Hey y'all, I'm looking for an awesome banner please. I want it to have my username as well as some quite awesome art in the back ground. I'll use it on my profile/forum signature and I will credit you wherever it goes.
I like:
Polka Dots, stripes, PLAID
Lord of the Rings, Phantom of the Opera. Cats, Star Wars, Inkheart, Spaceballs( my fave musicals/ movies)
I'm seriously looking for creativity here too. Also, unless you're a SUPER good artist then I'd like it to be computer generated. My username, feel free to experiment with how to make it look. If you have a catchy phrase to go with then throw it in. Offer me anything with Twilight, Edward Cullen, a sparkling vampire, Disney Channel, Miley Cyrus, the JB, or peace signs, and i will reject your entry without judging it.
Have fun, post em here, and I'll judge when I have enough entries. UPDATE: Well, I decided the payout is now 50k, but that's still too low. How about "Make me a banner, win Jeptor the Natural Ebilia AND 50k?" Yes, that's good. *winces* Jep is on my profile for any non-believers.
tle="Cool" />
Nother Update: the deadline for my banner contest is now Dec. 1st. If I don't have enough entries by then I might just go ahead and pick a winner, cancel, or keep going. Depends.
3rd Update: It's Dec. 1, only 3 entries! Argh, let the contest continue. Next deadline is Dec. 24.
Update: I recently got hold of a whole lot of Tu, so if the contest goes on then the prize is 450k minus the ebbie.