I decided to give one item from my item gallery to one person that wants
something for free. The item has to have more then four in stock before
I give it to you. Dye kits are not for grabs so don't ask for them. I'm
only doing this for the rest of this week so it will end on Sunday any
time. You can only get one item per day. Be patient cause once I edit
the gallery it's 60 pages filled with items so it takes me some time to
look and get the item. If you already got an item from me today you can
come back the next day, and get one item again from my gallery. It's not
randomly picking just tell me what you want and I will get it for you.
If you see an item in there and it don't have more then three in stock
then that's off limits. Post it here and tell me what you want thanks I
love doing this type of stuff for others