o+[ My best friend... ]+o

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4:06am Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 4:13am Aug 24 2010)

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Posts: 1,576
Hey there. C: you seem to have interest in this little contest?
This is a fun challenge. No art, no hard work. Or too much.
Your task is...
To write about your best friend. It can be from your pet goldfish to your teacher, your mom, or even your dad. 
So what's the main objective?
Well, seeing that everyone's all popular, best-friendy now, it's time to get clear with yourself. Who is the one you can rely on for help? To give you a helping hand?
How will the points be given out?
By the amount of information you give. But bear in mind, do not. Ever. Give out. Your friend's. Last name. The other point-earning stuff are secrets. Once your entry is submitted it will be given a score. No changing of entries or you will be kicked out. Your score will be posted below.
When is the end date?
To be determined. 
There is no word limit. And also, no points. It has to be a paragraph such.
 Prizes [To be updated]
1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place: 


4:06am Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 5:58am Sep 29 2010)

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Posts: 1,576


4:11am Aug 24 2010

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Posts: 1,009

I'll enter <3 This seems fun...and I get to write on his arm 8D


4:11am Aug 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I might give this a try. Sounds really nice, and I'll probably learn some things. C; Good luck to all entrants.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:13am Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 4:22am Aug 24 2010)

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Posts: 12,418

I actually have two best firnds. Krysten and Jennifer. We call Krysten is called Byrdy sometimes. Jennifer is called Jensy. Jensy is a Starwars loving freak. She's kind of rude and she likes to cuss alot. Ahe loves Family guuy too. She's a tomboy.

Kristen is very quiet. She barely talks. She is pretty funny and shorter than me. She loves to dance around and watch TV. She loves Twilight and Percy Jackson. She's very sweet.

(Banner made by Kina)

4:14am Aug 24 2010

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Posts: 4,093
Er, Tribecka? D;

"But bear in mind, do not. Ever. Give out. Your friend's. Last name."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:31am Aug 24 2010

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Posts: 694

Millie, who is Millie, well Millie is my best friend but she is not just any best friend. She is my baby puppy dog! I call Millie, my best friend because she comforts you when you need it but doesn’t give unwelcomed advice.

Little Millie enjoys to go walking on the beach and trying to dig a hole to China in the sand. She attempts to chase birds, trucks and lots of things.

She is a Maltese cross Poodle which is commonly known as a Malti-poo or Moodle. She has white with a tinge of golden fur and very dark black eyes. She is going to be 1 year old in September, she’s going to be a big puppy!

Her favourite food is human food like toast and chicken, her favourite treat is Liver treats and she loves her stuffed Lambsy, a lamb. She also loves to chew up things she aren’t suppose to chew up and if you try to get it off her, she runs away from her.

Secrets, well she thinks everything is a dog, even our cats Sunny and Kimba but she aren’t allow near Kimba or she would be wailing all the way to the vets.

This is about Millie, my baby puppy.

The puppy who comforted me when I went through a hard time when my parents were not there and the puppy who puts a smile on my face for sure every-day. A puppy who is more like my daughter then she is a puppy, the puppy who can do no wrong.

Best thing about Millie, she never judges anyone and she thinks everyone is cool no matter what disability they have, what race they are or how different she is,

She is a true best friend, she is what a friend supposed to be: who supports you,  who you can trust, who won’t put you down or hurt you, who will love you no matter what,  and whose company you enjoy. Someone who you know will be loyal, who will make you laugh and who will always be there no matter what happens.

This is what my puppy Millie is.


5:23am Aug 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 243

My best friend is Joanne. We met at a friends house party a few years ago (I know a few years isn't a lot for a best friend, but here me out.) Both of us were bored out of our brains, and I wanted to talk to someone, so I sat down next to her and started talking. At first, she seemed rather closed and quite. I tried to talk about gaming (it's my life :D) and the only thing she knew was a pokemon called Squirtle XD When the other kids at the party ran outside to go on the trampoline, we went to. We though we had this sort of imaginary power, just for a laugh, so we kicked everyone of the trampoline :D 

About a week later, both of our mothers had become rather good friends, so we invited Jo to stay a night round ours for a bit of a sleepover, even though it'd just be us two. In the day, I introduced her to the DS, PlayStation2 and Wii. She liked 'em all, so we played them for hours on end. When we finally got tired, we went into my room and lyed down in seperate beds. Then she insisted that I quizzed her on Pokemon names, so I did, and she did rather well.

The months following, we saw more and more of each other, and she says she has completely changed because of me. I gave her my old DS, which was her first. She loved it so much it never left her side. Now, she loves Nintendo and Capcom games, such as Pokemon, Legend of Zelda and Phoenix Wright games. She talks a lot more too. A lot more...

She has a 'different' sence of humor that most people don't really understand. But I do, I find it hilarious. The best thing about her is probably how smart she can be, but also how immature she can be. She's a computer wiz, and usually fixes my laptop when I've dropped it down the stairs to many times, but then again, she could be the one who drops it, trying to make the laptop into a ... "stylish hat.

My best memory of her is when I had gone to the park with a group of friends (Jo wasn't there, she was visiting someone) and as we were leaving, I was attacked by an old teenager (18 maybe) with a stick around the back of the legs. D: I had to lye in bed for a week or so. She came to my house everyday to keep me company. She looked after me like a nanny. I was so grateful...

I believe that Jo is a true friend. We never leave each others side and there's nothing we would do for each other that is humanly possible.




4:50pm Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 4:56pm Aug 24 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Bump. c:

EDIT: Do you have an end date?

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:43am Aug 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 26

My best friend is my sister, Ashlyn. On here you know her as Tribecka. To me, she's my faithfull big sister. She loves to cook. She is very playful and dislikes the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus. She's my Twilightloving geeky sister. The one that's there to wake me up before noon so I don't get in trouble. The one who helps me out on problems.

My sister. The sweetest sister of mine. Even though her mind hs a mind of it's own, she is pretty smart. She's not perfect. But, she's the perfect sister for me. And this post, is all about Ashlyn, A.K.A Tribecka. The coolest sister.

I need a banner.

1:04am Aug 25 2010 (last edited on 3:11am Aug 25 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
Trust me, there are a few that I would love to write about, but I'll just settle for my twin sister Amy.
She joined Res as Icefeather after a bit of persuasion from me, sometime back in 07. The stone age, to some of you, I'd guess.
The pets say 'Prehistoric', don't they?

It's impossible to describe my sister in one word, or even in hundreds, as you're about to learn. But I'll just pick one aspect of her and start from there. Ready?


That's what she is. The rest of the world doesn't see her as I do, as I know her to be. She gives the impression of being too serious and stiff and unforgiving. And temperless. Her straight face is a bit of a scowl, or a glare, and she is famous at school for it. For her evilness.
But I, her twin, younger by just six minutes, know that's all a lie. She does have a temper (quite a brutal one I might add, though it's only usually provoked by me.), and though she is serious, she's not stiff or unforgiving. True, she holds grudges. They only last as long as I let them though.

There's some explanation behind that last sentance. Whenever me and Amy are in a fight, we usually end up locking stares. It's a silent vow from each of us. To break away first is humiliating and, quite frankly, you've lost.
But it never ends with one of us losing. Unless you count smiling as losing. We can't hold each other's stares for more than a few minutes before we both burst in to hysterical fits of laughter.
I've never heard Amy apologize to me before a few months ago. That's because we never need to use words; We use our eyes, our smiles, our laughs. 'I'm sorry. Don't be mad. I love you.'

Moving back to the original point, I know she's so much more than what's on the surface. She's just as giggly and insane as I am, and when she gets hyper, you'd better run like hell, because you'll be caught in the mood before you know it. I know I am, almost every time.

If you don't mind being trapped in an everything-your-mother-says-is-hilarious kind of world, then sure, stick around. :)
She's selfless too. She sacrifices so much, and even the smallest things fill me with guilt. Because I know that I'm selfish. My first reactions to things are to think of how it benefits me, will I be okay, but I'll be bored if I give up the computer. And I'm working on it. But it's hard. I wish I could be as naturally kind and giving as my sister.

She finds her pa.ssion and talent in music. Piano, actually. And my god, she can weave some beautiful songs from a few fingers pressing down on blocks of white and black. It's amazing. I don't share this gift, unfortunately. But I'm glad she does. I know it makes her happy.

I don't know what else to say. We're so much alike but so different at the same time. I'm rash and rude and very impulsive, while Amy is considerate and knows when to shut up and when to just listen to someone else.
But we're both the same. We say the aame things, get the same songs stuck in our heads, get exactly the same marks. Hell, we've had the same dream on the same night before. Freaky? Not really. It just made me feel closer with her.
On impulse one day, without even speaking to each other, we got our chopsticks out. We were going to have pesto pasta, the little curly kinds. There wasn't any reason at all for doing this. We're both madly in love with chopsticks though. Fun things, those.

So we had a race. It wasn't spoken out loud but we were stuffing ourselves, trying desperately to grab two or even three pasta pieces at the same time in hopes of winning. At the end, we scrabbled over the remaining garlic blocks, which are about the size of a flake of glitter. Hard to pick up, but so totally worth our time.

She won. 'Nuff said.

I know the reason we fight is because we think alike. Opposites attract, so we come to blows over the tiniest issues. Computer turns. Where we last saw her iPod.
Well twins attract too. Deal with it, random saying that says opposites attract. );

If we wanted to, we could probably live out the rest of our lives without speaking. I can interpret her glances and her smiles and the imperceptible shakes of her head- and as a result her awesome curly hair-. Just one glance after she delivers my mother's coffee to the computer room and I know that our mom is in a bad mood, and that we'd better lie low for a bit and read or do something that isn't technology-based- since that makes her mood worse.
All that from a look.

But actually, that happens a lot.

Um. Yeah. I love her to death. To pieces. To... stuff. She is my other half, and I don't know what I would do without her. Also, I sure hope she doesn't see this because if she does she is going to eye me strangely for the rest of my life. She's not a mushy person. She doesn't like hugs and I frequently tell her I love her, though she has trouble responding. XD

After all, I know that we're both terrible at taking compliments. Really, really bad at it.

THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND. The one who knows everything about me. Everything. Period. No one else knows this much.

Scratch that. I hope she sees this, because then she'll finally get it through her head that I love her. And that she makes me proud.

See you around, Sisterling. Bessie of the Brown Cow Dynasty. Soulless one who laps up the tears of children.

And only she will understand what I just said. :)



PEE ESS. Holy crap I was just editing something in and she snuck up on me! I was all 'D8 slkdghdgkldg -foams and switches to a different tab-'
She didn't notice my panic. xD So she doesn't know. I wasn't found out. Yet. :3

It's her turn in three minutes ago anyway. ^0^

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:09am Aug 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
You'd better read all that.

I just poured out a portion of my soul that I should have written somewhere before. Feels so nice to say it all out loud. <3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

3:48am Aug 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Bump? :3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

7:38pm Aug 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 147

The first time I met my best friend for life, she was scrawny, half-starved, and had bald patches of fur and whiskers.

Of course, by reading this, you can tell my friend was a cat. Her name is Clover.

To be cont. (sorry my mom is calling me)

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

10:07am Sep 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 288
        My best friend is my beautiful and loving rabbit, Sweetness. Through all of the hard times in my life, she's always been there. It's hard to find someone who will actually listen to you when you're feeling down and invisible. Even if she can't speak, I know she's listening. She knows when I'm sad, and she shares my joy when everything is going right. She responds to my voice, and comes running to me when I let her out. She sleeps by my side at night, and get's all dancy when I walk into my room. We both share a favorite food - carrots! She is my signature; when I draw something I always let her bite the corner of the paper, and she always only bites down once. I adopted Sweetness from a shelter when she was just young. She's been my best friend for about 10 years. I can count on her to make me smile. I love her.


3:45pm Sep 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Er, bump. Is this still going? o3o

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

6:17pm Sep 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,440
I'll enter if its still going x3

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

5:57am Sep 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
This is still going. I need more contestants before I can judge.

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