Leaving Giveaway.

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10:09am Mar 23 2014 (last edited on 5:40am Apr 18 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 95
This is it people, the goodbye from me. 
Before I hop away dampening my fire for the foreseeable future. 
Off I go, into the land of the real. 

The Leaving Giveaway

Prizes and many more items not listed to come 
Note: not leaving forever I will come back on from time to time <3 

PharrellWilliams (or however his name is spelt) 

How to enter this amazing giveaway

 Write at least two sentences on the thing you love most about rescreatu. Prizes will be randomly given. 

follow the guidelines 
Listen to me :) 
Have fun and don't complain 
What is said is final
No returns please. I'm leaving

Love you all
~Firehop AKA. Hoppeh

Users in the giveaway (up to date) and notes 

1. Dustfeather (thankyou and I'll miss you all <3) 
2. miraclesarereal (note: I am unsure about adding you since it says you are quitting and keeping all your pets. I wouldn't want anything as valuable on these to end up on a unused account like mine will be. Please rmail me) 
3. Aniwolf (I'll miss you too sis. I'll be on maybe every now and then to talk to you) 
4. DeathByTomorrow (I love the SB too!) 
5. Ferniio (thanks hun c:) 
6. Gatara (great c:) 
7. Jayni (I'll miss you too, I'll be on and off but I have exams and I'm getting ready to go to a music academy. Miss you <3) 
8. StarFire01 (I know I'll miss it. I'm taking a break for a long time which I do once a year)
9. thankyou <3 ErisedMoonstone
10. loved having Empusa. Perhaps you'll win her <3 Demon
11. Smurfette thanks love <3 
12. Tomburgerpie, thanks and good luck to you to <3 
13. Pegasus <3 people tell me my downfall is my gifting. I see it as one of the best presents
14. Vin. Yeah a lot of my friends left too and It's really hard to see people going but I'm gonna leave in style <3 
15. Titanium. No problem, it's my pleasure <3 
16.  MissHalloween, Totally! My favorite parts to. I'll miss you <3 
17. Tarajara c:
18. Snivy, thankyou it's my passion c: 
19. Nyroc, thanks the real life is starting to scare me but I'm willing to try 
20. Sonadar awww I'll miss you too and the whole of res <3 
21. HereLiesTheHero, I know I hope I wont get crushed :) it's my pleasure 
22. OCTOPI :) <3 I could write a whole story on how much I'm going to miss you <3 I'll be on and off like many users do now and again and I'll hope people will remember me 
23. GG, you listed all I love. If it wasn't for the real world res would be my world 
24. Rayguaza <3 
25. Porkydoll, thanks hun I will ;) 
26. LoveDroid, thanks
27. CaptainCrayon- 42 
28. Ylvalaric, thanks hun 
29. Souda Dodo I'll miss you too! Thanks for been here. 
30. Anthony101, it's a decision I've been thinking over for a while. 
31. GLaDOS <3 I'll miss you hun but I will return every now and then. 
32. lilie I'll miss you too!!! :( 
 33. Elenwe, thanks you luv 
34. creatu223
35. JazzieCrimson thankyou hun 
36. FluzzMe :) 
37. Fayz
38. Headache~ great examples :) 
39. DragonHatcher- aww thankyou 
40. Pokefan- Thankyou <3
41. Mandi  :) 
42. Wolf12 <3 
43. Runae 
44. OmegaGrox 
45. Ferny 


10:19am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
The thing I love most about Res is the community! I honestly don't know if I would have stuck around if I wasn't able to talk on the SB and chat up my friends every day. I've seen some of the most generous and fun people in my life on here. Glad to be a part of it ovo

Good luck wherever life takes you <3 

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

10:20am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 15
My favorite thing about rescreatu is having fun with my friends. The best part is being nice and helping each other out with Kir

With insanity comes more moral clarity then the sane could ever imagine.

10:22am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 130
the thing i like most is my friends and the pets 
also i like giving random gifts away to friends

i will miss you sister D:

I am a wolf hear me howl! Awoooo Me:who put this silver ring in the that i picked up?Peridot:it was me Me:so that means we are engaged now?Peri:yes a few mins later:me:fine i will marry you.IM ENGAGED TO A GEMSTONE AND HER NAME IS PERIDOT.Gemstone x a Wolf OTP offical on res.

10:24am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 178
The thing I love most about Res is the community. No ones mean or rude, no one scams, no ones a bully. Everyone is so nice, they always help out new players and more or less remember birthdays :P, and I can't tell you the amount of gift-showers ive seen in the SB.


10:28am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,701
My favourite thing about rescreatu is the community. Everyone is extremely helpful and friendly, especially when it comes to new players.
I also love the art! All the pet are is amazing, i love the colours and everything about them. And as an occasional artist, my favourite place to be on the site is the art forums. Being able to buy and sell art is fantastic, and rescreatu has helped me so much when it comes to improving my art. There is still much more improvement needed, but i've come a long way from where i started just because of this website.

Good luck hun! ♥


10:40am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 69
I actually quite Rescreatu when I was around eleven due to not being able to talk in chat, but as you can see by me writing this I am back.  I love the community on here and the fact that the game never really becomes stagnant like other games do.  

um... hi?

11:22am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

The thing I love most about res is the community. Everyone's fun and kind and generous and loving. Without all my friends on the SB res isn't half as fun.

Imma miss u fire. Good luck in life ♥


11:32am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 95
Lovely entries all <3 I need to get this Cosmic Trance Cyid a good home. 
I'll miss you all <3 
Miracles~ I'm not prepared to give my pets to another leaving person though. I believe that to be a waist :P 

Edit- a few million available in tu too as a prize :) 

11:55am Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 229
Res is amazing! Omg what is there not to love.. I love the people, I've been on res for about 7 years isn now and I still talk to some people that I have since day one. If you ever have a problem and need an escape res can be like that, it's truly like a second family and such a huge support system. I'll never regret signing up. Sad that you must go D: Awh, you should just take a hiatus instead ;O; you'll miss it dearly  & we'll miss you too!! Be sue to stop back and say hello to everyone, faces are never forgotten <3 Res truly is amazingly fun and interesting, never a dull moment on here. You'll learn personal skills along the way too! Glad you are apart of the Res family!! Please please please come back and visit. <3


12:07pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 319
Hmmm, what do I love most about Rescreatu....
Number 1, the designs!!! For the clothes, the avatars, the pets, well basically the whole website. I mean, where do the staff get these ideas?!! And it only starts off as a sketch in the artist's mind which in the end, turns out to be this fabulously looking 3D-like clothing item. And the pets. There are like what? 55 creatus?It's hard enough to create ONE creatu that is unique but 55?! I mean wow, seriously. 
Number 2, the events and prizes that you'll get only at that event. Every year, it gets a little different, maybe prizes are different or the way to get the prizes are different... It's interesting! Like the year before last, by exploring the ice tunnels, you could get maybe frostlight icicles or whatnot. Whereas last year we could straight away change our pets into frost pets. As I said, DIFFERENT. Plus, all these events only motivates everyone to try and get the prizes because it's common knowledge that prices of events prizes or items that can get you points to get the prizes go up ridiculously high during or after the event.   

Oh and hey, even though I didn't really know you before this, I wish you all the best for wherever life takes you and that no challenge is hard enough to overcome :) 

12:07pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 319
Hmmm, what do I love most about Rescreatu....
Number 1, the designs!!! For the clothes, the avatars, the pets, well basically the whole website. I mean, where do the staff get these ideas?!! And it only starts off as a sketch in the artist's mind which in the end, turns out to be this fabulously looking 3D-like clothing item. And the pets. There are like what? 55 creatus?It's hard enough to create ONE creatu that is unique but 55?! I mean wow, seriously. 
Number 2, the events and prizes that you'll get only at that event. Every year, it gets a little different, maybe prizes are different or the way to get the prizes are different... It's interesting! Like the year before last, by exploring the ice tunnels, you could get maybe frostlight icicles or whatnot. Whereas last year we could straight away change our pets into frost pets. As I said, DIFFERENT. Plus, all these events only motivates everyone to try and get the prizes because it's common knowledge that prices of events prizes or items that can get you points to get the prizes go up ridiculously high during or after the event.   

Oh and hey, even though I didn't really know you before this, I wish you all the best for wherever life takes you and that no challenge is hard enough to overcome :) 

12:12pm Mar 23 2014 (last edited on 12:15pm Mar 23 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
I love the people and community. Everyone on here  I've met is really nice. Res is a nice place to escape reality sometimes. Well at least for me. I also love the art! There are a lot of talented artists on here
Oh I used to own Empusa. Would be nice to get her back o.o


12:26pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 7
Rescreatu is pretty awesome. I'm a huge fan of Virtual Pet sites and have been apart of many. Res keeps me coming back because I don't feel awful about being a college student playing a virtual pets game. Another bit I love is that the pets actually grow, not just mentally, but physically. Having a shop, and classes are just easier and I appreciate a game that allows me to play what I love without having to hide it. 

12:28pm Mar 23 2014 (last edited on 12:29pm Mar 23 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 184

I would agree with most people that the best thing about res is the community. It is also a relatively small one compared to most games which I guess makes it easier to get to know more people without being overcrowded. Everyone seems to like helping eachother and are always friendly to one another :)


Its sad to hear that you're going. But nonetheless, good luck :)


2:19pm Mar 23 2014


Posts: 1,586
What I love most about Res : -

1. Events! I really enjoy events. They bring users closer together, and keep me interested in the game. I don't think I would still be here if it weren't for events. Events also introduce new things to the game like pets and effects, which I really like. I have made a lot of new friends because my shoutbox time is greatly increased.

2. I really like collecting HA Items. Almost as much.. or even more than I like collecting beautiful pets.

I am sorry to say that I haven't had the change to meet or speak with you, but I hope real life goes great for you <3 Thanks for leaving us with a little bit of generosity.


2:20pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
Hi there. I've never really met you before, but it's always sad to see a user going. :c 

But, as far as what I love about Res... Hmm. I love the atmosphere it has. Everyone is almost always extremely friendly and I've met some pretty amazing people on here that I wouldn't know otherwise. 

I hope that perhaps one day you'll decide to visit Res again, even only if you're here to visit. <3


2:29pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 461
I love the res community the most!
 So many nice people willing to offer up advice and stuff for people who need xD
I also love the art *o*
Thank you firehop~

Roditore Queen, Always

3:21pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
what i love about rescreatu.
#1.I love how this place can bring people togeather,making good
friends,and wonderful chat buddies,as well as others
trying to help other threw bad times.
It's like a family.

#2.I love how a species of creatu can get you addicted,
and make you hoard them all like pokemon.
LOL..makes you keep coming back to see
what else you can hatch and nab for your
mighty collection.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


3:48pm Mar 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 266
I love, like most people, the community here! Everyone's just so accepting and trusting! ("Hey, can you zap my albino Ivik for me?" "Sure!" "Thank you!") It's the main reason I've stayed with Res. Apart from that, I adore the art and the forums! <3

Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
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