Leaving! Giveaway

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12:47pm Jan 13 2013 (last edited on 9:18pm Jan 31 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,250
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Irrevelent, Shandoaw, Dabbled
Colors of the pet(s): black narwi, undead black meiko, albino vaspi
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): They are really special and very cute, I really like collecting creatu!!
What I plan on doing with them: I will keep the and put them in my special showrrom, but only sell them if I am SUPER desperate for something, so basically I will keep them forever!!
Other: I wish you the best luck in life, I only knew you in the SB, but I still wish you the best like someone you've known for a super long time!!


3:25pm Jan 13 2013 (last edited on 3:25pm Jan 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 568
Username: Frayz
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Kirnomss, nameless kayoki, and Beerpong
Colors of the pet(s): Cream, Blonde, natural

Why I wish to keep these pet(s): 
I really love ebilias and I have always wanted a cream but so far I only have one and it is a natural so adding this to my "special collection" it would mean a lot to me. My favorite creatu and collection best would be my kayokis and plus this blonde kayoki is also nameless and I would to be able to name a second blonde kayoki and have it added to my little collection of colorful kayokis. I am also collecting berroks, as an undead, Beerpong would be my first undead creatu and would add a lot of character toward my collection and my showroom <3

What I plan on doing with them: 
I plan on keeping each one and sharing my love and care to them as I do to all my other creatus and plan on having them added to my growing collection of creatus and have it grow through my showroom or profile to show off what wonderful creatus a good person gave up in order to go through life

Other: I wish you the best of luck and hope as you continue your life as you grow and excell in many things and hope that you succeed in life even though I never knew you, but I am sure if I did meet you, you and me could have became friends. 


3:37pm Jan 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
Username: Shadly 
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Batistic and Xanic
Colors of the pet(s): both nattie
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): I love ebilias and berrok a :D
What I plan on doing with them: enjoying them


6:38pm Jan 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
Username: neomaemae
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Irrevelent and Clickerz
Colors of the pet(s): Black and Ginger
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): Irrevelent is a small dream of mine; I love narwis and the black shiny baby just stood out to me, he's so cute. <3 Clickerz has an AWESOME name and I love his color combination! <3 I love zaphaos so much.
What I plan on doing with them: Irrevelent: Keep him and pretty up his pet page. <3 Same for Clickerz. I don't think I would sell or trade any of them unless I got an outrageous offer.
Other: Thank you so much! You don't know how thankful I am! I would be so amazed if I got either of them <33

psalm 103:12 |-/

7:17pm Jan 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,058
Username: kewlgurl
Pet(s) I wish to keep: the unamed iluvus(2)
Colors of the pet(s): natties
Why I wish to keep these pet(s):  I've been collecting iluvus since forever. I love them and dislike the fact that they didn't come out in any effect. But to have an iluvu like this? Awesome
What I plan on doing with them: dye one of them, bean the other. depending on luck I may dye both. As well, I'm hoping for achro
Other: none
\r\n \r\n

8:50pm Jan 13 2013 (last edited on 9:26pm Jan 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 178
Well, uh, second time's a charm.. :(

Username: Saketah
Pet(s) I wish to keep: kirnomss and the unnamed quelis
Colors of the pet(s): cream and nattie
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): I like how the several different colors look on ebbies, and I don't own any quelis.
What I plan on doing with them: Keeping them, adding hem to later creatu collections :)
Other: We all hop you'll come back someday! Enjoy your time in RL!

EDIT: I own a quelis now, so feel free to ignore the quelis part if you choose ^.^


11:13pm Jan 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 80
Thanks Epic!

11:21pm Jan 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 256
Username: taila
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Irrevelent the unnamed iluvu (adult)
Colors of the pet(s): Irrevelent is black, the unnamed iluvu is natural.
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): Both of them will fit nicely in my showroom. I plan to dye the iluvu or use a bean on it.
What I plan on doing with them: They will both be placed in my showroom and taken out if necessary for anything like apples, tunnel, etc. 
Other: Sorry to see you go. ): I always hate to see users leave res. Hope your RL is great and we will miss you here. Thank you for not letting your pets rot. :3

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11:52am Jan 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 176

Username: Charmens
Pet(s) I wish to keep: i really like charmane (almost my username), but i will only ask for MagickTricks
Colors of the pet(s): Cream valabex
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): i am creating a sideshow/ magic themed group and i believe magickTricks will go well with them
What I plan on doing with them: i will be more or less creating a story and drawing art of my beloved sideshows


12:20pm Jan 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 451
when will we get our pets :)


12:33am Jan 17 2013 (last edited on 12:33am Jan 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 75

Username: HereLiesTheHero
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Hycane and Hysto
Colors of the pet(s): both natties
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): Because I can't resist a myotis with a lovely name, of course!
What I plan on doing with them: Adding to my slowly growing hoard of myotis, because I can't resist. A lot of them have characters in my head, haha, I swear ~ and Hycane and Hysto would totally be twins, I mean, look at them, how perfect are they. <3
Other: Hope RL treats you well! Thanks for the opportunity. ^^


9:18pm Jan 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Hariu, kirnomss
Colors of the pet(s): Blonde, Cream
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): Well, I love Zaphaos, which is why I would want Hariu, and I don't have a blonde zaphao, even though I love them so much. I just think they look so cool.
I think Ebilia are really cool, they just seem awesome. I don't have a cream ebilia either, and it would make a wonderful addition to my seasonal hoard.
What I plan on doing with them: Hariu will probably be added in the Pretty Awesome category of my showroom, and kirnomss will go into the seasonal category of my showroom, far away from the evil Kir.
Other: Just thank you for doing this, and I'm sorry you're leaving :c


7:57am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
pet Name:  Irrevelent
why: I love nawis and an hoping I can start a collection I think there so cute and adorable
What will I do: I will make him smart and strong then I will use frost light on him(If I don't get a good enough deal for them) then keep him forever and ever.


7:58am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 178
Boom, you have the ability to edit your post. Instead of posting multiple times, edit your post, please.


6:51pm Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Sorry but this is only my 2nd post.

6:27pm Jan 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 105
Pet(s) I wish to keep:Dabbled
Colors of the pet(s):Albino
Why I wish to keep these pet(s):I want to give them a home,and because i collect achros and binos.
What I plan on doing with them:Put him in my profile to show everyone how he is beautiful.
Other:Good luck finding a game you really like!!!!

6:36pm Jan 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 105

Username: TheUltimateHorseLover
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Dabbled
Colors of the pet(s): albino
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): I have never had an albino before let alone a seasonal one:) I would really love to have this special boy as my very first albino.
What I plan on doing with them: I would keep him forever and ever and never let any one touch him...Ever! XD I would love to use him in my siggy and get art done of him. I will always make sure he is fed and train him really well :)
Other: thanks so much for doing this :)

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9:30pm Jan 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 36
Username: Vestele
Pet(s) I wish to keep: Racardio
Colors of the pet(s): black Valabex
Why I wish to keep these pet(s): He's gorgeous and the Valabex Creatu remind me of my Zodiac (Capricorn)
What I plan on doing with them: I plan on keeping as many Valabex as I can on my profile and I will eventually be planning some sort of story on their profiles
Other: This is really generous of you. :)

6:33pm Feb 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 24
username: evarox785
pet name: shandoaw
species: undead black meiko

why i wish to keep this pet: I used to have a black meiko that i really loved name darkeningnight,but i wennt on vacation and forgot to tell my friend to keep watch over him, so he died and ressurection stuff is to expensive and i always wanted him to be an undead so shandoaw could take his place plus they are my favorite sort of creatu and when it is unded it is epic, and i can have a full guarentee that he will be tended for every day and if you like you can check in on him and if you dont think im suitible i can return him to you or give him to another worthy owner.

8:02am Feb 15 2013 (last edited on 1:29pm Feb 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

So sweet! We will all miss you! Have a great and wonderful days!  

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
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