Raffle of Appreciation - Win a FREE Kioka!

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12:26pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 3:54pm Mar 1 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 611
Valentines day is a time of love, but more importantly companionship and empathy. Not everyone has that "special someone" in their life, during these times so in order to make sure everyone feels loved I've decided to do a free raffle, in the spirit of the holiday.

All you've got to do, is tell me someone on Rescreatu, who you appreciate and why. Everyone who posts will be given a number and, with the help of a random number generator said number will be drawn for a prize. What is this prize you might ask? None other than the rare and elusive KIOKA! So what are you waiting for? Stop reading this and come post about someone you appreciate! It didn't even have to be a friend, it could simply be someone you see occasionally who is always nice to you or other members and makes everyone feel special. Good luck to all and have fun!

DISCLAIMER: You may mention as many users as you want however each person who posts will only get one ticket. Users who are mentioned will NOT get a ticket either - they must post and nominate someone also! You may also mention someone who has been mentioned before, however it would be even better if you picked someone who wasn't! Let's try and make everyone feel special, as that's what the entire point of this raffle is for!

DEADLINE: February 28th. Prize will be drawn on March 1st

your pet has been sent!

-1. Thumpar
0. Outsane 
1. watershell56
2. Titanium
3. Ratchet
4. Kurrabi
5. NO WINNER - USER WITHDREW FROM CONTEST (will draw another number if chosen)
6. RelicDreamer
7. Quellsrule
8. GaltaGirl
9. Pettirosso
10. Noctre
11. Pegasus
12. KrissyBearRawr
13. Cherry
14. Soul
15. octopusbaby
16. Silverstar101
17. Shadly
18. Sonador
19. Sasafras
20. boomboom39
21. Rupee
22. snivy3258
23. foxwolf
24. Zaffre
25. jayni
26. kries6
27. Dogzdream
28. Vivster
29. Yandere
30. TheShadowWolf333
31. xXStormyXx
32. Symonya
33. RikaTheFallen
34. Anthony101
35. SilverTigress
36. PicturePerfect
37. TheSituation
38. MissHalloween
39. Vin
40. Charlynx
41. Imaginary
42. lilie
43. Aniwolf
44. Repetition 
45. DeadByTomorrow
46. Redrock
47. iheartjimmypop
48. Tomburgerpie
49. ErisedMoonstone65
50. calltherp
51. Llama
52. FluzzMe
53. Mandi
54. Mmamushi
55. shaybaby1
56. SerenityDream
57. Tiberius
58. SkittyGirl
59. CSK
60. CynicalEcstasy
61. Bluerayofsunshine
62. Bethy
63. kibo
64. NO WINNER - USER WITHDREW FROM CONTEST (will draw another number if chosen)
65. alyanabilla
66. ferniio
67. White
68. Kitten3
69. ArieRiddle
70. AlexMassecre
71. CaptainMorgan
72. merlinlover1997
73. JetBlackSteel
74. wolfbitez
75. Headache
76. kaytreanna
77. Kittykat
78. Wolf12
79. Emmique1
80. Ylvalaric
81. heybay
82. CaptinBubblz
83. Sanski
84. Trancegirl
85. Wendla
86. Cloaked
87. Drenn
88. lolpantaftw
89. Wolfflower08
90. amy0821
91. DlenIsolde
92. Mugiwara
93. ShadowxxMistress
94. ducksrule101


12:40pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 611
This is now OPEN

SB Ad;
Win a [b]FREE KIOKA![/b] [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/raffle-of-appreciation-win-a-free-kioka-/~page/1/]


12:43pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 12:44pm Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 26

hi i'm grateful for my two best friends that are on res GLaDOS and magicbree how are also my best friends in real life.

thanks for the chance too


12:46pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 6:32pm Feb 18 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 460
I appreciate the user Tiberius :D 
She is always so kind to everyone, and doesn't think twice about giving people things even she sometimes wants to keep them xD
Also i appreciate lots of other people just for being there everyday and a lot of the time just listening to me mumble and grumble about things. Llama especially hehe.
But seriously most of the people on res are gr9 8D 
I lobe you guys.

Thanks for the raffle Blue! :D

Roditore Queen, Always

12:47pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 12:58pm Feb 17 2014)


Posts: 2,161
There are so many people I appreciate here in Res, omg. Tiberius, Symonya, FluzzMe, Ghost, octopusbaby, ThornlessRose, Dess, Meg, Dustfeather, Sonador, Ylvalaric, CaptinBubblz, Titanium, Stranger, Outsane, Avedori, GODL1KESME, WillfulCole, Insane, Fizzeh, Llama, Katiee, Sherlock, 14brokenmirrors... The list goes on and on, really. xD Um... I can't pick one. 

But the reason I appreciate so many people is because the community is so kind and welcoming. Everyone on Res helps each other out and it's really great to see that. All the staff work so hard to make Res a fun and exciting place, and the users here are all exceptional people. <3

You are very kind for putting on this raffle. ;u;


12:47pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 10:24pm Feb 22 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 805
I love this idea <3
Well this is actually rather hard for me because I know so many amazing people on here. 

I'm just going to leave it at this;
I love all of you guys, I don't know who I talked to first or who has sent me this gift or that.
I am grateful for all of you and you need to remember that!

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

12:53pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 10:20pm Feb 22 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 471
Changed my mind about entering.


1:34pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 1:34pm Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,250
OMG There's just so many people on Res that I appreciate: Tiberus, Tiffany, Ratchet, Katiee, Fuzzle, Cherry, Salt, Smuh, Mugiwara, 14bronkenmirrors, Llama, Sonador...too many the list goes on and on. <33

They're always so happy and welcoming to everyone on Res and everyone on Res just helps each other out no matter what. It feels really good to come on everyday and see everyone so nice on the forums and the SB. The staff works very hard to keep everything in check, so I'd really like to thank them. ^-^


1:50pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 1:51pm Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 355
I'm grateful to Titanium and Tiberius and loads of people on the SB for being so kind to me after a long time away from Res and being so lovely and friendly<3 

by Zen ♥

1:51pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 737
I appreciate SweetBlood because she is my best friend and she is always there for me. She is the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. And she gives me so much and she never asks for anything in return. But I do get her stuff every now and again to tell her how much I love her and that I am here for her FOREVER!


1:54pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 969
I appreciate Sona bc she is such a babe wow she's so nice and helpful I can't even

also Salt bc we share a name woo and she's fantastic and also really nice and helpful

also yes hello u Blue bc you're a total sass sometimes and I love it but you're also a really rad person and yes idk

I'm very bad at praising people bc i'm just like FEEL MY LOVE even though i can't put it into words very well ;n;


2:11pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Im grateful for my friend Requiem, who has been my friend since before I joined Res. Shes so sweet ;w; Im also grateful for a few other of my friends who arent on res anymore </3


2:11pm Feb 17 2014


Posts: 1,586
I nominate Daisuki and Ally, Tiberius, Llama and everybody :D Because you are all so nice


2:12pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11
I appreciate Life and Octopusbaby for helping cheer me up the other day when I was feeling rather depressed. They have me some wonderful things to think about and really made me smile. It brought a lot of stuff to my attention that I wasn't letting myself see and saved me a lot of heartache. 

2:30pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 2:30pm Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,645
I'd like to nominate Dusty Sagi NaCl and Porks also Ima can't forget my own imagination there OH MY GOD I forgot BLazebutt omg how can I do that but yea her talented butt too

they are all talented people and super duper nice (much talent in art/coding yo)

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

2:35pm Feb 17 2014


Posts: 1,764
Everyone on Res should be appreciated :) I can't pick just a few people <3


2:43pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 381
I appreciate Bluerayofsunshine sosososo much. Ive been through a lot lately and shes been right there, giving me advice and helping me through <3


2:44pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 295
I'd like to nominate grank because I miss her and shes really fun to talk too <3
Thanks for the raffle Blue ! 
Happy Hunting

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2:45pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 8:45pm Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
I appreciate DustFeather the most. Because our friendship wasn't based on presents, or anything like that. We were brought together by a shared issue, and a share concern. 
She's supported me and been there for me when I really needed her, and even though we can't talk as much as I'd like I know that she will always be there for me no matter what. 

((ok im adding more people))

Pettirosso- Because you aren't afraid to speak out against things that aren't right, and you're never afraid to voice your opinion. It's always refreshing and fun to see you in the shoutbox. 

Sonador- For always posting cute comments on my blog, and just genuinely being very cheerful.

Kurrabi- For actually talking to me in the sb when no one else really does, and being very nice, funny, as well as entertaining.

14brokenmirrors- Because as much as I've seen discontent launched at this lovely lady, she really doesn't deserve it. She was a really close friend of mine for quite sometime while I applied to be staff. She helped me through it, gave me advice, and kept me updated. She is so kind, and so so friendly.


3:00pm Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 8:59pm Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
ehe this is such a cute idea. ;v;
I love these types of things. so much love. <3

man oh man okay.
I've got a list here.
one sec.

in no particular order whatsoever:
dustyboop! - she's a talented little butt wowy wow wow and probably the most caring person I know?? I can literally talk to her about everything and she just listens no matter what it is. she's so cool. ;0
studodo! - you're kinda like the best boyfriend ever like wow. ;o you make me smile ehe. + funny and?? ilu okay.
fluzzybae! - you're like my bff alright. ;0; idk what I'd do without you friend! I can't wait to see your pretty face in person. c: bascially you're just gr8 and really get me and make me laugh and help me out and?? you're perfect!
zoetella! - you'e so funny omg I love your sense of humor. ;o it's great being nutella with you. I love getting and writing letters to you. not to mention you're always there for me at all times. ;v;
rossy! - dude you're hilarious and I love talking to you so much omg. you're there for me a lot too which is really cool! + our spongebob jokes are just a+.
jojobeans! - all of our inside jokes are the best! we have so many of them too omg. you're a doll and I love talking to you. c: you're willing to talk to me almost all the time and I really appreciate that.
daibae! - you lift my spirits all the time. ;v; you're a really strong, optimistic person and I admire you a lot for it.
vinabulous! - you're so SWEET omg. ;v; and you're a really great writer too ehe. ;o I love talking to you because you're such an interesting person. uvu
cassy! - you're such a great writer oh man. ;v; and I love your way of typing LOL I think it's so great how you type in a way that makes it look like you're yelling. ;o and you're really sweet and funny too!
+ literally just so many people omg like sagimoth, flore, wolfiebuttkiss, achoo, velocibb, matt, raveygravy, kitkat, less, calzone... I just love everyone here a  LOT okay. ;v; you all are so sweet to me and to others and I'd LOVE to be able to meet all of you one of these days. <3

... holy crap I hope I didn't miss anyone. ;v;
y'all are dolls okay. ;o

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