Kate's Goodbye Giveaway

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7:21pm Mar 22 2012 (last edited on 7:35pm Mar 22 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,721

Hello my fellow Rescreans.  Many of you probably have no idea who I am, but I have been a part of the Rescreatu community for a good while now.  I have been on a long hiatus due to a lack of time for the site.  With being away so long, I am beginning to lose interest.  I've gotten far behind in everything and I feel it's time to move on.  There's a chance I'll be back in the summer, but no guarantees.

In the meantime, this is farewell. I will miss all the friends I made and experiences I had here. I will always look back fondly on the comfort this tight community gave me, even when I was feeling down. Hopefully, this will not be the last time I visit the wonderful world of Rescreatu.

Now, onto what you all really came for...

The free stuff!!

*Please only ask for what you're willing to use/ take care of.  One item or pet per person*
*I will add more as time passes and as I feel like it*
*This is NOT a first come first serve deal, especially when it comes to pets.  I loved each of my pets and am only giving them up so that they can continue to be loved.  Chances are, I'm not going to toss a valuable pet your way just to see you sell it to turn a profit*
*Please fill out the following form upon requesting something*

What I Want:
Why I Want It:
My Future Plans For This:

The pets:

Name:  Soxo
Gender:  Male
Age:  261
Color:  silver
Name:  Info
Gender:  Female
Age:  8
Color:  sepia

Name:  Pyreko
Gender:  Male
Age:  21
Color:  natural

Name:  Oozy
Gender:  Female
Age:  1
Color:  natural

Name:  Mua
Gender:  Female
Age:  0
Color:  natural

Name:  Kameko
Gender:  Female
Age:  118
Color:  silver

Name:  Jimony
Gender:  Male
Age:  32
Color:  albino

I\'m back.

1:20am Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 168
Name:  Soxo
Gender:  Male
Age:  261
Color:  silver

Hello, Its sad so hear you are going away D: I just started (okay, maybe been here for 14 days...) So. I saw Soxo and I KNEW he would be a great addition to my family! I have never had a jaaku and i am in LOVE with silvers. He will be loved forever, I am sure of it!

Please get back to me when you can :D

4:32pm Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,651


I've seen you around, but never really talked to you. It's sad to see an old user leave.
Best of luck to you in real life~
What I Want:
Oozy, the natural Ezahni. :3

Why I Want It:
Oozy is a cute name, but also reminds me of the oozing of blood.
Not that I like blood. Scared of it, actually. I just fell in love with the name.
Plus, the only CS I've ever had was given to a friend, and the only one I have now is a noctis.
I don't like noctises very much. I love equines though, so yeah, kinda fell in love with it.
I've never owned an ezahni though, either. :3

My Future Plans For This:
I guarantee you she would stay on my profile forever.
I would probably dye her rose, and read her all my books, so she has over 100 intellect. <3
I would play with her, and make sure my food pen is absolutely full.

I am online..

4:49pm Mar 23 2012 (last edited on 6:07pm Mar 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 331


Name:  Kameko
Gender:  Female
Age:  118
Color:  silver

Hey There. Well Since my goal is to get one of each kurrabi, I would really love this one. She will not be sold nor fed to kir, but she will be a part of my personal Kurrabi collection. I am missing almost all of the Kurrabis except the albino,cream,sepia and natural, and I would be delighted if one of those fluffy goodnesses joined my Farm of bunnies <3

Thanks again for giving people a chance to get some free pets, that's really lovely of you <3

Sheeran away

6:01pm Mar 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
What I Want: Kameko the Silver Kurrabi.♥
Why I Want It: I collect Kurrabi, they are one of my up most favorite creatu.♥ I have yet to get a lovely Silver for my collection of love. :3
My Future Plans For This: To keep and love forever, and to have her play along side my other Kurrabi, I have one of each colour besides Achro, Calico, Blonde, Albino and Cream. And missing Silver too, but not unless she is put in my care. ^^ I hope to one day get one of each colour, esp since they are like bunnies and I adoreee bunnies.♥ :)

If I am chosen, thanks so much, I'd take good care for her. ^^


2:30am Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,704
What I Want: Jimony
Why I Want It: Because I LOVE Albinos and I think this creatu would be a lovely edition to my family!
My Future Plans For This: To look after Jimony, and make him feel happy by playing with him and feeding him!

elle x x x

6:33am Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 140
What I Want: Soxo the Jaaku
Why I Want It: because I think Jaaku is cool and i've been trying to collect it. I even bought a Sepia Jaaku at 1mill, which is higher than the market price, just so i can get a cute colored Jaaku. None of my Jaakus will be up for trade or anything like that. And none will be for sale too. And i love its old age too. Since I'm new here, all my pets are most likely below 30 y.o
My Future Plans For This: Add it into my Jaaku collection (only Natural and Sepia for now) and try to collect all colors of Jaaku

Thank you and enjoy your life

2:03pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 213

What I Want:  Pyreko
Why I Want It: I love these big guys but have not been able to obtain one. Plus i think these guys are just adorable!
My Future Plans For This: Keep it as a loved pet of course!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/6ie45k_th.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/14ilt2c_th.png \r\n\r\n

5:40pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
What I Want: Jimony
Why I Want It: I love ardurs and I have been trying to hatch a bino. Recently I had to give up my beloved albino veram, and it made me sad :( I also think that the name Jimony is really cute :) for some reason it reminds me of the pinocchio. my parents used to read me the story as a little kid :)
My Future Plans For This: Keep Jimony on my profile and age him along with my other favourite pets, maybe read some books to him and train him when training /battle comes along!

And I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving :c i don't really know you that well, but i remember doing that art contest for you (it was my first time drawing humans) and that you were the only one who bought raffle tickets for my ginger narwi raffle and it made me happy <3

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

9:10pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,043
What I Want: Jimony the ardur
Why I Want It: I really like albinos and ardurs so an albino ardur would be really awesome because I've never been able to hatch or buy one and they're just so cute :)
My Future Plans For This: Care for it and love it and keep it as treasured profile pet!


2:12am Mar 25 2012 (last edited on 5:49pm Mar 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 707

What I Want: Jimony the albino ardur
Why I Want It: I have a collection of around 120 ardurs, (the proof's in my showroom) and all i need left for my colours collection are albino and calico. I have hatched countless ardur eggs to try and reach this, but to no avail. I absolutely adore the name Jimony (Jimony cricket cough cough) too, and that counts as an added bonus.
My Future Plans For This: I will keep Jimony on my profile until he reaches 1000, very much like what I'm doing to some of my other profile pets. He will be happy and content with all my other ardurs :)
~It's sad that ypu're leaving, and I hope you might find the time to come back one day~


5:45pm Mar 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 573
Sorry that you're leaving :c I don't know you very well, but it's always sad when an older user leaves. x[ Good luck in the Real World ♥

Name:  Mua
Gender:  Female
Age:  0
Color:  natural

It's the cutest name ever:3 I've only gotten two Ezahnis; one I bought and the other I received from a free raffleC: I've always like ezahnis, and I'll be sure to take care of her. <3

aye look char\'s selling shiz. [LINK]


6:01pm Mar 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 21

Name: Pyreko
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Color: natural

I am very sorry that you are leaving. i hope you come back.

Why i want it: i need rare creatus

Future plans: i will keep it forever.

BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED Check out my website: blogofrescreatu.weebly.com

6:01pm Mar 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 21

Name: Pyreko
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Color: natural

I am very sorry that you are leaving. i hope you come back.

Why i want it: i need rare creatus

Future plans: i will keep it forever.

BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED Check out my website: blogofrescreatu.weebly.com

6:01pm Mar 28 2012 (last edited on 6:02pm Mar 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 21

SOrry. my mistake.

BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED Check out my website: blogofrescreatu.weebly.com

11:19pm Mar 31 2012 (last edited on 11:21pm Mar 31 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 310
Who I want:

Why I Want Pyreko:
1. He's a DINO!!
2. The name is EPIC
3. I have loved the Habers since the first time I saw them! <3

My Future Plans For Pyreko:
I recently broke down and bought a G&S DK and I have been trying to figure out who I am going to dye. If you were to choose to give Pyreko to me he would be the one I would dye.

^ Doesn't he just look beautimus and soo shiny? ^

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

8:45am Apr 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,367
What I Want: Mua, the nattie Ezahni

Why I Want It: I love Ezahnis because they're gorgeous, but I just don't have enough TU to start a real collection. They're CS pets, so it's difficult to get a lot of them, even in natural. I have two: Akimichi, dyed rose, and Silviah, dyed amber. I've been rmailing users who are selling and asking if they would be willing to trade a mixture of pets in my rancher and TU for an Ezahni, but nobody has responded yet, and I'm not sure they will.

My Future Plans For This: I would love Mua and keep her, making sure she's well-fed and happy. I would dye her orchid as well.


3:52pm Apr 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
What I Want: Kameko - silver kurrabi
Why I Want It: I've been dying to be a proud owner of a kurrabi for so long, but have never been able to save up enough to buy one, and especially a silver one! :) I would LOVE to add her to my showroom collection as my first-ever kurrabi!
My Future Plans For This: I plan to cherish this lovely creatu forever, and she'll always stay with me. She will never be sold, fed to Kir, starved, or auctioned. I plan to keep her on my profile, and I think I will work towards making her one of the top ranking pets in age and intellect.

I hope you'll find all of your pets a good home, and hope you'll come back to rescreatu again ;)

12:49pm Apr 2 2012 (last edited on 7:37pm Jun 13 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 136
What I Want:
 Info, the female Jaaku.
Why I Want It:
1. I've wanted a jaaku since I started playing, a few days ago. I'm into creepy shtuff. xD
2. I love the color sepia, even though it's not rare. I honestly don't care, because I think sepia creatu are adorable just the way they are. 
3. Info is an AWESOME name. (notice the rainbow emphasis, LOL) It's one I've been searching for, actually. I finally found it! ^_^
4. getting ahold of one or more of every breed of creatu on the game is my goal. I know it's outlandish, but I believe that if I try hard enough, I can achieve it. I would need a jaaku...
My Future Plans For This:
I would like to keep it in my family of pets for as long as possible. It's important to me. I'd also like to give her the most intillect as possible, and get her to the top of the intellect rankings. ^^ I'd never sell her. I don't sell many of my creatu, actually. so, yeah.
It's sad to see a res member go. It's understandable, though. people get tired of games and move on. I'm sure you will be missed.
***Edit: I am in possesion of a jaaku now, but it's not sepia. I would still love one for my collection. ^^


4:00pm Apr 21 2012 (last edited on 4:05pm Apr 21 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
name: Jimony

What I Want:^
 Why I Want It: I love Ardur and I am planning to make an Ardur collection on my profile soon ^-^ Albino would be a great start :D I think they look like dragons XD actually my fursona is an albino dragon :) He will be cared for and well fed.
 My Future Plans For This: I will NEVER sell Jimony. He will stay on my profile at all times and taken care of for the rest of my Res life ^^

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