with college <3 It will be worth it!


Selling/Trading: My items for tu/food/pets.


2:45pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Epic: I think I'm going to find another home for Indiah, since you've already gotten a pet.

Mickeyy: I must not have. 0_0 Its been kind of hectic. I'll go look.

2:47pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
Pet name: Oryon
Location: NFS
Plans for future: Keeping forever haha. I'd probably have a character design in mind for him, but I am terrible about actually putting them down on paper. ;_; As you might tell by my username, I really like monkeys. :] I think sarukas are pretty neat but unfortunately I am not a gambler and don't like to buy eggs to hatch. 
I will however say that he will mostly be in my showroom. I don't like to keep pets on my profile, as they often die, but I would love him nonetheless. He could romp with all the other pets I have. :]
His name is really pretty too, and the way I imagine is pronounced just sounds wonderful


2:47pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 536
I applied for Oryon <3 lol I subcribed and got 44 unread alerts and I was like O)O wut

2:47pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 688
It's okay. *pokes thread* Sure looks hectic. And sorry for asking again, makes me feel pushy :c

Currently Seeking RWN\'s. Feel free to rmail if sellin~

2:49pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Supermonkey: Its pronounced like the constellation, Orion. Oh-rye-on. Haha, I'm glad you want to keep him forever. That's what I want for my babies. I'll send him home with you.

Mickeyy: You may have Rowenne. I'm so glad you like her name. I think it fits her well.

2:50pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 536
Congrats Moe.

2:51pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 2:51pm Jul 2 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 400
Hey Lane. I know you're probably being flooded with alerts, but I just wanted to make sure you saw my post :)
I'll copy and paste below so you don't have to look for it:

Pet Name: Indiah
Pet Location:CS
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: For a long time, it has been my goal to tag the name "Bridget" onto a nattie kioka. I would never sell, as the name is sentimental and she would also be my very first retired cs C:

Thanks for your time!

Selling a Bunch! c: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-name-clearout-/]

2:51pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 688
Same. I actually prefer pets with their original names :3 
Thanks so much, Lane c: And good luck in college.

Currently Seeking RWN\'s. Feel free to rmail if sellin~

2:51pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 7

Pet Name:
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Well she looks so beautiful and graceful and I have no pets I hold in value. I really want a pet to treasure and make art of (Considers herself a good artist) She would stay as my profile pet forevers. Thank you and I hope you have a good time where your at

2:51pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Vol, what else did you apply for?

2:52pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! o_o
Okay, haha. That's how I thought so too, but I didn't want it to be wrong and have myself look like a fool. :p

Thank you so much Lane! This is super kind!


2:53pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 3:08pm Jul 2 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 35
Pet Name: Indiah
Pet Location: All? I don't see her elsewhere.
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Kioka are my all-time favorite species, and I adore her name as well. She will either be dyed in a color I don't have or kept natural, I will absolutely be keeping the name though.

Hope it's ok to edit: I rushed a bit so I wanted to include a little more information, if that's ok. ^^; I'm fairly new at this game, I really lucked out at joining around Easter as I was able to sell eggs to save up for my first Kioka. As it's my top goal on the site to own one of every color, I have quite a longer road ahead of me saving up for the rest. I would be overjoyed to get Indiah, and she would remain a treasured pet of mine forever.

She's the only one I'll ask you for. Whatever you choose though it is incredibly generous of you to do this, and I wish you luck outside of Res.

2:53pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 536
Bogie but he was taken also. Indiah is epic but Im guessing she is popular also lol

2:54pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,406
Lane what about me? I posted on page 4 about 3 pets.


2:55pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 323
Hi there, Lane. I'm sorry to see you go!
I will be applying for one of your pets. I hope they all go to good homes!

Pet Name: Indiah
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I personally have loved Kioka's since I joined Res. One of my goals is to own a "Trance Kioka". 
I collect League Of Legends names. It's a video game that I adore. Those names are very very VERY important to me. The name Ashe was attached onto my very first, and only, Kioka. When I got her, I was excited to finally achieve one of my goals. But seeing as how Ashe has a characteristic of the "Frost Archer", I found it wouldn't suit her to dye her "Trance".
My plans with Indiah would be to give her the beautiful name "Luxanna", and dye her with the  Trance Potion.

Luxanna is the "Lady Of Luminosity". She fights with rainbows.

(Please ignore the blood, but this was the best photo I could find of Lux's gorgeous abilities)

I believe that a Trance Kioka and Luxanna would be an amazing match for one another.
I would be very delighted and honored if I was chosen to adopt Indiah and make this opportunity possible!

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my application.

Once again, I'm sorry to hear you go. Good luck in College, and the real world. <3



2:56pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Vol: Haha, yeah, everyone seems to want her. I'm having such a hard time deciding because its hard to keep track of everyone's application and I know I'm forgetting people who posted earlier, and I feel bad not being able to give everyone the pet that they want. :(

2:56pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 51
How you are keeping up with all this is a wonder.

[quote]So I humbly ask that for my 2nd pet request replacement you consider...

Pet Name: Hvedr
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I fell into those Ivik eyes and could not get back out.

Pet Name: Xealia
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Once again, just a beautiful creature. the Omni are so unique. As with the others, I plan on keeping it.[/quote]

I see that you gave Xealia to another. So my replacement request for 3rd pet is

Pet Name: Indiah
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Love the color blue, love equestrian type creatu, and love the name.

bytheway, if my 2nd pet choice, Hvedr, becomes unavailable, any of the Ivik would be loved always.

I must always stretch myself - To learn what is new - To learn what is old - To sift through the past and make treasures for the future

2:57pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 536
You shouldnt feel bad. You should feel great that your being so genorous to as many people as you can.
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