Name: Kageruut (Kah-geh-roo-oot)
Planet: Kageruut variants have been found on all planets with the exception of Uldavi. They are thought to have originated on Atquati, but this is unconfirmed.
Species Information: Top zoologists and botanists are still at odds over whether the Kageruut can technically be classified as a 'Creatu', indeed, they are unsure whether the Kageruut is even a true native of the Rescreatan planetary system. Discovered only recently, the Kageruut may have been part of the planetary ecosystems for centuries, or they may have appeared within a relative short time period.
Kageruut do not appear to procreate in the same manner as conventional Creatu. Instead, the infant form of the Kageruut will phase into and inhabit the seed or fruit of a native plant species and 'take root', forming a symbiotic relationship which promotes rapid growth in the new host until it begins to sprout. Upon sprouting, the newly exposed Kageruut will inhabit a container to aid its camouflage into the surroundings. During its life cycle, the Kageruut will often switch host plants when its substance becomes too large to continue being sustained by the original, leaving the former host to take root and continue its normal life cycle.
The Kageruut has very little physical substance on this plane and is able to exert only a small amount of force upon its surroundings. It is thought that the Kageruut feeds on radiation when exposed to sunlight, hence the symbiotic nature of its relationship with local flora. When threatened or in danger, the Kageruut has been observed to phase out of existence entirely, completely severing its connection with the host plant which then takes permanent root where it was dropped. It is unknown whether a Kageruut which has fully phased is ever able to reappear.
Contrary to original supposition, the Kageruut's chosen container is actually formed from its own substance and is not a physical item from which it can be removed. Often, the Kageruut will choose to imitate an item commonly found in the vicinity so that it can remain innocuous to passersby. You should never attempt to separate a Kageruut from its container or its host plant, as doing so causes immense pain.
The first recorded instances of the Kageruut's existence were on the lesser inhabited islands of Atquati, where residents reported witnessing potatoes slowly, "sneaking towards the water when they thought we weren't looking!" Variants have now been observed on Relcore, Reiflem and Scria. It is unknown whether the Kageruut is also found on Uldavi, but there are no records of its existence up to this point.
(Addition 8th Jan) When the Kageruut has cultivated an environment in which it feels safe and secure, it will begin to distribute larger portions of its substance into its root structure, growing thread-like, branching tendrils and rapidly spreading across a wide area. These connect with the tendrils of other local Kageruut as well as non-inhabited flora, forming a network which can quickly exchange information, messages and react to threats. Kageruut networks have been found to span entire landmasses and has been attributed to the successful reforestation of some areas.
It has been discovered that Kageruut variants, which have been removed from their native planet and relocated to another, are unable to connect to the local Kageruut network and occasionally display behaviours similar to an invasive species, attempting to overrun local flora and Kageruut colonies in order to proliferate itself. This leads scientists to believe that each Kageruut variant may have evolved to better integrate with the local planetary flora and is consequently seen as a 'foreign invader' when introduced to other variant populations.
(Addition 30th Jan) Local Creatu and plant enthusiast, Sin, has been travelling to various locations across the Rescreatan planetary system, attempting to catalogue different life cycle stages across the Kageruut variants and making observations on their various methods of survival. Her sketchbook, containing the preliminary results of her findings, can be viewed here:
(please note the image above is a preview, full size images can be found on the petpage)
Atquati Kageruut
The Atquati variant of the Kageruut most commonly phase into blue potatoes, often deep within the soil and close to large bodies of water. As the plant begins to spout, these potatoes make their way to the surface so that the Kageruut can emerge.
Life Cycle Stages - Natural Baby/Teen/Adult
Adult Hatch Colours - Black / Blonde / Calico / Sepia / Silver
Adult Dye Kit Colours - Rainbow / Trance
Effect - Undead
Relcore Kageruut
The Relcore variant of the Kageruut commonly phases into apples, hiding amongst the cultivated orchards. Just before the Kageruut begins to sprout, the apples drop from their branches to avoid damage to the young roots.
Life Cycle Stage - Adult (Natural)
Adult Hatch Colours - Cream / Albino
Reiflem Kageruut
The Reiflem variant of the Kageruut is most commonly found inhabiting chilli peppers, soaking in the sun and heat before beginning to sprout. Reiflem residents were reportedly concerned that they were hallucinating after observing Reiflem's spiciest chilli growing 'legs' and running away!
Life Cycle Stage - Adult (Natural)
Adult Hatch Colours - Achromatic
Effects - Stardust / Derp (please someone get the references xD)
Scria Kageruut
The Scria variant of the Kageruut is generally found inhabiting the hardy Rutabagas commonly grown in the mountainous regions. They do not seem to be affected by the high altitude.
Life Cycle Stage - Adult (Natural)
Adult Hatch Colours - Ginger
Notes: 31st Jan, I think I'm finally done. No more revisions to be added!