11:15am Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 11:26am Jun 13 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 104
XD I'd love to participate, but I'd not have an accurate expense list because each day I stock my inventory with multiples of quest items that I find in the shops, and constantly check back every time I start a quest and it says I don't have all the items. Long ago I learned that novice quest items, especially staff and freaky toys are almost always over-priced in merchant shops, so I stopped buying quest items from merchants (actually there were two good merchants that I used to make daily shop raids on but they seem not to restock any more). I do check on occasion, but seldom are my excursions fruitful. I USED to know all the quest items and was able to keep on top of the quests...now that new things are constantly added to the list it's a crapshoot that clogs my inventory and obliterates my memory (what I have of one anyway). I CAN say that in the old days I'd spend a couple million on intense stocking and then be able to ride a week making 500K a day on total food and toy quests. Now, depending on the weird stocking of shops and the stupid fluctuating prices (whose idea was that anyway?) I make on average 200K a day. I also notice that because of the influx of new items and keeping the same old restock times some quest items don't stock for a very long time, ans quests do have the annoying tendency to go on binges where they'll keep asking for the same item over and over (when you don't have it and nobody else does because it hasn't restocked). There's also the issue of retired items in the quests, but so far that seems to be reduced to the chocolate coated lolly (forget the exact name, know the image well). BUT, since you do the quests every day yourself you already know that. As for egg quests, as a rancher I did them on hard and sometimes resorted to medium or novice when I didn't have something, but as a merchant I get more selling eggs than doing quests with them. Hard egg quest pays 5K an egg regardless of what egg it is. I can charge a bit more because most people who buy them from shops are buying to hatch. OH Yes; need I say if lots more people start doing the quests you will have to restock more items and often, because though I know how much you people hate 'easy' and love 'challenge', making it too hard is just going to kill it.
11:29am Jun 13 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 221
Sure you can make money on eggs as a merchant by stocking them in your shop and letting them sit. But can you make a 200k per day on those eggs every day of the week? Hmm. Eggs are free. You can do both, and make more! O.O Oh, and if people post what they couldn't find for a fair price, perhaps you could use that to advantage as well! O.O More tuz for yous!
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
11:34am Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 11:37am Jun 13 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 104
Geonight: XD Yes indeed I can and more, because those eggs are priced to sell and...well, look at my shop. EMPTY. Which reminds me I need to restock......
11:39am Jun 13 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 221
My rancher shop is almost empty. That's just because I don't stock much in there. :P Just a point. Go make yerself useful and stock decently priced quest items. :P
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
12:19pm Jun 13 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 104
;( with the large price fluctuation in the shops it's too hard to price things well. I'm not good at math. I'll sell eggs and do whatever quests I can with whatever I have.
1:33pm Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 1:34pm Jun 13 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,044
Food quest (Novice) 1. 11,652 2. 18,461 3. 15,127 4. 13,879 5. pa.ss - none in shops and too expencive in user shops. 6. 10,307 7. pa.ss - no lime ice pops anywhere 8. 12,180 9. 20,372 10. pa.ss - no strawberry ice cream cones 11. 8,275 12. 28,852 13. 7,583 14. 10,440 15. 13,895 16. 16,641 17. 7,989 18. 8,190 19. 17,614 20. 10,263 Total : 240,092 toy quest(Novice) 1. 16,775 2. 25,244 3. 16,132 4. 15,714 5. 22,903 6. pa.ss - item too expencive 7. 20,738 8. 16,991 9. 12,344 10. 9,340 11. 17,302 12. 6,522 13. 15,228 14. 20,043 15. 8,736 16. 11,717 17. 20,341 18. 22,409 19. 14,388 20. 21,858 Total : 314,725 Egg quest(Hard) 1. 20,000 2. 20,000 3. 20,000 4. 20,000 5. 20,000 6. 20,000 7. pa.ss - no miriabilis eggs 8. 20,000 9. 20,000 10. 20,000 Total : 180,000 EDIT: sorry i forgot i was supposed to edit this into my last post >.<
Work in progress
6:38pm Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Jun 13 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,062
Eeno, I think I pretty much took over your shop during my egg quests, haha. This is a great thing you're doing, Geo. Egg Quest 1. 20,000 2. 20,000 3. 20,000 4. 20,000 5. 20,000 6. 20,000 7. 20,000 8. 20,000 9. 20,000 10. 20,000 ___________ 200,000 tu Toy Quest 1. (I'm an idiot and forgot to write down how much, but I think it was around 11-15k) 2. 16,349 3. 18,299 4. 13,044 5. 13,894 6. (Pa.ss - not spending over 90k on a Mint Staff Balloon) 7. 24,690 8. 9,395 9. 11,620 10. 24,841 11. 18,965 12. 24,839 13. 22,827 14. 13,549 15. 23,933 16. 30,603 (I think that's the most I've ever gotten. o_o) 17. 12,132 18. 16,097 19. 12,248 20. 14,213 ___________ 312,143 tu (excluding #1) Food Quest 1. 16,209 2. 8,458 3. 15,224 4. 14,234 5. 9,524 6. 720 (accidentally hit "Easy") 7. 12,340 8. 9,513 9. 23,804 10. 23,568 11. 11,020 12. 13,684 13. 12,350 14. 11,431 15. 9,039 16. 9,085 17. 11,801 18. 10,120 19. 21,593 20. 14,688 ____________ 258,405 tu Total Made From All Quests 770,548 tu I'm not sure how much I actually spent, though. xD Still, I made quite a bit.

7:30pm Jun 13 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Laya, please edit banner :)
8:51pm Jun 13 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 620
Egg Quests: Hard 1. 20000 tu 2. 20000 tu 3. 20000 tu 4. 20000 tu 5. 20000 tu 6. 20000 tu 7. 20000 tu 8. 20000 tu 9. 20000 tu 10. 20000 tu
Total tu: 200,000 tu
Toy quests: Novice 1. 15047 tu 2. 18018 tu 3. 18061 tu 4. 13855 tu 5. 16219 tu 6. 18865 tu 7. 32909 tu 8. 19314 tu 9. 17335 tu 10. 19472 tu 11. 13599 tu 12. 17422 tu 13. 22234 tu 14. 8330 tu 15. 19451 tu 16. 10495 tu 17. 15667 tu 18. 12210 tu 19. 10612 tu 20. 15531 tu
Total tu: 334,646
Food Quests: Novice 1. 9184 tu 2. 23551 tu 3. 25056 tu 4. 8763 tu 5. 17904 tu 6. 16194 tu 7. 18394 tu 8. 13485 tu 9. 6533 tu 10. 15933 tu 11. 13904 tu 12. 8551 tu 13. 10210 tu 14. 9694 tu 15. 13574 tu 16. 14326 tu 17. 5350 tu 18. 15451 tu 19. 23147 tu 20. 18871 tu
Total tu: 288,075
Subtotal: 822,721
Total spent: 423,342
Overall total: 399,379 That wasn't painful at all! 8D Thank yew, Geo! 83
10:44pm Jun 13 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 65
Well, I didn't do the whole 'Hard and Novice' thing, so I don't know if I'm still eligible or not, but I'll post anyway, even if it's just as another example of how much you can make. I hope you can keep this incentive contest going for a while, it's a cool idea. I personally think the real way to succeed on here is to learn some kind of balance between making a profit with your shop, with auctions, with quests and games, and all the other ways Res makes it available to fill your virtual pockets. Anyway, here's my earnings: Eggs 1. 932 tu 2. 6,372 tu 3. 10,000 tu 4. 10,000 tu 5. 20,000 tu 6. 10,000 tu 7. 863 tu 8. 825 tu 9. 5,841 tu 10. 20,000 tu Total: 84,833 tu Food 1. 2,351 tu 2. 1,171 tu 3. 8,939 tu 4. 1,522 tu 5. 14,937 tu 6. 10,406 tu 7. 11,787 tu 8. 1,738 tu 9. 9,130 tu 10. 2,116 tu 11. 1,793 tu 12. 15,993 13.2,298 tu 14. 8,937 tu 15. 688 tu 16. 13,307 tu 17. 951 tu 18. 10,189 tu 19. 20,646 tu 20. 10, 498 tu Total: 149,397 tu Toys 1. 1,732 tu 2. 1,103 tu 3. 2,176 tu 4. 1,175 tu 5. 2,773 tu 6. 4,252 tu 7. 550 tu 8. 19, 585 tu 9. 5,360 tu 10. 16, 758 tu 11. 27, 192 tu 12. 10, 174 tu 13. 13, 560 tu 14. 15, 405 tu 15. 12, 626 16. 26, 975 17. 6,136 18. 8,519 19. 2,096 20. 1,545 Total: 179,692 Grand Total: 413,922! -Saint
12:05am Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 221
This program is now closed for Sunday. Thank you all for your participation. Prizes will be awarded shortly.
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
12:50am Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 221
Your Easero Creatu Egg has been sent to dreamersfantasy. (you didn't skip many toy quests, so I'll give you credit this time. :P) Your Ebilia Creatu Egg has been sent to layamaria. Your Jaaku Creatu Egg has been sent to Caya. Your Easero Creatu Egg has been sent to punk592. Your Uilus Creatu Egg has been sent to Mugiwara. Your Easero Creatu Egg has been sent to ElmerJFudd. Your Jaaku Creatu Egg has been sent to StFangofBoredom. Nice work everyone. I'm very pleased with this participation! The Quest Incentive Award is now open for Monday! Keep it up! This is making me happy to see.
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
1:03am Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,062
Whoa, this is even the one I wanted! xD Thank you, Geo!
3:50am Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 3:55am Jun 14 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 74
Egg quest 1. 20,000 2. 20,000 3. 20,000 4. 20,000 5. 20,000 6. 20,000 7. 20,000 8. 20,000 9. 20,000 10. 20,000 Toy quest 1.5000 2450 13572 2.miss - pink beads 49999 3.3160 6900 13122 4.miss - accidently selected hard quest 5.miss staff balloon 15000 6.4631 7950 22496 7.1900 3470 13355 8.3995 7100 12410 9.7950 9999 22673 10.4395 3470 21774 11.2450 2592 17663 12.4200 5195 17968 13.4229 2320 13898 14.miss - silver otachie 10999 15.3995 3300 19911 16.5495 2500 17101 17.2222 2985 12445 18.3995 9989 19942 19.miss pink skateboard 10999 20.4495 5395 32661 Food Quest 1.3885 2395 23921 2.2495 2700 10203 3.3359 3495 14048 4.4509 2295 18670 5.1945 2645 14546 6.miss Slice Of Vanilla Frosted Chocolate Cake 14000 7.miss Vanilla Flavor Stix not in shops 8.miss Slice of Very Vanilla Cake 14000 9.3495 2395 9845 10.3424 9999 15233 11.3360 3095 15981 12.miss milk 10999 13.9000 4374 13564 14.miss Slice Of Chocolate Frosted Cake 15000 15.7300 2295 18212 16.5495 2995 16307 17.2700 2895 16638 18.1657 9999 13566 19.miss - Slice Of Vanilla Frosted Chocolate Cake 15000 20.4776 5473 16100 whew that food quest was difficult tonight :) thanks

Thanks to everyone who helped me achieve my goal of a black aerix :D
9:18am Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,416
10:16am Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,044
thank you :D im going to start doing the quests every day now
Work in progress
12:03pm Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 195
I'd like to do this. I've already done quests today, so I have to wait until tomorrow though. xD
Something will be here eventually.
1:06pm Jun 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,771
How long will this be going, Geonightrose?
Just call me Siri.
6:05pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Jun 14 2010)
Posts: 1,586
Whoo.. Finally finished: Egg Quest (Hard)
1.20,000 2.20,000 3.20,000 4.20,000 5.20,000 6.20,000 7.20,000 8.20,000 9.20,000 10.20,000
Toy Quest (Novice)
1.19410 2.25454 3.Pas.s - Choose hard by accident and wasted about 20k 4.20373 5.16642 6.11986 7.14198 8.16574 9.15152 10.13572 11.8743 12.14238 13.24005 14.25760 15.20958 16.17099 17.15788 18.19050 19.14486 20.17520
Profit: About 50k not accounting for the wasted 20k xP Possibly more because some how I have doubles of some things.
Food Quest (Novice) 1.12755 2.18536 3.14742 4.22253 5.21807 6. Pas.s- No tomato ice cream cone anywhere 7.18678 8.15606 9.10878 10.14902 11.12765 12.16957 13.7060 14.Pas.s- Another tomato ice cream cone D: 15.13435 16.10922 17.5764 18.5029 19.20656 20.11799
Made about 80k+ in profit. Total Profit: 330k+ Not bad :P
7:08pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jun 14 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 89
Egg Quests: 1.5051 2.10,000 3.6474 4.6514 5.10,000 6.6377 7.6521 8.10,000 9.6637 10.20,000 Total= 87,574 Toy Quest: 1.19,188 2.Umm I got the first toy but the beads were 50k... 3.11,162 4.25957 5.Once again same as number 2. this time 90k 6.1672 7.13900 8.19,692 9.12379 10.I got an Albino Goiba Squishy instead of tu! :) 11.14178 12.It was 190,000! Sorry! No! 13.9898 14.13099 15.20277 16.12630 17.30455 18.12834 19.19767 20.23653
Total: Food Quest: 1.15,710 2.15,410 3.9,230 4.14,764 5.12508 6.13392 7.10912 8.22391 9.2580 10.15643 I didnt have time for the totals at the time! Hurry I need the egg now!