Thank you RevenantQueen457, xocherieox0429, Snowpea, Mystical, SecretsOfTheShadows, lilie, evilbloody, Billark, Flaws, and twixet! You have each earned the following amounts of tu, points, and numbers.
RevenantQueen457 - 200k tu, 4 points, and 4 numbers
xocherieox0429 - 200k tu, 4 points, and 4 numbers
Snowpea - 200k tu, 4 points, and 4 numbers
Mystical - 200k tu, 4 points, and 4 numbers
evilbloody - 200k tu, 4 points, and 4 numbers
lilie - 100k tu, 2 points, and 2 numbers
Billark - 100k tu, 2 points, and 2 numbers
Flaws - 100k tu, 2 points, and 2 numbers
twixet - 100k tu, 2 points, and 2 numbers
SecretsOfTheShadows, you submitted four entries but earned only 100k tu, 2 points, and 2 numbers because one of the songs you submitted had already been submitted by you before and another entry was the name of an album, not a song. :(
200000 tu each has been sent to xocherieox0429, Snowpea, RevenantQueen457, Mystical, and evilbloody :3
100000 tu each has been sent to lilie, Billark, Flaws, SecretsOfTheShadows and twixet :3
RevenantQueen457, hahaha did you find the video for the song?
Billark, twixet, and Flaws, sorry but your Guess That entries didn't make the deadline :( I hope you have better luck with the current ones!
Mystical and Snowpea, yup it's okay I counted your songs. Just as long as they're posted in the right time frame they'll be counted ;)
And next for Guess That...
Congratulations, RevenantQueen457, xocherieox0429, Snowpea, Mystical, SecretsOfTheShadows, evilbloody, and lilie, you got both answers right! You get two more points towards the main rewards and you may pick two more numbers from the Pick-A-Prize.
We also have two more entries for Tell-My-Story!
Blacksasscat and EmoWolf1 each submitted a poem!
Blacksasscat and EmoWolf1, please do write titles for your poems, though :3 you have until the end of this event to edit your posts and add a ti
tle :3
I'll award your tu, points and numbers when you have added the titles to your entries :D
Snowpea gets one (1) more point for recommending this thread to EmoWolf1!
P-i-P numbers
ErisedMoonstone65 - 4 previous
Snowpea - 4 previous + 7 current
RevenantQueen457 - 16 previous + 6 current
Excelscia - 4 previous
InfernoFire - 4 previous
Mystical - 8 previous + 6 current
evilbloody - 4 previous + 6 current
twixet - 9 previous + 2 current
Flaws - 20 previous + 2 current
SecretsOfTheShadows - 15 previous + 4 current
spadechalice - 4 previous
Ratchet - 2 previous
LordNugget - 1 previous
Perfection - 2 previous
MyMeloChan - 3 previous
Claptrap - 3 previous
xocherieox0429 - 4 previous + 6 current
lilie - 4 current
Billark - 2 previous + 2 current
Zaefyra - 2 previous
Do not post numbers yet, I still need to look at your posted numbers beginning with posts after midnight the day I left off!