Kurrabi giveaway!

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1:48pm Oct 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 19

Yup. :I all in my profile, all go to a SINGLE person. xD but.....you must fill out this form. xD


Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) :

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has awesome pets i can look at. xD) :



2:26pm Oct 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,704

Username: IpetsLE22

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : I think I will keep them, but sell if desperate.

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has awesome pets i can look at. xD):I have a few in my showroom and some in rancher.

elle x x x

2:30pm Oct 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 19

Alright, once i get 9 more people, ill start it up. ^^


6:19pm Oct 26 2012 (last edited on 11:45am Oct 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 400

Username: Nyroc128

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) :  I joined this year in around March, and I haven't gotten a single double-seasonal yet, and I'd quite love to have some.  <3  I'll will try my best to keep them with me, and maybe start up a collection kurrabi collection since my ezhani collection in going nowhere(well, I haven't gotten a single one yet, but I want them so badly) EDIT:  I got my first ezhani, thanks to the TRWW! :)  But, if I end up desperate and not having any tu left for some reason, I might start selling them.

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has awesome pets i can look at. xD) :  In my profile I have a couple of nattie CSers, if you consider those awesome xD  And some dyed pets as well in my profile and showroom.



1:34pm Oct 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11

Username: Timire

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely
 to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot
than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : I want to collect as much different colors of different creatus, gotta catch them all! I have couple of kurrabi's, so I would sell those colors I already have

 i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch
 of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has
awesome pets i can look at. xD) : I think I have 24 dye colored creatu in my showroom, and couple of rare ones


2:03pm Oct 27 2012 (last edited on 11:15am Oct 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754

Username: Megabyte <3

Why you want these kurrabi: Well, I just started about five months ago, and I hoard tesuris and seasonals (if you count 6 seasonals a hoard) I love any seasonals, but I have yet to get one that is a double seasonal. I might sell it if times get extremely desperate, but it is unlikely, as it would create a large dent in my hoard 'o'

If i went
 through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of
amazing pets?: If you count a boatload of tesuris as amazing, heck yeah. I have all the nattie colors and all the normal dk colors and most of the mutant dk colors 'o' I have quite the tesuri obsession.


4:29pm Oct 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,503

Username: neomaemae

Why you want these kurrabi : Well, I do love Kurrabi and rare, beautiful pets. To be honest, I may as well as anyone sell them, They would fetch a good price. I'm sure I would keep at least one to be polite though.

 i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch
 of amazing pets? : Well yes, from giveaways, but only a few. I wish I had a bunch, but sadly, I'm actually quite new. xD

Thank you so much for this opportunity! I will forever be grateful!

psalm 103:12 |-/

6:53pm Oct 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,189

Username: sapphierwolf :3

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : well, i discoverd i had 1 kurrabi :I and i was like waaaat so anyways i was on hiatus for a while and have missed the last easter egg hunts :c so i would most likley keep them... or sell them if somone was like HERMAGERD U HAS KERERBERS |3

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has awesome pets i can look at. xD) : umm idk? o-o kinda...i guess :3


7:04pm Oct 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163

Username: GreenKat

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely
 to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot
than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : Kurrabis remind me of bunny rabbits and I'll cherish them in my sr forever( unless I put em on profile or leave res, in the case of leaving res it would be gone at a giveaway)

 i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch
 of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has
awesome pets i can look at. xD) : No, but if you look on my profile, you'll see an achro narwi named size, a bino rodi named JellyBeaned, and a natural ebbie named quintuple along with a random nattie otachie.


10:13pm Oct 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 19

So many joiners and havent even resorted to avertising. xD


1:23am Oct 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 676

Username: luvin0it

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : for my showroom. I do not really have a lot of kurrabis. I'm trying to collect all pets in res (exe]cept CS for now) and having those kurrabis will bring me closer to achieving that goal. :))

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has awesome pets i can look at. xD) : YES. I do have some awesome pets in my showroom but most of them are not for sale. except for duplicates maybe... :))


8:32am Oct 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,058

Username: kewlgurl

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely
 to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot
than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : I'm gonna donate them to TRWW where people get pets when they are in need for pets. I may even try to rename some of them

 i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch
 of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has
awesome pets i can look at. xD) : Iluvus are everywhere in my showroom. I have a kioka in my grave, trance in my profile and prehistoric RSTU001 in my showroom! My rancher is too, full of awersomeness

\r\n \r\n

10:42pm Oct 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 53

Username: Mustache

Why you want these kurrabi: They're all so pretty... And I'd love to somehow come up with a storyline featuring all these kurrabi! I am pretty new to this site, and would love some additions to my family! I'm 90% sure I won't sell them.

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets?: Eh, I guess. I just kind of collect all colors of species that I really adore (i.e. kayoki, tesuri, veram, ebilia).



8:44pm Oct 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 335

Username: otter6

Why you want these kurrabi (be honest! im more likely to give it to a person who admits they want to sell them or whatnot than someone who lies and then acts all suprised when i check on them.) : They are adorable, and I've always wanted one! I wouldn't sell them, but I might give one or two as a gift to my sister :)

if i went through your showroom, rancher, and profile, will i find a bunch of amazing pets? (not really relevant, but i like knowing who has awesome pets i can look at. xD) : Well you'll see tons and tons of kayokis and some easeros, nothing too extremely rare


1:53pm Nov 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 19

The winner issss..........

OTTER6! message me so i can get your name.


4:00pm Nov 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
congratulations! :3

psalm 103:12 |-/
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