9:00pm Jan 4 2025 (last edited on 10:44am Jan 11 2025)
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Posts: 104
The HAMMELOC: SCRIA The hammeloc is found mainly in remote areas of the ice caves on Scria. Not much is known about this species except that it’s curious and often seems agitated for no apparent reason. At an average adult length of five feet it is fairly small, but very annoying; it can be observed harassing other creatu that are careless enough to get anywhere near it. Fortunately its not very common. Hammeloc hang their creepy little eggs from the cave ceiling, usually hiding them in crevices or behind icicles. If you’re trying to find one, don’t; if you’re unlucky enough it will find you. If you do get an egg and manage to hatch it you will be rewarded with a clumsy, adorably ugly little menace that gets in your way and gnaws on everything; including your leg, if it likes you. It’s not known what they eat in the wild, but they have lots of little sharp teeth, which should give you some idea. In captivity you can feed them anything at hand...just watch out for the ‘hand’ part. The baby soon becomes a teen. At this stage its toad-like little body begins to lengthen and its head widens. Its two tiny ‘fangs’ develop into tusks and it starts jumping around and climbing on things. Eventually it reaches adulthood; its body gets flatter and it’s head forms into a gliding wing. It holds onto its tusks to steer it’s ungainly looking head and can actually achieve lift from the ground. It’s not long before it becomes an experienced flier...thanks to lots of practice launching off of your furniture and destroying stuff. There is a mutant variety that can’t fly, but both will follow you everywhere because they can’t mind their own business and want to know everything you do. Some people enjoy that kind of attention...if you do, the hammeloc is the perfect pet for you.
Images: egg, baby, teen, adult natural. Hatch colors: Blonde, calico. Dye color: rose. Effects: derp, undead. Also included: Mutant. 
6:27am Jan 5 2025 (last edited on 11:29pm Jan 17 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 557
Planet: Uldavi The Yuney, a mesmerizing creature, first sighted on the planet Uldavi, is a curious blend of grace and mystery. Its body is adorned with swirls that shift hues depending on its mood. These patterns are not only beautiful but serve as a form of communication, allowing the Yuney to signal emotions and intentions to others of its kind.
Known for their insatiable curiosity, Yuneys are natural explorers. They investigate their environment with delight. Yuneys are often found in pairs, basking in the starlight as they gaze at the vast universe.
Despite their enigmatic appearance, Yuneys are non-aggressive, preferring flight over fight when confronted by predators. Their elegance and inquisitive nature make them one of Uldavi’s most enchanting and enigmatic inhabitants.
Baby | Adolescent | Adult
Albino | Blackgold | Uldavian
Effect: Stardust
Full quality here: https://imgur.com/TV9gRIw https://imgur.com/lMZqjOZ https://imgur.com/Z7w5Men

1:46pm Jan 5 2025 (last edited on 7:42pm Jan 29 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
T'lona - The Asteroid Creators
(Tl - oh - nah)
ject-fit: unset; ob ject-position: unset; grid-area: unset; grid: unset; gap: unset; aspect-ratio: unset; contain-intrinsic-size: unset; vector-effect: unset; stop-color: unset; stop-opacity: unset; flood-color: unset; flood-opacity: unset; lighting-color: unset; mask-type: unset; clip-path: unset; mask: unset; x: unset; y: unset; cx: unset; cy: unset; rx: unset; ry: unset; r: unset; d: unset; table-layout: unset; text-overflow: unset; text-decoration: unset; ime-mode: unset; scrollbar-width: unset; user-select: text; -moz-window-dragging: unset; -moz-force-broken-image-icon: unset; transition: unset; animation: unset; animation-composition: unset; -moz-box-align: unset; -moz-box-direction: unset; -moz-box-flex: unset; -moz-box-orient: unset; -moz-box-pack: unset; -moz-box-ordinal-group: unset;">[img]https://i.imgur.com/av4wqnF.png[/img]

T'lona are Uldavian natives, a rare and endangered species even on the far off planet. T'lona spend the vast majority of their lives in orbit around Uldavi, making their nests on asteroids that circle the planet. Each nest sustains multiple pods of T'lona, who are sociable creatures by nature.
When a baby T'lona is born, the filaments on their wings are incredibly fragile. Because of this, they keep their wings close to their chest until they grow old enough to protect them. During this time, adult T'lona watch over their young, shielding them from danger. Baby T'lona spend the majority of their time sleeping, gathering energy for the migration they will undergo in their youth.
Once a pod of T'lona grow enough to fly, they leave their nests to socialize with others. Research efforts into T'lona flight are still ongoing. As far as is understood, the T'lona use some form of internal propulsion combined with the maneuvering of their wing filaments that allows them to glide through the low gravity of Uldavi's low orbit. During this period of exploration, the T'lona expand their social circles, eventually determining who they wish to include in their permanent pods.
Adult T'lona settle into their new pods, some returning to the asteroid of their birth, others gathering around previously undiscovered asteroids. It is there that they make their new nests, giving rise to the next generation of T'lona.
As they age, T'lona skin hardens, going from soft scales to hard, rocky formations. Their movements become slower with time, and at some point, all T'lona reach an age at which they know that they will soon turn to stone. At this time, they return to the asteroid of their birth, laying close and feeling the soft, subtle breath of many ancient T'lona past. They lie down and move their last, becoming part of the asteroid they once inhabited. Through this method, they imbue the asteroid with their own inherent magic, keeping it aloft in Uldavi's skies.
Until recent years, T'lona were hunted for their energy. The crystals harvested from adult T'lona were incredibly beautiful and able to power devices much larger than batteries of similar size. However, when T'lona were harvested to near extinction, they discovered that without the maintenance of the asteroids that adult T'lona perform, the asteroids would fall to Uldavi's surface as meteors. Harvesting of T'lona was outlawed, and the T'lona population has begun to increase once more.
Images (done by Lake): Natural, Silver, Trance, Frostlit, Creatu Socks
Images (done by Eya): Lemon, Lime, Rose, Indigo, Silver ject-fit: unset; ob ject-position: unset; grid-area: unset; grid: unset; gap: unset; aspect-ratio: unset; contain-intrinsic-size: unset; vector-effect: unset; stop-color: unset; stop-opacity: unset; flood-color: unset; flood-opacity: unset; lighting-color: unset; mask-type: unset; clip-path: unset; mask: unset; x: unset; y: unset; cx: unset; cy: unset; rx: unset; ry: unset; r: unset; d: unset; table-layout: unset; text-overflow: unset; text-decoration: unset; ime-mode: unset; scrollbar-width: unset; user-select: text; -moz-window-dragging: unset; -moz-force-broken-image-icon: unset; transition: unset; animation: unset; animation-composition: unset; -moz-box-align: unset; -moz-box-direction: unset; -moz-box-flex: unset; -moz-box-orient: unset; -moz-box-pack: unset; -moz-box-ordinal-group: unset;">[img]https://i.imgur.com/av4wqnF.png[/img] ject-fit: unset; ob ject-position: unset; grid-area: unset; grid: unset; gap: unset; aspect-ratio: unset; contain-intrinsic-size: unset; vector-effect: unset; stop-color: unset; stop-opacity: unset; flood-color: unset; flood-opacity: unset; lighting-color: unset; mask-type: unset; clip-path: unset; mask: unset; x: unset; y: unset; cx: unset; cy: unset; rx: unset; ry: unset; r: unset; d: unset; table-layout: unset; text-overflow: unset; text-decoration: unset; ime-mode: unset; scrollbar-width: unset; user-select: text; -moz-window-dragging: unset; -moz-force-broken-image-icon: unset; transition: unset; animation: unset; animation-composition: unset; -moz-box-align: unset; -moz-box-direction: unset; -moz-box-flex: unset; -moz-box-orient: unset; -moz-box-pack: unset; -moz-box-ordinal-group: unset;">bed-pub" lang="en" data-id="av4wqnF">View post on imgur.com ript async src="//s.imgur.com/min/em bed.js" charset="utf-8">ript>  ject-fit: unset; ob ject-position: unset; grid-area: unset; grid: unset; gap: unset; aspect-ratio: unset; contain-intrinsic-size: unset; vector-effect: unset; stop-color: unset; stop-opacity: unset; flood-color: unset; flood-opacity: unset; lighting-color: unset; mask-type: unset; clip-path: unset; mask: unset; x: unset; y: unset; cx: unset; cy: unset; rx: unset; ry: unset; r: unset; d: unset; table-layout: unset; text-overflow: unset; text-decoration: unset; ime-mode: unset; scrollbar-width: unset; user-select: text; -moz-window-dragging: unset; -moz-force-broken-image-icon: unset; transition: unset; animation: unset; animation-composition: unset; -moz-box-align: unset; -moz-box-direction: unset; -moz-box-flex: unset; -moz-box-orient: unset; -moz-box-pack: unset; -moz-box-ordinal-group: unset;">https://imgur.com/av4wqnF

4:54pm Jan 5 2025 (last edited on 4:56pm Jan 5 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 14
I can't draw but subscribing to check out what others come up with
If you have ghosts
8:37pm Jan 5 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 2,057
Also subbing to see all the updates! Can't wait to see how this contest goes!
8:46pm Jan 5 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 29
I am so excited for this contest!
8:57pm Jan 5 2025 (last edited on 8:59pm Jan 5 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 184
Unicorn has very generously donated a magical albino drachid squishy for a 'Fan Favorite' prize, which will be voted by the community!
7:50am Jan 6 2025 (last edited on 6:35pm Jan 6 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 20
Species name: Mechian
Mechian hail from the planet Uldavi, born from ‘orbs’ these loyal power houses are protectors, warriors, and watchers of the front lines. Their known creation is undocumented, but many see them as old guards, seen back when Uldavi was first found. Many had died out ever since. Mechian were re-discovered when documents of where to find the last known ‘orb’ could be located. Once the orb was obtained, after ‘incubation’-which appears to be a period of ‘bonding’ between two ‘souls’, the orb will transform into a frame, and that frame will ‘evolve’ into a fully mechanical, fully geared up adult rabbit with anger issues-if not bonded correctly-. If you had bonded correctly, it was found the Mechian will adapt and learn from their owner/partner, based on a special AI at birth. Those that have a mech will argue that the AI was made up of either the Orb itself, or the person’s ‘personaltiy’/traits they themselves were born with, making them a integral part of a mechian’s life. Young mech will observe and learn from the first time they are ‘hatched’, the owner must name, train, and bond with them for the connection to take hold. Depending on the installed AI, they will behave or act out accordingly, so if you wish to have one in your life, please teach it to atleast be responsible!. PS; some way or may not come with energy claws, so also be wary of that!) Adolescent Mech dont much differ, however with their newfound strength and power-powers vary between mech-they usually find themselves out of control, and when the owner cannot bring them to heel, the solution is usually what is referred to as a ‘rank’ collar. Not only does it establish age, power, and distinct features, it also controls your young mech’s wild new energy, allowing them to rein themselves in much better than before, with control, and established ranking system. Even ‘with’ this in place, whether it be for control or decoration, it has been noted and seen that even ‘adult’ Mechian will still wear these strange ‘scarfs, making it integral to the species themselves. Adult Mechian, since their new-found resurrection, have been seen around Uldavi, working, fighting, even pulling around wagons of sorts. Some even race for fun, and for prizes they make up among themselves, which seems to be a growing sport among Uldavi citizens. Since then, they have been slowly growing in popularity, though the adult Mechian themselves usually wont muster up a ‘orb’, if you are lucky to find one, you will have a loyal, powerful companion at your side.
Natural baby
Natural adolescent Natural adult Sepia baby Sepia adolescent Sepia adult Albino baby Albino adult Egg (Orb) Cosmic Mechian Orchid adult
9:27pm Jan 6 2025 (last edited on 11:54pm Jan 6 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 184
coolryan has very generously donated an Endless Gourmet Berry Smore, which will be raffled after the deadline to a random entrant who met the minimum requirements!
(For those unfamiliar, this is a food item which has unlimited uses - though do NOT place it in your food pen or it will be lost forever)
4:53am Jan 7 2025 (last edited on 7:38am Jan 23 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 451
Well here is my creatu! Please give me the benefit of the doubt. This is my first time drawing digitally, its taken me weeks and i have so much to learn! But it was a great learning curve and experience.
Creatu: Frubella Planet: Relcore About Frubella:
On the planet of Relcore, a tiny creatu known as Frubella thrives in secrecy. Slightly bigger than a walnut, these rare, nocturnal animals are masters of stealth, their fur shimmering in hues that mimic the foliage, allowing them to blend perfectly into their surroundings. They dart between leaves and branches with remarkable speed, their large, reflective eyes adapted for the dark and their oversized ears attuned to the faintest rustle of prey.
Frubellas travel in pairs and mate for life, forming strong bonds that help them survive in the dense, moonlit forests. They feed on a diet of berries, seeds, and insects, using their nimble paws to pluck food from the forest floor or snap it up mid-flight. To safeguard their young, Frubellas lay their tiny, sticky eggs inside the petals of Relcore’s vibrant flowers. The eggs cling tightly, disguising themselves seamlessly among the pollen and seeds to evade predators.
Frubella Egg Natural forms of Baby, Adolescent and Adult
Hatch colour, dye colour and effect

12:33pm Jan 7 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 184
Bethy has generously donated an Endless Slice of Pumpkin Pie, which will also
be raffled after the deadline to a random entrant who met the minimum
12:40pm Jan 7 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 3
It ain't gon look that good, but I wanna do this (also subscribing)
9:42pm Jan 7 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 39
subbed :)
4:22pm Jan 8 2025 (last edited on 8:27pm Jan 11 2025)
Posts: 3,217
Place holder teaser in the hopes it'll spur me to get these lill guys done :D (and subscribe!)
 Teen Species: Trashom
Location: Relcore, Trash isthmus
Many say Trashom's are shy secretive creatu however many residents of Relcore strongly disagree with that statement. As night falls across the planet Trashom's begin their day; where the dawn is met with a chorus of bird songs dusk in and around Relcore's Trash Isthmus is met with the wailing screams of Trashom's greeting each other. Each Trashom has a unique scream helping them find individual friends and family in the dark and cluttered corners of the trash heap, even if that individual is miles away! Their long shaggy coats help protect them from adverse weather conditions as well as dirt and debris they might encounter on their nightly wanderings. Despite what many believe Trashom's keep this coat exceptionally clean and spend a large chunk of their waking hours dedicated to grooming themselves and those they trust. Those who can see through the prejudice and form a strong bond with this intelligent, sociable species can expect to wake up to find their pet meticulously grooming their hair in the mornings. (des. not finished!)

8:17pm Jan 15 2025 (last edited on 1:11pm Jan 19 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 472
thank you for hosting this pie!
//updated with more colors and effects :V
Creatu: Dilebog Planet: Atquati
Creatu Information: Dilebog call the murky bogs and marshlands of Atquati their home. Relying heavily on their camouflage, they blend into the weeds and algae to avoid predators and ambush prey. Dilebog spend most of their life hidden in the water, emerging only to snatch any unfortunate creatu that wander too close to the waters edge. Their powerful tail helps them propel through dense marsh making them formidable hunters.
Cautious yet independent creatu, Dilebog often live in solitude. Due to their secretive habits, little is known about Dilebog breeding - though if you are diligent in your efforts you may be able to discover clusters of eggs buried among moss piles near bodies of water. If disturbed, Dilebog will disappear with a splash of their tail. Sightings of this creatu are rare, as you're more likely to catch the rippling of water from a Dilebog's decisive retreat... Egg: 
Natural Baby > Adolescent > Adult: 

Albino Adult > Magenta Adult: 

Undead Adult > Derp Adult: 

2:20pm Jan 22 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 184
All the entries are looking great so far!
2:32am Jan 25 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 184
1 week to go!
8:39pm Jan 26 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 34
Creatu Name: Krayter
Planet: Reiflem
Creatu Deion: The Krayter creatu is know primarily for it's long heavy plating when reaching adulthood, carrying large scales with a similar chemical compostion to that of the hardened lava of the volcanos they roam. This creatu stands out due to it's ability to process inorganic compounds, which it obtains from foraging recent volcanic sites. Depending on their territory, these plates may consist of iron, magnesium, or even aluminum residue which had been consumed by the Krayter. The purpose of these platings has been found to serve as not only camouflage, but as protection from downpouring lava from active volcanos. Since older Krayters need to scavenge for more metals in order to sustain themselves, they wander the craters of active volcanos so as to find fresher sources of lava. Their young stay at the bases due to lack of plating protection, yet their thick fur aids in preventing burns from potential falling debris.
While fairly passive due to lack of predators, Krayters have been known to develope more aggressive stances due to discomfort from their heavier platings. Young Krayters, however, and fairly social and are willing to interact with anyone and anything that catches their attention, normally trying to incite play.
It is reccomended for any Krayter owners to ensure proper plating care once they reach their adolescent stage, as this will ensure their creatu remains healthy and comfortable with the changes that come with their large metal blankets.
Egg: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/ryjXke1.png" height="120" width="120"></br> Baby: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/SphP6Sn.png" height="120" width="120"></br> Adolescent: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/f26xWJe.png" height="120" width="120"></br> Adult: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/x2e9vdT.png" height="120" width="120"></br> Stardust: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/SDKZIZQ.png" height="120" width="120"></br> Snow: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/MzfkRWi.png" height="120" width="120"></br> Colors: <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/0S6RWLR.png" height="120" width="120"></br> <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/BozQWC1.png" height="120" width="120"></br> <center><br><img src= "https://i.imgur.com/xCwX02l.png" height="120" width="120"></br>
Special thanks to Stargazer for giving me the code to upload the images!
11:17am Jan 27 2025
Normal User 
Posts: 3
It's just a bunch of code, there's no images unfortunately
7:26pm Jan 27 2025 (last edited on 8:25pm Jan 27 2025)
Normal User 
Posts: 29
Omg I just need to write a deion and draw one last thing! Must finish!