7:14pm Mar 25 2014 (last edited on 7:14pm Mar 25 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 568
What I love about rescreatu is that this site provides freedom for me to do what I want, relax and be competitive. The diverse online community this site offers is one of the best I have ever been apart of. It provides various ways to get players involved and working together to trade and explore their personal enjoyments. For me I love to collect squishys and be able to see my position on the leader board at the end of the day and set new goals for the next. Also I love being able to choose the quantity of my creatu and which types I have, no other site can compare to the variety that rescreatu has to offer. I enjoy the challenge of getting the next best thing and the monthly achro hatches. Having that extra challenge gives me an opportunity to waste my spare time to collect and hatch. This site makes my day after school and sports and homework I am able to sit down and relax by communicating with people across the world on this one special site. It makes my day. There is so much that I could write about this site. Ever since I joined I have had an amazing time with the lay out and the people that I have met. In the beginning it was difficult for me to get to where I am now, but looking back I am glad that I never quit and continued to work at it. I am in a position now in this game that I would not trade anything for. Even though this is a distracting and time consuming game, its worth it to me. That means a lot since I am committed to so much already. I hope in the near future that you return to rescreatu and become apart of this awesome site once again. Seeing people leave from this is understandable, but I wish that it didn't have to be that way. Hoping that your decisions will take you far in life, thanks so much for taking the time to do this :)
3:13am Mar 30 2014
Normal User
Posts: 2,131
My 2 favourite things about Res are: - The Community - The Generosity
Community is amazing, and because everyone is amazing; everyone trusts each other. For example: "Hey man, wanna creatu sit my albino omni for a week to motivate you even more on your goal?" *week later* "Thanks a lot dude, it helped, have your bino omni back."
Generosity is tied in with the community, the community is tied in with trust, trust is tied in with friendship and laughter and an awesome site!
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
2:21pm Apr 6 2014
Normal User
Posts: 98
The thing i love most about res is that you never know what you'll hatch. There is a huge variety of creatus and colours and on top of that there are dyes and effects to make your creatu even more your own. Its wonderful that this pet site has brought us all together! Bye firehop! Have a good life and we'll miss you!
http://q.pokefarm.org/user/pokefan1300 Click my eggs!
4:26pm Apr 6 2014
Normal User
Posts: 33
What I love most about Rescreatu is the users and how we help each other out. If one is trying to get a black jahra, we would gladly help her out. I'm going to list some people who are very helpful :) Rikathefallen- When my account was broken into, she asked f I was okay later. Rupee- She lent me some tu for a pet I really wanted. Mugiwara- She gave me Undead effect to help me finish my goal And so many more. :) I just love how we love each other... and help out like a real society. One I'd live in. Good luck!
10:12pm Apr 6 2014
Normal User
Posts: 783
The thing I love most is all the amazing people. I am always meeting new people and friends on Res, and it never ceases to amaze me that no matter how rude people in the real world can be, there are always people to cheer me up on Res <3
Meh bootiful OC Badger <3
4:21am Apr 7 2014
Normal User
Posts: 20
I've only been here for not yet a month and I've never been into pet adoption sites before... but my sister was playing on some sites and she brought me here - I just saw her hatching a Veram and instantly fell in love with those critters :)
Now I've discovered some more of Rescreatu and I must say, that I like it very much. The huge variety of species and colours... the excitement of hatching eggs and not knowing, what colour will hatch. Also the joy when you hatch a really rare colour.
I'm really looking forward to every new morning to hatch my 3 eggs and see what I get :)
10:54am Apr 7 2014
Normal User
Posts: 284
My favourite things about this website would be:
1. The Choice! Theres no boundarys to what your limits are! Other than the rules of course :P. Want to start a Mutant collection? Go ahead! Want to raffle off a super rare creatu for free? How kind of you! Want to hatch an amazing name or colour? KNOCK. YOURSELF. OUT!
2. The Staff! Usually in any game, you never actually speak to any one who helped create the game, let alone have a conversation to one of them over... lets say, how many sugars tea should be made with! But here, you see them every day. And though some argue they get corrupt (Which could happen.) if you dig around enough, theyll have good reason to what they have done.
3. Community. Oh, where do I start? So friendly! So generous! So lively! I am yet to have an unfriendly conversation, or even to see one!
5:14am Apr 13 2014
Normal User
Posts: 573
What I love about res: I love the community and staff that are willing to help, as well as chatting on the forums and having the odd laugh! I left for a year once (and ended up with 6 pages of spoiled eggs) but when I remembered the community, the forums and fun, I came back. Res Is mainly about the community.
I hope after you leave maybe you come back maybe a few times?
Everyone will miss you!
5:27am Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 694
I love Rescreatu because of Intes. Intes are very beautiful.
5:28am Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 95
Note: I am no longer leaving but giveaway will still be happening.
Giveaway is now CLOSED
Draws will be made soon thank you
<3 Hoppeh
5:40am Apr 18 2014 (last edited on 5:52am Apr 18 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 95
Congratulations for the main prize winners (remember every one will eventually get something) This process will take a week or so to finish :)
5:44am Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 573
It's great to hear that your not leaving! (Yay! It's great your staying with us on res)
6:47am Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 1,100
YAY *hugtackles firehop*
8:51am Apr 18 2014
Posts: 1,763
Thank you so much for Acuse :D
2:16pm Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 26
I left Res once too a while back, but I ended up returning, and for really one reason only. For the pets. I guess I just get far too attached to them, and I still mourn the fact that I gave all of my old favorite away to people (though it felt good to give them freely and I hope those users still have them and and all). So yeah, not very big on the socialising aspect of this site, I'll admit. I'm here for the pets, through and through.
2:26pm Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 500
Does everyone get a prize? xD
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!
2:31pm Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 573
I don't think so, I think the prizes were already sent out.
2:36pm Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 95
Not all prizes have been sent out. I am currently very busy. There are still a few to go but no. I'm not rich enough for all of you munchkins. Though I try.
2:36pm Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 573
Oh sorry
2:37pm Apr 18 2014
Normal User
Posts: 500
Oh, I was just wondering. Thanks <3
Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!