Name Searching Contest!

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12:00pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 12:25pm Jun 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,990
Yup, I have one name I want to search, and I just feel like having a contest over it!
Rules are simple. When you find the name, you Rmail it to me(The loaction, owner, and creatu/color).
Now, the prizes shall be better, and only one person gets a big prize, but everyone who enters gets 10K.
First person to Rmail is the winner and the prizes are as below:
Found under half an hour: 750K
Found under an hour: 500K
Found under 2 hours or more: 200K
Get huntin' :D!
Name is Rosebud.
[url=] Name searching contest, grand prize of 750K!


12:01pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990
And you can post below if you're entering, so I know atleast someone is P:


12:15pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
I'll look around but what's the name? o.o


12:25pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990



Forgot to put it up xD;


Restart at 12:25


The name is posted above P:


12:47pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
oohhhh okay. xD Alrighty. attempting to look then. I think I've actually seen it before but I can't rememeber where. :|


12:59pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990

Yeah, I had it found before, but I lost it and don't remember where i is xD

I got tired of searching myself, so I figured I'd give someone a chance at some good tu P:




1:23pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743

I could have sworn it was on a malal but the results for the malals didn't have it. I've searched most of the 'obvious' species and colors and still no luck yet D: I'll keep looking around but I need to go on my lunch break for now xD; I'm pretty out of it.

I know I probably won't win any of the 'hourly' prizes but I'll keep looking for you anyway.

On the bright side I've found some pretty awesome names. xD;


1:27pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990

Well, since no one else seems to be interested, if you find it before anyone else, I'll go ahead and give you 350K for it x3


**Hour is Up**


2:16pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
oh okay xD I'm back now. gonna keep lookin~


2:17pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990
Cool^^ I might be a bit slow replying, I'm dealing with my IPod :K


2:57pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743

It's all good. So far no luck though :/

I've gotten a decent amount of lists behind me so far at least


3:08pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990
How strange o3o I thought it was one of the first pets when I first searched it... I knew it was after Ezhani because there was 'Rosebuds' the Ezhani(Which I now own xD), but that was it ;u;
Come out, come out, wherever you are >:U


3:12pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 3:21pm Jun 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 743

AH okay then if it's after ezhani i might come up on it shortly. I'm going about it alphabetically, and just passed the ezhanis.


Of course, once I get to around these species Res deciedes to screw up on me >w<


I'm afraid I may not be able to complete the search today if Res keeps up like this, however, i can list you what I've found does not include Rosebud ( narrows down the list for me, you, or any other searcher that might come along)



the color Rose

the color Ginger















None of those listed above contained the name Rosebud.


3:14pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990
Are you going through one page at a time?
Or are you using the jump search to get to the R's?
I'm just curious o3o


3:16pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
Using a jump search x)


3:17pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
I'm just not quick like others. I've never actually done a name search, so I'm not too experienced with it all


3:22pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990

Just wondering xD;


I know the feeling, took me forever to complete my first name search P:


I do them a lot, just don't feel like doing this one o.o;;

Something about finding a name you had already found once irks me xD


3:24pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
Oh I don't blame you. xD It'd be annoying to me to have to go searching for osmething I -just- had my finger on. Happens all the time with my actualy stuff. xD


3:27pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,990
xD Can't remember where my glasses are, even if they're on top of my head :P


3:32pm Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 743
xD I just found a 'RoseBudd'. Too many d's but if you want to know where and what that one is I can give the info

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