-edit- Thank you to all who played, but there could only be one winner. Congratulations ticket number 506, aka OakWood!
Prices on tickets:
1 ticket (+1)= 100k
5 ticket (+5) 500k
10 tickets (+10)= 1mil
100 tickets (100)= 10mil
You get the idea :P
Different payment methods:
Colored pets (depends on color)
CS eggs (11mil in season, 13mil out of season)
Dye kits
This raffle will go on until April 16th or until I reach a certain amount of tu.
Good luck to all users, and thank you Horselova for making this possible!!!
I apologize if ticket numbers are weird...I will forget sometimes to add free tickets, but that will be fixed if pointed out. Thank you!
Tickets bought:
fairyneko: 1-6, 69-75 (6 paid +6 free)(Tu)
HmmmWhere: 7-26 (10 paid+10 free)(tu)
Headache: 27,28, 76-81 (5 + 5)(tu)
xRequiemx: 29-68, 1381-1470 (60 paid + 60 free)(Tu)
KankuroSama: 82-281 (100 + 100 free)(Blonde Jaaku)
LadyTsunade: 282-481 (100 bought + 100 free) (Tu)
OakWood: 482-511 (20 paid + 20 free) (Tu)
DragWolf: 512-531 (10 paid +10 free) (tu)
DragonOfFlame: 532-730 (100 paid + 100 free) (Rose Iluvu, Magenta Ezahni)
snifflesnuffle: 731, 732 (1 paid + 1 free) (Tu)
ShallowCloud: 733-752 (10 paid + 10 free) (Tu)
catmat63: 753-1352 (300 paid + 300 free) (Trance/GaS Habbie)
Epicsoul: 1353, 1354 (1 paid + 1 free) (Tu)
AlexMassecre: 1355-1360 (3 paid + 3 free)(tu)
PlainclothesWoman: 1361-1380 (10 paid +10 free)(Tu)
TokyoWolf: 1471-1670 (100 paid+ 100 free)(calico Otachie)
Larg: 1671-1690 (10 paid + 10 free)(Tu)
xXAlbiXx: 1691-1710 (10 paid +10 free) (Tu)
Zuleika: 1711-1730 (10 paid + 10 free)(Tu)
Mangadreamer: 1731-1740 (5 paid + 5 free)(Tu)
mychelle1212: 1741, 1742 (1 paid + 1 free)(Tu)
ReapersPlaymate: 1743-1748 (3 paid + 3 free)(Tu)
Winterlove: 1749, 1750 (1 paid +1 free)(Tu)
HammerBro: 1751-2250 (250 paid + 250 free)(Achro Sirleon!)(Never thought I would get an achro O.o)
kittykat43239: 2251-2264 (7 paid + 7 free)(Tu)
[url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/raffle-for-black-ezhani-/~page/1/] A chance to win a Black Ezhani!! Buy 1 ticket, get one ticket FREE! Last day!!!