I actually decided to have a couple of winners. So, runner up is...
Ecliptika with this entry! While I loved it to pieces (it was my favorite of your entries) it was very much like my current avatar. But, since I loved it so much, I figured you deserved a prize of 500k and honorable mention <3
3rd place is...
srsmith with this entry! I thought it was completely adorable, and it captured a lot of what I was looking for, but in the end it wasn't as creative as I thought the entries who beat you were. Nice effort though, and you get 1mil for being in 3rd place!
2nd place is...
Florence with this entry! You were the only one that actually took my favorite color scheme completely to heart and used only autumn colors, which I so dearly love. It was almost completely perfect, this outfit of yours, but I felt it was missing some tiny little detail that I just couldn't figure out what it was for the life of me. It's very likely that with a couple of little tweaks you'll see me wearing this. So, I decided you deserve 2nd place and 2mil for your wonderful efforts!
And finally, the grand prize winner is...
TheBandit with this fabulous entry! I don't know what it is about this entry that I love, but I love everything about this entry. It's busy yet simple, sparkly yet plain, and it's just got a fabulous touch that I absolutely ADORE. It wasn't what I was picturing when I started this contest, but you greatly surprised me and made me fall in love with it <3 For winning, you get 3mil!
Thank you everyone for participating, and congratulations to the winners! I'll send prizes over in just a second ^-^