Hi Guys. I have pretties to give you.

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12:47pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 12:50pm Jul 2 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 16
Do I get one?

12:50pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 12:54pm Jul 2 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4
Pet Name: 
Pet Location: NFS
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: If I couldn't get Ulys, another black CS would be perfect c: I've always a black CS and Oryon would be taken very good care of. He'd stay on my profile all the time and be well fed. I promise to never give him away or neglect him. It is a dream of mine to have a black CS pet and I've tried numerous times to hatch one with no avail. It would be beyond kind to let me take care of Oryon c:

12:52pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 461
Pet Names: Orwello
Pet Location: CS
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future:  With Kirelin having a new home, I suppose I'll try for Orwello. Kiokas are my favorite pets, aside from Ebilias. The first time I saw a kioka, I fell in love, but I simply can't afford to buy one anymore. As I said with the others, I will take very good care of him and keep him on my profile, and never ever trade them. It's a shame you are leaving, though. It won't be the same around res with you gone. I think. :c


12:57pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Orizinga: Yes. Sorry If don't get everyone in a timely manner, its just a tad overwhelming. You may have Eria.

Sunni: You may have Orwello. 

12:58pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
Well, When such beautiful pets are being given away, they typically get a lot of attention.


12:58pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 461
Thank you so much! I'll love him forever, and I hope you pass through college with flying colors :) 


1:04pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
thank you ^^


1:06pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Kat: I almost forgot, I have decided to send Drexen home with you. :)

1:07pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
*O* Omg, really!! Thank you so very much <3


1:07pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 568
Thanks Lane :D


1:08pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 16
OMG thanks!

1:09pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Ori: You may also have Leitza.

1:09pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
did i apply for the bino shaefu?


1:10pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 16
I'll never sell them ~<3

1:11pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 67
Thank you so much for Kirelin Lane, it means a lot! ^-^

1:15pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 10
Pet Name: Slaya
Pet Location: CS
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I plan to give this to a friend of mine for her birthday. I was hoping to surprise her with this to make up for our fight as well.

1:16pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 331
Pet Name:Indiah
Pet Location:CS
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I do not intend on selling it. It will be dyed trance and placed in my collection. I'm only missing a Kioka for a full collection of retired CS pets. However, I'm in debth 50mil so I can't really buy one. I was thinking of renameing it to something that fits, tho.

If you decide not to give me the pet, thank you anyways for giving me a chance ;u;

Sheeran away

1:19pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 1:20pm Jul 2 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,645
Pet Name: 
Pet Location: NFS [OTL]
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future:


SHE would get all my jaaku art OTL

um, yea and if you ever need art

I will make you art forever, even if you don't give me Leska <3 Cuz you are so nice~

EDIT: I would never sell anything anyone gives me, that is just :I so rude!

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

1:20pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 64
Pet Name: Bogie
Pet Location: Showroom (NFS)
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: She makes me lol and will look so awesome on my profile!

Pet Name: 
Pet Name: Indiah
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I love her name and would love a chance to own her, she would not be sold.

Pet Name: Slaya
Pet Location: Showroom
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: The name is awesome, I love the way it sounds :)
None of these pets would be sold if I was gifted them.
Thank you for the chance

1:22pm Jul 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Cherry: Leska is yours. :)
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