7:43pm Apr 21 2012
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Posts: 25
Aw, sorry you're leaving D:
what i want:Oozy, the nattie female Ezanhi why i want it:I want it cuz I ABSOLUTELY ADORE EZANHIS! XD Plus, the name Oozy is exactly what I would name a creatu, so she really reminded me of how I'm so simple-minded in names. Last, Oozy reminds me of toothpaste :D my future plans:I'll probably dye her, and keep her on my profile! I promise I won't neglect her or sell her :)
5:15pm May 2 2012
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Posts: 3,828
What I Want: Pyreko the Haberisar Why I Want It: Ever since coming back to Res (been playing since '10), I've wanted to fulfill my CS collection again. I worked hard for months to get all the pets I have now, and now that my old Showroom cleared on my old account (On this one for personal reasons), I finally have all of my names back. Though when I first saw the "Haberisar" part of his name, I would have planned to tag my old Habbie's name, which was Diffidens, onto him, but Pyreko is unique and I've decided I wouldn't change it. Out of all the CSers I lost on my old account, I'm only missing gaining a Haberisar back (that and an Ezahni, though I don't favor those as much). My Future Plans For This: All of my CSers have and will stay on my profile. I've very recently come back to Res for a semi-hiatus, just so you know, but if I ever decide to leave for another short while because of school or my Rl or such, he'll be put in my Showroom or left with either Detneth106 or Graveyardfox, my two best friends on and off the site. (Though I highly doubt I'd leave again). He'd be taken very good care of even if I leave. As for plans, I'd probably keep him natural and work on some other goals that I've got, then dye him either Rose (because Pyreko reminds me a bit of Pyro, which is fire) or, if I find another colour that suits him, dye him that.
Sad to see another member go, but good luck in rl. Hope you find great homes for them. I know how it feels to give 'em away, even to friends. :3
hello my name is elder price
7:06am May 4 2012
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I remember Kate and I'll never forget you ;3 It's sad to see another user leave. Came to say goodbye. I don't want apply for a pet (because I'm thinking about leaving as well), but I do hope someday that you return. Goodbye, and hopefully I'll see you later ;D
8:24pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 8:51am Jun 7 2012)
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Posts: 56
I want: Mua the Ezahni Why: Because I love Ezahni's, they are kinda like unicorns and super cute and lovable. Also, I really would love to raise a CS creatu from 0. It would be super awesome!!! I don't have any other CS creatu and I would love just one. Also, the name Mua sounds really sweet and cute and lovable. It's a sweet name and absolutely beautiful and I believe I have enough experience to take care of it and keep it delighted. Ezahnis are like baby horses, so cute and innocent with their wide eyes and long little legs. I hope to be able to love it and take care of it. (I just edited this post to link with the post after it): I think it can fit perfectly with my brand new six-day old Shaefu Ceremon. Mua and Ceremon... :D I've been trying very hard to get an Ezahni but there are no eggs in the Credit Shop and I don't have enough money to buy any credits either way. Here is how I see cute little Mua: Sooooooo sweet! Future plans: I will keep Mua on my profile and see if the Enchanted Springs can change her color. It's pretty awesome how that works. :) I will care for her a lot and make sure that she is always my selected creatu so that she is the first one everyone sees. Even if I don't get to change the color, she's super cute as she is! I would love to enjoy my first two CS creatu- Ceremon and Mua, and keep them in my profile until I leave Rescreatu and hold a giveaway just like this. I hope you consider my request. So sorry to see you go. Best of luck!
4:48pm May 22 2012 (last edited on 8:29pm May 28 2012)
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Posts: 56
Also, adding on to my post before, I just got a Shaefu name Ceremon from a Rancher Shop and it's really awesome to have a CS. I would really love to get Mua because CS's are sweet and cute! I would take very good care of Mua and keep her and Ceremon on my profile forever. (Not sure why I made this post since I just edited the one above it) :P
4:47am May 28 2012
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Posts: 253
What I want: Mua <3 Why: Ezahni's are absolutely beautiful! I would feel very privileged and lucky to be able to take care of such a cute creature. Although it is a CS pet, this isn't the reason I want it. Sure, rarer pets are made to seem more fancy and are generally wanted more as they are more expensive... but I like them for their beauty and their names. Mua is such a simple yet beautiful name, I fell in love with it just as much as the Ezahni itself when I saw it. In the Future: I will keep it forever of course! Especially seeing as it would be my very first Ezahni (and first really rare pet too!) It would be very special to me always, I could never let go of a first, much less a gifted one. I take care of and love everything that's gifted to me dearly. As I'm new however, I'm still getting the hang of the site and don't really know too much, although loving it so far! But if it were the case that I leave, I would probably hold a Giveaway just like you have to make sure that Mua continues to live in a loved home where she is appreciated.
On a side note, it's sad to see you go D: I never knew you, but then I just got here today... so I didn't get a chance to, which is always sad (cause who knows, we could've been friends!). Anyway, I hope the future holds chocolate, sweets and everything nice for you :P
Thanks for considering me to take care of your beautiful Mua <3
~SerenityDream x
2:55am Jun 3 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/155.gif)
Posts: 338
Sorry you are leaving!!
Well I would really like Pyreko because he is absolutely gorges and I am reasonably new to Rescreatu so its hard to get amazing pets :( I will read all of my books to him and have him as my gorges main pet ;) I will NEVER sell him or give away.I will play with him. Not to mention I would love him more than a few pixels, and I would treat him with the most delicious foods and he would be the spoilt Haberisar in the entire history of Rescreatu. I'm already in love with him, and would love to be his proud mummy/owner! I hope you can see how much I want to have him as my baby! -Thanks for this giveaway it is really considerate, please take it into consideration! If so rmail me =)
-Zari x
4:22pm Jun 3 2012
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Posts: 1,189
what i want:
Name: Oozy
Gender: Female
Age: 1
Color: natural
why i want it: i absolutly LOVE horses and pegasie, unicorns etc, and ezahins are just beautiful and addorable ^-^
my future plans: to keep and love her forever, and possibly dye her G+S :D
im aslo so sorry your leaving :(
11:53pm Jun 3 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/531.gif)
Posts: 198
What I Want:Haberaiser: Name: Pyreko
Why I Want It: I want Pyreko because my life revolves around dinosaurs/look likes. I would really enjoy having Pyreko and would promise to never sell him. My Future Plans For Pyreko:
I would like to,if I get him. dye Pyreko trance, or gold. and keep him as a profile pet, not to be stuffed into a showroom. I will keep his hunger at 70+ at all times.
Ps~~ I'm sad to hear you are leaving. I never met you, I just kinda lurk around here..:D Thanks,Cat
7:21pm Jun 6 2012 (last edited on 12:27pm Jun 15 2012)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/302.gif)
Posts: 53
What I Want: Mua the gorgeous Ezahni
Why I Want her: I want Mua for so many reasons! I have been playing on res since I was really young (back when I had my old account). My siblings and I used to play res in the woods behind my house. My creatu was always the Ezahni :) Ezahni are just so beautiful and unique. Their long elegant legs remind me of a young colt and their colors and markings are amazing. Sadly, I'm not rich enough to own fancy clothes for my avatar and credit shop eggs. That doesn't matter to me though. Each of my pets is special to me and I would never sell them even though my calico's would make quite a bit. I am a daily player and I have earned every bit of tu I own. Owning a beautiful Ezahni is my res dream!
My Future Plans For Mua: My plans for Mua is to simply love her. She would never be sold to any other player because then I would only gain money to buy some other pet.. what's the point in that? I would already have my dream pet! She would never be hungry and always be delighted along with my other pets (I spoil them big time!! lol) I also have several interesting books to read to her and she would remain on my profile!
Please consider me! I'd love to have her join my Res family :)
I'm Glad to hear your coming back!!!! Best wishes :)
8:01pm Jun 6 2012
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Posts: 676
What I want : Kameko the Silver Kurrabi
Why I want it : Simply because Kurrabi's are awesome and I am in the process of completing my Kurrabi collection. :)
My Future Plans for This : I'll keep this forever in my Kurrabi Collection. I will never sell it or have it fed to k1r. I will treasure this pet and have it proudly displayed in my showroom where all of my collections are safely guarded. :)
7:42am Jun 7 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/211.gif)
Posts: 17
What I Want: Oozy Why I Want Oozy: First of all, I know that it's hard to trust a "new player" with one of your valuable pets, I would feel the same thing. But if you give me a chance, then I'll hope you'll see lots of good potential as an owner. :) I'd like to start by saying that ever since I joined this site (although that was not very long ago,) I wanted an Ezahni. Cheesy, right? But it's true. They seem to have the most adorable faces of a horse, mixed with a zebra and lion. I love how the stripes fit in so nicely with the chosen base palette and how they managed to capture that perfect image of a horse, twist it into something new and still have leftover traits. I love their mane the most, especially in baby form. I love how it sort of springs up on the side then evolves into this perfect little curl of hair in the middle of her forehead. Oozy's name has great character potential, which is one of the huge reasons that I'm applying for her and not Mua. Although Mua is lovely as well, her name doesn't really, "click." I will express her character ideas on her petpage, unless I decide not to age her then I will put it on Maxxxxxx's petpage. I don't have any petpages for my current pets, but I do on other pet sites like Neopets and Icepets. I never really thought of having characters for my pets on this site but I know I realize how amazing it would be for them to have characters. Oozy's character is a young girl (well, Ezahni,) who came from an average family. Later on, her Dad died, but it seemed to have no effect on her. When she got the news, Oozy was working on a new chemical experiment and the fumes were rising into her mouth. She was practically emotionless when the news was heard and realized it was the "potion" that had temporarily clogged her tear ducts and made her emotion act up because the brain couldn't process the chemicals. Oozy decided to name this the "Anti-Misery Potion." After five hours the potion wore off though and Oozy barely remembered the news. Since then, Oozy became deeply indulged in chemicals and decided to work on creating these new "potions." It was only a matter of time before things got out of control. One fateful day, Oozy was working on a new potion. She had her safety goggles safely strapped on when the potion practically exploded and the tongs went flying off the table and hit the chemical cabinet. Like a chain reaction, a bottle exploded, the glass knocking it over and soon all the potions were destroyed. But it didn't stop at that. A shower of sparks and dust clouds and water spread like wildfire. "No!" Oozy lunged for the door, but the heat was so intensive that she was knocked out.
Oozy awoke, piles of charred rubble surrounding her. She was outside. Oh no, this can't be happening. Her house was completely burned down. There was nothing left, except for the cold body of her still mother.
Since then, Oozy ran into the forest and continued making potions. This time however, she resorted to thievery. Oozy edged to the brink of insanity when her mother died. Every day when the sun set, Oozy sobbed uncontrollably. Every day the two used to go out and watch the sun set together and hear her mother say: "I am like the sun. If I ever set, never forget that I am always with you, shining even brighter than before." But she wasn't here. She was gone.
That wasn't much of a story, just a little background check to show you how she ended up today. Oozy has more of a gentle, sensitive character who feels pangs of regret easily since her mother died, so thievery has became harder and harder to resort to. She feels as if her mother would not be proud and simply stop caring for her.
My Future Plans for Oozy: My future plans are to give her a petpage and write stories about her beginning life and her mother dying and express the true emotions she was feeling. I have a connection with her character, my father died when I was very young and I didn't know what to think of it. At first I cried for hours on then but then the emotional pain really set in and I was just completely and utterly shocked that the was gone. Anyways, I tend to right her personality, name, gender, ect on a character form on the petpage. Once I get a new tablet I will put some drawings of her on the petpage, in her feral and human form. I don't know if I want Oozy to age quite yet, so she will probably live in my showroom for a while, but never be loved any less. If I ever take her out of the showroom, I will double check everyday that she's not starving and feed her.
I may not know you, but I hope that you have a great time outside off the computer and enjoy your life and I hope you enjoyed the time you spent on this site. I'll understand completely if you don't choose me to adopt your lovely Creatu and I wish you the best of luck finding new homes for all of them.
Best Regards, Lindsey :)
10:36am Jun 8 2012
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Posts: 737
What I Want: Soxo The Silver Jaaku Why I want it: Bcuz I simply love this little fellows name and colour. Future plans: I will keep it on my profile, and never ever sell it.
8:16pm Jun 11 2012
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Posts: 2,721
XoX Wow guys, lots of replies ^_^ Turns out I'm coming back, but I'm still giving out these pets. Sorry for the delay, I haven't had time to get on. I'm gonna look through all the apps and pick new owners here soon.
I\'m back.
1:35pm Jun 13 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/340.gif)
Posts: 333
What I Want: jimony Why I Want It: Ardurs are my favorite creatu and I have been dreaming of having one form the first day I signed up. My Future Plans For This: Keep him forever NEVER sell him, NEVER morph him, NEVER take him andf give him to kir!
7:35pm Jun 13 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/24.gif)
Posts: 136
^^ Glad to hear you're coming back!
7:39pm Jun 13 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/210.gif)
Posts: 56
That's great, that you're coming back! Welcome back!
7:44pm Jun 13 2012
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Posts: 253
Yay, glad you're not leaving! :) Are you sure you still want to give the creatu away though? Now that you're staying? :O
1:33pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 1:34pm Jul 14 2012)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/210.gif)
Posts: 56
Are you still giving away your creatu?
1:45pm Jul 14 2012
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/186.gif)
Posts: 1,645
xD welcome back~
What I'd like to have: I would love to have either info or soxo if you can't find good homes for them~ I've been on res since 2010 and I love love love! jaakus~
Why I want them: x3 I adore and collect them, jaakus are my fave pet :D
my feature plans: I plan to draw my whole jaaku family xD if you do give me Soxo, he can be Kuzi's older brother >:3