1:22pm Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 10
I am so sorry that you have lost interest in Res, I hope you succeed in life <3
1:22pm Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 1,937
Pet Name: Jubilante / Slaya, both are gorgeous. Showroom, CS -section. o 3o
Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Oh well. For the whole 5 years i've been here(my profile lies :I), i've always wished to have a liyure. Of course i joined back when they were still something that would be considered "cheap" these days, but i was a rookie at the time. Finally i might have the chance to get the ultimate dream pet of mine: Female Liyure. <3
( I put Jubilante and Slaya on the name, because either would be amazing ;o;) Thank you for considering. <3
1:23pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 783
Hello Lane, I'm sorry you are leaving. I know that we haven't spent any time together, but its always sad to see a player go.
If I may, I'd like to ask for your natural Liyure named Slaya. I am in love with the Liyures and have only been able to afford one. If you are willing to gift Slaya to me, I obviously would never sell the pet or the name. I dont sell Liyures!
Anyway, I know you are looking for good homes. I could definitely provide that for Slaya. if you decide to go a different direction, though, I would understand.
Thanks for letting me ask.
1:23pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 107
Pet Name:
Xealia Pet Location: ShowroomWhy you'd like it/Plans for the future: I've always wanted an Omni but could never afford one I swear I would never sell her she would be kept in my showroom with my Liyure that I treasure
1:23pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,701
Pet Name:
Indiah Pet Location: ShowroomWhy you'd like it/Plans for the future: LOVE the name so much. Will be dying gold & silver
Pet Name:
Jorund Pet Location: Showroom Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I used to collect dyed pets until i gave everything away, azure was one of my favourite colours (:
Pet Name: Bogie Pet Location: Showroom NFS Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: The name fits the pet perfectly! I'd really love to own her (: My i gave last Wyrae to a friend (who later sold it :/) and it would be great to own another, especially with such a perfect name. I promise never to sell her, especially since I find selling gifts extremely rude and ungrateful. She will never leave my profile (:
1:24pm Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 1,645
OMG Lane really? OMG OMG OMG
thank you, thank you so much.
I will make you art forever. just order and I'd do it
Seriously lD Give me something to do!
Thank you thank you so much again.
1:24pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 536
Pet Name: Bogie Pet Location: NFS Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: Well Wyrae have been my favorite Pet ever since they were released. I have owned many but have Sold them and have regretted it every. I now have one wyrae and swore to myself to never sell a wyrae again so Bogie would definately be one of my keepers and favorites. Plus my Zeddie needs a wyrae friend and Bogie is perfect. Thanks for your time i think its extremely genorous to be giving away all your pets and I hope they all get good homes ^_^
1:24pm Jul 2 2012
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Posts: 2,049
Pet Name: Satina Pet Location: Dye Colors Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I've recently really wanted a rose shaefu because they remind me of my family in China. when I was younger, my parents would always take me there on vacation and I remember that one day my grandma and I were out on a walk when she picked me up and placed me on top of a stone statue of a lion. she laughed and we took pictures and then went home. /kinda random sorry haha. I would really like Satina because shaefus remind me so much of those stone lion statues (like they look exactly the same omg) and the colouring of a rose shaefu reminds me of the red pocket chinese new year things that my parents and relatives would always give me.
Haha that being said, I would never sell Satina and i'd keep her on my profile, and maybe tag a new name to her. |
 <---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->
1:25pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 1:28pm Jul 2 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,057
She is in your showroom In the Cs category <33
I plan for her to be the Mate to my trance Kioka <3 I am in dire need of another female kioka for my kioka family to be complete She is the only pet i want :[ i want her so bad. I will not be dying her because i think natural kiokas are the most beautiful out of all the kiokas <3
1:27pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 721
Pet Name: Looma or Xealia Pet Location: CS Why you'd like it/Plans for the
future: I plan to tag the name "Exonerate" to her and cherish her forever and ever...I lost my original omni in the hack attack and I've been hunting one ever since. I'll never let her dye but I will keep her in her original nattie form because its to beautiful to dye :)
1:27pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 74
Omena: You may have Jubilante.
Judge: You may have Slaya.
Ferniio: You may have Bogie. I think her name is perfect too. She looks like a cute little booger. Lawlz. ;3 I hope you enjoy her.
1:29pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 149
Pet Name: Roaran Pet Location: CS category in your showroom Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I'll probably tag Alexandria to him. I think the name fits a Kioka nicely, but beyond that, he'd not be sold.
Pet Name: Opressus Pet Location: CS category in your showroom Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I just love the name and he wouldn't be sold or traded.
 I love you Omena. <3 "If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur." -- Doug Larson
1:29pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,764
do i get to apply for another pet? the other i applied for has been sent to someone else...
1:30pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 1:50pm Jul 2 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 51
*Faints* I got Thaela!
Oh, thank you sooooo much. I shall cherish her!
EDIT: I see you gave Jubilante to someone else, Congrats to that person. :)
So I humbly ask that for my 2nd pet request replacement you consider...
Pet Name: Hvedr Pet Location: Showroom Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: I fell into those Ivik eyes and could not get back out.
and I retain my 3rd request
Pet Name: Xealia Pet Location: Showroom Why you'd like
it/Plans for the future: Once again, just a beautiful creature. the Omni
are so unique. As with the others, I plan on keeping it.
I must always stretch myself - To learn what is new - To learn what is old - To sift through the past and make treasures for the future
1:30pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 10
Pet Name: Looma Pet Location: CS Why you'd like it/Plans for the future: It has been my hopes of getting an omni, I have just never had the tu, and Looma sounds so cute, I always say it with a arnold schwartzeneger accent. I do wish you luck in Real life <3
1:32pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9
Pet Name:
XealiaLocation: Showroom Reason: I have an unhealthy obsession with The Omni creatu. Owning one has always been my dream, but since its retirement the price for one has gone skyward. I would keep it very dear to me. The letter "X" is tied for my favorite letter as well, so this pet is just magical!
1:35pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 1:37pm Jul 2 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 536
Pet: Oryon
Location: NFS
Why/plans: Well I was trying to get my hands on one a while back but settled for a black Ezahni. I later sold the black Ezahni to get one of those but no one was selling so I bought a black cyid. Ill cut to the chase lol I love Oryon's name and he would go great in my collection <3
1:38pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 74
Firoia: You may have Opressus.
Senses: You may have Xaelia.
1:40pm Jul 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 149
Thanks, Lane. <3 ;w; Good luck in the real world yo.
 I love you Omena. <3 "If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur." -- Doug Larson
1:40pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 1:41pm Jul 2 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,049
Hey, i forgot to say this in my previous post for Satina and I really don't feel like editing it. I don't know you really well and I haven't really seen you around, but it is really nice of you to be giving away your pets like this. It makes everyone so happy <3 Sad to hear you're leaving, and I wish you luck with the rest of your life and college and stuff like that haha.
 <---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->