6:15pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 2
I feel like a goiba would have the texture of a stingray, you know, firm but squishy. And it would taste like salt and fREEDOM
6:16pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 239
I licked a Goiba and it tasted like seafood...or was that seaweed...either way it was sea tasting
hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O
6:16pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 698
it would prob taste like snail slime:b I know what ur thinking do they actualy sell that? well yes they do I got tricked into eating it taste horrible
6:18pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 7
it would taste like dirt, slime , rough and cold
6:19pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 1,062
Happy Staffiversary! :) It's so sweet of you to do this!
If I licked a Goiba, I think it would taste earthy, sort of a mixture of dirt/mud and aquatic plants. Maybe a little salty, too. It'd probably have a pretty horrible aftertaste. xD
7:38pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 4,093
I took a good long look at Goiba and I figure if I licked one, it'd taste like salted celery. Mostly watery, bland, with a hint of bitterness and salt. Not goopy though, naturally quite dry I think. B)
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:47pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 28
Licking a goiba i imagine it would take like sour pickle topped with taco sauce with a hint of purple sunshine.
9:56pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 400
If I licked a goiba I'm guessing it would taste salty and similar to seafood. The skin would probably taste bland and rubbery. Yuck. XD
11:14pm Apr 11 2014
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Posts: 1,477
It'd taste like off chicken :u And leave a slimy, gooey substance between your teeth
2:04am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 63
Licking a Goiba must be like licking some salty, very gooey substance. Or it would taste like ocean water.
Your average Kim Wexler apologist
3:44am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 1,161
Happy Staffiversary! I think that a goiba would taste like licorice, and would be all rubbery and stuff o > o
BUYING GINGER VASPI!\r\ndeviantart: punkeon
4:07am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 284
That poor creature would definitely be stuck in an eternal, spinning limbo in which it would never find solid ground again. Just flipping from one side to the other in perpetual motion. How could you. :I
4:07am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 98
You would no longer have a cat. A living one anyway.
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!
4:07am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 381
If a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied buttered bread on top of a cat?
First things first is omg are you gonan push a cat off a high place with bread on its abck. second is it would probs just sit there doing that weird contortion things cat can do to try and eat it off
4:08am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 98
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!
4:10am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 694
The cat will land on the feet then the toast will fall off the cat and land on the ground butter side down.
4:16am Apr 12 2014
Posts: 541
Not entering, just curious as to watch.
Also, cats don't like having things tied to them, depending on the cat, you'd get badly scratched. xD
4:47am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 1,100
You would have a great youtube video of a very slippery cat c:
5:18am Apr 12 2014
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Posts: 500
The cat would be a slippery, buttery mess! o3o
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!
5:46am Apr 12 2014 (last edited on 5:58am Apr 12 2014)
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Posts: 380
If it's anything like my old cat , it'd probably scratch me then run away with the bread and hide under a bed licking the butter off