I hear you like free omni?

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11:09am Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 777


11:14am Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 2,290
If there was a raptor in my possession/bed, i would keep it as a pet/guard dog XD  i would also go everywhere with it, being as happy as could be.  why?  because raptors are one of my most favorite dinosaurs.


12:57pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 356
Probably except my impending doom.  But I mean, if a raptor were in my bed, lying on their side, that would probably buy some time to run because it would have a hard time getting upright. Slamming doors behind me, I would frantically think of who to call. The police? No, they'd think I was crazy. Some kind of science organization? Yes!! I pick up my phone and my fingers hover over the numbers.
What if...
This raptor was meant to be kept a secret?
I've loves dinosaurs my whole life, including the cruel, yet absolutely beautiful nature of the way in which raptors hunted and worked together in packs.  They were proof that somethig so dangerous could still move so beautifully.  I marvel at the idea that such a cruel creature can kill, and be so smart and strategic about it.  And it is simply doing what nature had intended for it to do.
The sound of he raptors cries as it scratches at my bedroom door shake me out of my reverie. I put my phone down. Call me superstitious, but if there is a once extinct dinosaur in my house, something inside of me says to not go to the scientists. This is something they do not want me or the public finding out.  They would erase my memory, they would find ways to make me forget that I had ever seen such magnificent, supposedly extinct, animal.

Taking a deep breath, I listen as the sound of my lamp crashing to the floor comes from my bedroom. I would have to find a way to capture it without it capturing me. My heart beats in my chest and I bite my lip. This is going to be one hell of a ride.


2:37pm Apr 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 28
What would you do if there was a raptor in your bed?

If I'm not dead the moment it saw me, I will seal the windows and fart in its general direction and close the door behind me.  The bed should be cleared after a few seconds.  Although, I'd be very shocked if it survived a concentrated dose of my fart.  He can stay if he survives that.


3:41pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 2,403
What would you do if there was a raptor in your bed?

Scream, get out, tell mum/dad, get the police maybe XD


3:43pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 284
Those durn kids, letting their raptors get out and run about. I would just hope it didn't poop in there


3:44pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 239
I'd scream like a little girl, dart out of bed, grab my cat, wake my sis, get outside, lock the door, and call the police.

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O

4:44pm Apr 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 471

What would you do if there was a raptor in your bed?

I'd probably feel lucky, probably the closest thing to a date I'd get.


4:45pm Apr 17 2014


Posts: 1,586
Scream and run, then return with a blow dart to tranquilize it. I hope I wouldn't miss, then when he is out cold I'll build him a huge terrarium and hope I can tame him and keep him as my pet/bodyguard.

If not I'll "donate" him to a reputable zoo :| Or sell to the highest bidder :D 


6:43pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 841
Well hellow there Mr. Raptor is a new Jurassic Park movie coming out? Yes? Oh sure you can stay here until filming starts!


6:54pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 777


7:23pm Apr 17 2014

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Posts: 3,005
What would you do if there was a raptor in your bed?
I'd freeze up,
and crawl under my blankets
like a worm,then slowly under my bed.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

12:45am Apr 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 253
If there was a raptor in my bed I would at first be scared... but then come to the realisation that it hasn't eaten me yet, which means it's obviously friendly and just wants to hang out with me in bed. With relief set in, I'd now get excited, after fascinating over its awesome claws and being I'd then tell the raptor that it absolutely HAS to watch Jurassic Park. I'd go make us some popcorn, put the DVD in then get back into bed all comfy with the raptor and watch Jurassic Park with it and tell it how awesome of an actor it's great great grandfather was.


1:19am Apr 18 2014

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Posts: 1,062


3:38am Apr 18 2014

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Posts: 777
If an orange is orange, why isn’t a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?


3:45am Apr 18 2014

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Posts: 1,100

Technically, they are, 'cos lemon is a type of yellow, and lime is a shade of green.


3:51am Apr 18 2014

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Posts: 1,103
because they were going to call the orange ginger but the name was already taken


3:52am Apr 18 2014

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Posts: 304
Maybe a looong time ago, the person who discovered the orange had no imagination and just named the fruit after it's color o-o

"I will call this.. a lime!"

"This shall be.. a lemon!"

Then someone would come out of nowhere and be like
"I'll call this orange :3"

Orrrr, a long time ago, the fruit came BEFORE the color, and they called it "Orange", and then as they discovered more stuff of that same color, they just decided 'let's call this color orange'

My head hurts D:


3:53am Apr 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 573
We'll, that's because lime is a type of green already and so is lemon. Orange is only called orange because it's that exact colour!

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4:14am Apr 18 2014

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Posts: 98
The Great Fruit-Namer had already named every other fruit in the universe, but then he turned around and saw an orange. He was exhausted from naming so many fruits, so he named it the first thing that popped into his head before promptly collapsing into a ten thousand year slumber

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