Junk Pet Raffle

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10:20pm Mar 18 2020 (last edited on 7:38pm Apr 30 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122

As some may know I have had a goal of reaching 1,000 pages in my Showroom for a while now!
Don't ask me why this goal exists, because I don't know.
I'm just a hoarder okay c':
totally stealing hell's idea shhh

So here is the "Junk Pet Raffle"
Essentially for each junk pet you send me you will get tickets!

Natural - 1 ticket
Cream - 1 ticket
Sepia - 1 ticket
Black - 2 tickets
Ginger - 5 tickets
Silver - 8 tickets
Achromatic - 12 tickets
Blonde - 15 tickets
Calico - 15 tickets
Albino - 60 tickets

Seasonal Natural - 1 ticket
Seasonal Cream - 1 ticket
Seasonal Sepia - 3 tickets
Seasonal Black - 4 tickets
Seasonal Ginger - 8 tickets
Seasonal Silver - 10 tickets
Seasonal Achromatic - 12 tickets
Seasonal Blonde - 20 tickets
Seasonal Calico - 20 tickets
Seasonal Albino - 100 tickets

CS Natural - 2 tickets
Retired CS - 50 tickets
Natural Uldavi - 50 tickets

Amber - 2 tickets
Lemon - 3 tickets
Orchid - 3 tickets
Azure - 4 tickets
Magenta - 4 tickets
Lime - 5 tickets
Indigo - 7 tickets
Rose - 9 tickets
Trance - 12 tickets
G&S - 15 tickets
Opal - 200 tickets

CS Amber - 3 tickets
CS Lemon - 4 tickets
CS Orchid - 4 tickets
CS Azure - 5 tickets
CS Magenta - 5 tickets
CS Lime - 6 tickets
CS Indigo - 8 tickets
CS Rose - 10 tickets
CS Trance - 14 tickets

If for some CRAZY reason you'd like to give a black, achro, or albino CS ; black or albino Retired CS. Mail me and we can talk tickets.

I ask that you post how many of each color you have sent and if they are seasonal/cs to make it easier on me
Thank you

Now accepting apples for tickets!
100 Apples = 3 tickets
Ice Apple = 2 tickets

Seasonal Eggs
Now accepting eggs for tickets!
Fresh Kurrabi Creatu Egg = 30 tickets
Fresh Easero Creatu Egg = 30 tickets

Please specify how many apples you send and how many Ice Apples

There is also the option to purchase tickets instead!
1 ticket = 100k
Please send this as "Barter Tokens" that way I can keep track!
You can create a barter token through the trades!

1st Prize
One Jahra Nest

2nd Prize
One Black Jahra

3rd Prize
One Cosmic Salve

End Date: April 30th, 2020

You cannot win more than once!

I have the right to cancel/extend this raffle if I feel like it!
Everyone will get refunded their pets and or tu if cancelled

SB AD: [b]"Junk Pet Raffle"[/b] [url=https://tinyurl.com/wljbdn7] Send me your pets, tu, apples, or eggs! Enter to win a [b][i]Jahra Egg Nest, Black Jahra, or Cosmic Salve![/b][/i] 10/10 would recommend!


10:20pm Mar 18 2020 (last edited on 7:18pm Apr 30 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Kelpie: 1
Illuminati: 2-25
Schemes: 26-32
Wanderland: 33-69
ZarmaCyndal: 70-76
Kush: 77-199
Oriette: 200-203
SecretsOfTheShadows: 204-220
Schemes:  221-225
SecretsOfTheShadows: 226-228
Schemes: 229-235
Sliced: 236-284
Wanderland: 285-293
Kush: 294-453
AriaKaye1: 454-472
Kush: 473-478
DreamsAwake: 479-504
Schemes: 505-509
SecretsOfTheShadows: 510-512
Schemes: 513-520
Barry: 521-532
ZarmaCyndal: 533-564
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ZarmaCyndal: 576-581
Wanderland: 582-595
Aneleh: 596-709
Xichen: 710-728
Aneleh: 729-730
ColdSoul: 731-737
Schemes: 738-750
Athena: 751-798
Sliced: 799-808
Kylo: 809-858
Wanderland: 859-1,298
Symbiote: 1,299-1,310
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Breeze: 1,328-1,347
Xichen: 1,348-1,368
Pegasus: 1,369-1,391
Athena: 1,392-1,420
SecretsOfTheShadows: 1,421-1,426
Breeze: 1,427-1,450
SecretsOfTheShadows: 1,451-1,453
Illuminati: 1,454-1,945
Kush: 1,946-2,187
moonsilver445: 2,188-2,287
Chaos: 2,288-2,304
Illuminati: 2,305-2,451
Kush: 2,452-2,547
SecretsOfTheShadows: 2,548-2,555
Kush: 2,556-2,603
Schemes: 2,604-2,622
Athena: 2,623-2,682
Schemes: 2,683-2,688
Chaos: 2,689-2,699
kaymeg: 2,700-2,718
Otachie: 2,719-2,792
Kush: 2,793-2,802
SecretsOfTheShadows: 2,803-2,812
Kush: 2,813-2,821
moonsilver445: 2,822-2,824
Chaos: 2,825-2,893
Kush: 2,894-2,913
Schemes: 2,914-2,923
Athena: 2,924-2,955
Kush: 2,956-2,973
SecretsOfTheShadows: 2,974-2,980
Pegasus: 2,981-2,992
moonsilver445: 2,993-3,001
Schemes: 3,002-3,027
Athena: 3,028-3,045
Breeze: 3,046-3,079
Kush: 3,080-3,090
Athena: 3,091-3,119
Chaos: 3,120-3,153
SecretsOfTheShadows: 3,154-3,157
Kush: 3,158-3,164
Athena: 3,165-3,176
Pegasus: 3,177-3,189
Athena: 3,190-3,223
moonsilver445: 3,224-3,226
Chaos: 3,227-3,265
moonsilver445: 3,266-3,271
Redrock: 3,272-3,276
Breeze: 3,277-3,312
Athena: 3,313-3,330
Kush: 3,331-3,353
Xichen: 3,354-3,373
Chaos: 3,374-3,434
SecretsOfTheShadows: 3,435-3,445
Redrock: 3,446-3,447
Kush: 3,448-3,462
Athena: 3,463-3,503
Kush: 3,504-3,511
Breeze: 3,512-3,535
moonsilver445: 3,536-3,538
Chaos: 3,539-3,581
Athena: 3,582-3,597
SecretsOfTheShadows: 3,598-3,608
Redrock: 3,609-3,613
Kush: 3,614-3,649
Athena: 3,650-3,666
Moro: 3,667-3,681
Athena: 3,682-3,693
Xichen: 3,694-3,737
Athena: 3,738-3,779
Chaos: 3,780-3,971
Redrock: 3,972-3,975
Athena: 3,976-4,006
moonsilver445: 4,007-4,016
Breeze: 4,017-4,054
Athena: 4,056-4,157
Chaos: 4,158-4,279
Athena: 4,280-4,292
Breeze: 4,293-4,305
Xichen: 4,306-4,350
SecretsOfTheShadows: 4,351-4,370
Athena: 4,371-4,430
Kush: 4,431-4,477
Pegasus: 4,478-4,482
Athena: 4,483-4,491
SecretsOfTheShadows: 4,492-4,495
moonsilver445: 4,496-4,501
Athena: 4,502-4,540
Kush: 4,541-4,561
Athena: 4,562-4,572
Jenn: 4,573-4,772
Otachie: 4,773-4,783
Xichen: 4,784-4,839
Fennimage666: 4,840-4,872
Athena: 4,873-4,887
Kelpie: 4,888-4,892
Kush: 4,893-4,919
Athena: 4,920-4,930
Kush: 4,931-4,935
SecretsOfTheShadows: 4,936-4,977
Chaos: 4,978-5,142
Kush: 5,143-5,153
Athena: 5,154-5,168
SecretsOfTheShadows: 5,169-5,171
Fennimage666: 5,172-5,188
Chaos: 5,189-5,243
SecretsOfTheShadows: 5,244-5,248
Athena: 5,249-5,265
SecretsOfTheShadows: 5,266-5,273
Chaos: 5,274-5,284
Kush: 5,285-5,290
Chaos: 5,291-5,308
Fennimage666: 5,309-5,310
Lilith: 5,311-5,910


10:43pm Mar 18 2020

Normal User

Posts: 571
Can I buy 1 ticket please? =3


10:47pm Mar 18 2020

Normal User

Posts: 737
Sending an Achro Narwi and an Achro Malal ^^


11:03pm Mar 18 2020

Normal User

Posts: 164
7 for now but I'll keep tossing


11:13pm Mar 18 2020

Normal User

Posts: 557
Sent 11 nat,sepia and cream. 13 blacks.

Good luck with your goal ^^


3:58am Mar 19 2020

Normal User

Posts: 955
Sent 500k.

4:14am Mar 19 2020 (last edited on 4:15am Mar 19 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 955
natural 6: 6 points
natural CS 13: 26 points
sepia 1: 1 point
sepia seasonal 1: 3 points
cream 1: 1 point
black 3: 6 points
black seasonal 5: 20 points
ginger seasonal 3: 24 points
silver 2: 16
blonde 1: 15 points

total (I did the math for you): 118

2:58pm Mar 19 2020

Normal User

Posts: 443

sending you 1 magenta frostlight narwi
u are now blessed uwu


11:00pm Mar 19 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Sent 16 or 17 natural pets!


12:17am Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Think I sent 3 or 4 natties.


1:37am Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 493
Sent 35 ! ;O many different colours and stuff lol

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

4:41am Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 557
Sent 9 nat and creams!


5:04am Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 955
1 silver: 8
1 CS nat: 2
1 nat: 1

6 amber: 12
4 lime: 20
2 indigo: 14
4 rose: 36
6 lemon: 18
7 magenta: 28
1 CS amber: 3
3 azure: 12
2 orchid: 6

total: 160 points

4:37pm Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 955
Sent a nat CS and 400k. C:

4:47pm Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 56
27 natty..sepia..cream

7:53pm Mar 20 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Sent three natties 


2:20pm Mar 21 2020

Normal User

Posts: 365
Sending an achro intes for tickets

Art by Zen

3:02pm Mar 21 2020

Normal User

Posts: 48
Just sent 30 pets, if I counted right lol

6:07pm Mar 21 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Sent a sepia and cream valabex!

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