" Helinna "
Winners Choice
25K per Ticket
No limit
Ending date:Drawing winners on Thursday December 15th!
1st :
2nd :
3rd :
4th :
Post the number of tickets you are purchasing on this thread and send tu to my bank account, I will be keeping track of how many tickets each person has.
Ticket Holders:
Blixii - 20 tickets
BOBISBOB - 32 tickets
supernovastar - 4 tickets
ThunderMouse - 80 tickets
Redrock - 2 tickets
Pro - 4 tickets
Lutinofeather - 1 ticket
Senses - 5 tickets
Golden - 4 tickets
Moo123 - 2 tickets
corndog - 9 tickets
AJ34Ali - 35 tickets
TheBloodySoviet - 10 tickets---- inactive
SuperBunnyFooFo - 160 tickets----inactive
nelotizapu - 10 tickets---- inactive
Berry1258 - 40 ticket---- inactive
7650 - 21 tickets---- inactive
Veraz - 12 tickets----inactive
KrazyK - 12 tickets----inactive
Ipod2259 - 40 tickets----inactive
xRequiemx - 80 tickets----inactive
Username92 - 4 tickets---- inactive
Anu - 3 ticket----inactive
Kyliex3x3 - 4 tickets----inactive
* Note: I will be using a roll of tickets not "cutting up scraps of paper" so everyone has the same chance, every ticket will be exactly the same size. And more impartantly: the more tickets you buy the better chance you have of winning!!!*
All ticket holders have been rmailed and will be removed from the drawing if they do not respond by the 14th :) better chances for you!