Me and my special friend Blizzardofwinds are going to have a contest/raffle!
Each person sends a picture of a creatu they created with their own imagination!
You don't have to be a great artist because YOU created this creatu!
Info you need to know!
Each person send a picture of your creatu you created to Blizzard or me through
R-mail and we will give you a ticket we call Moon Ticket!
Each ticket has a number and i will right it down and put it in a jar, we will draw the ticket and i will post the number
that is on the ticket.
Each person will win 2 Moon Tickets for each Imaginary Creatu!
The winner will receive a MyStErY PrIzE
Who knows what it is?
Maybe its a mutant creatu! (hint hint)
Have fun
Don't steal ideas please
You may work together, but i need both signatures and a approval from both people who are working on the 1 picture
if you are working on it together with someone else, each person gets a ticket,
You can enter up to 2 drawings per-person, each drawing gets you 2 Moon Tickets.