12:06am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 74
Randell, you may have Tsurae. I'll keep you in mind for the other two.
12:15am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 8
Pet Name: Opressus Location: CS Plans for future/Why I'd like it: I have always wanted a baby omni and I love the name! Plus I would always take extra care of it since it was rare. Also there so cute and I wouldn't want anything happening to it
12:21am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 4
Pet name: Aleine Location: CS Plans for future/Why I'd Like it: Love credit shop pets and have always wanted one! I love Ezahnis and the name is a perfect match for her. I will take extremely good care of Aleine.
Pet Name: Eleine Location: Ginger/Silver Plans for future/Why I'd like it: I love silver pets and want all the silver colors of each creatu. The aukira are adorable pets and really like to have a lot.
12:25am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 1,036
I would also like to apply for Loki to be given Monarch the black Omni. He is a fantastic member of the Support team, and a real great guy. <3
12:28am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 3
Pet Name: Rowwene Location: NFS Plans for future/Why I'd like it: Love calicos and easuros. Someday I plan on completing my goal and get every calico and easero there is. I will put immense care into Rowwene and never option her for sale or trade.
Pet Name: Nuttock Location: Dyed Pets Plans for future/why I'd like it: I love Jahras and plan on keeping this beautiful creatu forever. Lots of love and care will be put into keeping her healthy and alive.
12:30am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 74
Bella, you may have Eleine. I'll keep you in mind for the other two. :)
12:31am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 8
Pet Name:Baela Location:CS Plans for future/why i like it:Because I love all cute creatus, especially kiokas since they are so delicate and cute, to me, you never want to leave them alone. And if I got Baela I would put extra care and attention toward her and all my other rare creatus if i get any.
12:31am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 338
Pet Name:Bromley Pet Location: showroom Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Because my whole way on Rescreatu I have really wanted an ivik and clalico is my goal. I have being offering on one, but I just cant afford it. Have Bromley would mean literally the world to me. And if I gothim I would never sell him- he would be my forever profile pet. It would mean so so so much to me! And this is really nice of you by the way :) Thankyou so much
-Zari x
12:33am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 100
Pet Name: Drexen Pet Location: Showroom --> NFS Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I freaking LOVE his name. It has this amazing ring to it, I love it xD I love Wyrae too. I have a calico named Imulsion. They are so much fun to draw all beastly <3 I'd promise to never sell him, give him away, or do anything of the sort. He will stay with me forever. I am very clingy to pets and he would most likely never leave my showroom or profile. I plan on making him a character of my headworld, since I love the name so much. He'd probably be a main antagonist, some sort of snarky henchmen to the main main antagonist.
Pet Name: Ulys Pet Location: Showroom--> NFS Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: If I got him, I'd plan on turning him into one of the celestial beings that guards the planet in my headworld along with the main goddess, Exiel. He can turn himself into almost anything, but prefers the form of one of the naturally occurring species of the main planet. He would be the god of one of the moons, Ganae. His pelt would be covered with stars and would change as he moved. He would protect the main species during his moon's time in the sky. He will never be sold, traded, or given away.
oh god, I even started doodling his character design. xD
rnrnCurrent: 989 rn9 Albino - 2 Achro - 5 Calico - 52 Black - 22 Blonde - 68 Cream - 27 Ginger - 94 Sepia - 25 Silver - 20 Dyed - 665 Natural rn
12:34am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 4
thanks Lane :D
12:36am Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 12:37am Jul 2 2012)
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Posts: 338
And there is also something else :)
Pet Name: Baela Pet Location: showroom Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Because my best friend Headache has always wanted a kioka and it would be the best gift ever and I know she would nealy scream! I owe her so much so it would be great if she could have Baela
Pet name: Indiah Location: showroom Plans for future/Why I'd Like it: because I have always thought Kiokas are the most beautiful creatu on rescreatu, but I have never being able to afford one. I would do almost anything for Indiah- and she would get the best pet page ever! And not to mention how amazing her name is- I adore I the name Indiah. I would NEVER sell her and she also would FOREVER be on my profile! Xo
-Zari x
12:37am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 74
Cir: I'm sorry, but you can only apply for one NFS pet. Please choose one. Feel free to look through the other categories, though!
12:38am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 3,426
You guys. ;o; I love you all. <333
Pet Name: Monarch Pet Location: Showroom, NFS Section Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: A black Omni has been my biggest goal since I joined Res over two and a half years ago. Of course as a newbie there was no way I could afford one, and for a long time I just forgot about getting one and focused on manageable goals. In the past few months I started focusing on saving for a black Omni. People were buying them, their value was double from when I joined, and I started to realize that more of them were being kept, and the longer I waited, the harder it'd be to get one, if I could even find one for sale at all. As Thorn said, I would never sell or trade him. I get very attached to my pets, I'm not even able to part with my Natties. As far as my plants for Monarch, I intend to give him a personality and "custom" design (most likely something related to his name in some way) to make him original. I do this with all my pets to make them individual; instead of having just a "black Zenirix" I have a character that's completely different from another black Zenirix I have that has its own individual personality as well. I want to make Monarch special, and to continue to give him a good home. It would mean a lot to me to be allowed to continue to take care of him and love him after you. <3
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:38am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 74
Aww, Headache is my wifey. I would be pleased to send her Baela, from the both of us, if that's agreeable to you.
12:40am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 338
Yes that would be perfect <3 thankyou so much- she is actually my real life best friend so I know her well. :) What do you think about Indiah :)
(And Zoe knows how much Bromley would mean to me) hahaa
-Zari x
12:44am Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 12:44am Jul 2 2012)
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Posts: 74
Loki: Nothing would make me happier than to help you fulfill a goal you've worked so hard towards. 700+ mil is no easy feat, and I can tell that this has been a long term ambition for you. Because of your obvious persistance, and your friends' support, I would be glad to send my baby home with you.
As long as you promise to remind him that his mommy loves him from time to time. I'm entirely too attached to that little bundle of pixels. ;D
Zariaz: I will keep you in mind for Bromley, and Indiah. :)
12:45am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 338
Naww Thankyou Lane :)
What is going to happen to your tu and pets nobody asks about? <3
-Zari x
12:47am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 8
Congrats Loki You deserve it and you have worked harder to get where you are today and I am glad that you got it instead of me.
12:47am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 74
The pets no one asks about, I will put into the forest. The tu, I haven't decided about.
12:48am Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 74
Animal, thank you for being such a good sport. :)