So here is how drawings will be done.
There will be roughly 5 major prizes (15mil or higher) that will be given out. Only one major prize can be given to one user. If he/she manages to get one major prize then is drawn for another, then the second prize will be redrawn until the prize goes to another user who has not gotten one yet.
However, all users will have a chance to win up to 3 minor prizes. IF however a user does get multiple minor prizes and does not wish to keep an extra prize, then that prize can be redrawn until a user with 2 or less prizes is chosen. If the prize lands on a user who has not gotten a prize, then that will count as a minor prize and cannot be redrawn unless if they win another minor prize. If this happens to any user, I will rmail them asking if they wish to throw their unwanted prizes back into the raffle.
If a user has not gotten a prize by the time all prizes have been drawn and no one has given has offered a prize to be redrawn, then that user will be given a consolation prize. A number will be selected from 1 to 10. If the number is odd, then it will be a tu prize, ranging from 500k to 2.5mil depending on how high the odd number is. If the number is even, then that user will receive a seasonal egg, and if landing on 10, will be a seasonal exchange egg.
As I have mentioned before, all participating users will receive a prize. However, if there is a user who has gotten free tickets, but has not bought any themselves, then he/she will not receive a consolation prize/redrawing prize if they have not won anything.
I will sort the creatu prizes between major and minor prizes, as well as make a list of all the major and minor item/tu prizes.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Resmas season, and are as excited as I am for this raffle to come to a conclusion!
Raffle will end Dec. 24th at 6pm Restime/Central time. Prizes will be drawn at either 12am Dec 25th or 8am Dec. 25th