Okay i want a banner for my siggy and possibly a background. I will pay seperate prices for them. It depends on how good it is for the price.
IF any of you have heard of the Musical Chicago i want the siggy based on that. I want it based on either the Broadway musical or the movie. The movie has Renee Zelwiger in it so yeah. I would like the colors to be the basics of it. Red and black. I want like the background for the siggy to be the big Chicago lights and stuff. I want it be unique. then like put Velma and roxie on either side of it with the guns behind their backs. I want it to be unique so just try to do your best.. If you want to twist it a little go right ahead. I will pay who ever gives me the best one.
For the background i just want it to be like big mural of all the characters. Do whatever you want!
Who ever wins gets a 100k!