Raffle of Appreciation - Win a FREE Kioka!

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9:19pm Feb 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 139
The people I appreciate on Res creatu the most, is myself. Because its good to love yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin. Hope this counts. X3 Other then that, Daisuki's awesome, gives me cute little pets.


6:12pm Feb 20 2014 (last edited on 11:25pm Feb 25 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 934
I wanna nominate Ally.
Did I ask your opinion?
Oh, I did?
Um, well because Ally is just a great great person, and she always takes time out of her day to say hello to me in the Shoutbox and ask how my day is going and listen to my ranting and raving and sad depressing stories all the time and anyone who has the patience to do so is so Awesome!

Also, I wanna nominate 14BM, for the same thing. She even emails me and helps throughout my stupid life problems c:

And Kurrabi for showing sexy pictures of sexy people yep yep yep c:

And Tiberius (Tiber Tiger) for always saying hullo to me with many hearts <3333 and for being over to much generous.

And Repetion for being my AA buddy c: (Asking Alexandria, not. The rehab stuff nuuu)

Also Pox for all the free art :D

And Patrick for making this wonderful wonderful pet site, because I wouldn't have met anybody if not for him! :D

Also to Kogaluvr35, Because she is just always so happy and stuffs and that makes me happy!!!!

And a big nomination to Florence too!! She's always so happy and bouncy and when she's not, I love to hear her rant and rave because I feel the same way! We have lots in common!!

Along with Katiee, because she says 'Hello merlin c:' and Goodnight Merlin' and goodbye Merlin' every-time she's on c:

I wanna Nominate DeadByTomorrow as well, because despite her username, she's still alive everyday and makes me happy because she deals with my crap c:

Also Titanium for being patient with me all the time, especially back when I was a N00b, and for being overly generous as well. c:

And for Zen, for giving me awesome songs to listen too. Anyone who gives me songs is just great, because I love musics. c:

I'd like to also nominate Victo0r91, for being Uber patient with me on me paying me debt for an Achro Otachie when the Achros first came out.

And Imaginary for helping me with coding problems yep yep yep! c:

Also ImJodieRamsay because I think you're just so darn beautiful like why can't I look like that?? I try and fail over and over again, but I don't have the skill to perfect it like you do. ^^

Also JetBlackSteel, because you are always so kind to everybody, no matter the circumstances.

Headache, for giving me my very first actual art commish! I love drawing so much. I won't screw this up!!! :DDD And also for being so nice to me. I appreciate kindness c:

Emmique1 and 3mmique, for all the free profiles and coding help they give out!! It's awesome! It helps dumb buckets like myself get a pretty profile! :DDDD

KittyKat, for always being so cheerful, and willing to help others instead of her self! She would rather someone else get a cool item than herself, it seems. She's not greedy. c:

Symonya, for always attacking me when I get on the SB with hellos and tackleglomps!

I would like to not nominate Morgana, (I can't remember her actual username right now, I haven't had my daily Monster) because she's Morgana, and I am Merlin. C;<

I'd like to say thank chu for Hojak1226, because he's super funny and makes me laugh all the time! He's always been there for me too c:


10:49pm Feb 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 8
I nominate everyone I meet on the chat! Everyone is so nice and fun to talk to I couldn't just pick one! Also I thank Salt for being an easy person to send Valentines too XD

11:02pm Feb 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 309
I'm grateful for my twin sister, bttfpuppy. She is funny and nice and smart.....and she gave me half her stuff when she quit. (the other half went to other res'rs)


6:23am Feb 21 2014 (last edited on 6:26am Feb 21 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

Sonatella (Sonador) - You are just amazing to me, with your sense of humor, amaze drawing skillz, and your compassion <3 and whispers I consider you to be my best friend on here you better skype me soon. 
Sodapop (Dodomon/Russia/Souda/Dodo/Souda) -dang boi I remembered all your name changes be proud /puffs chest proudly Well. Where to start. You are funny, strange, a little bit wacky, and a lot scary but you are someone I'd consider a relatively good friend. 
Octo (octopusbaby) - I don't even know what to say. You are incredible. You rage a lot, have a short temper, have ever-changing goals, but that makes you you and I love that. You don't hide who you are, and I'm glad.
Erbear (ERlover90/InfernoFire) - Your stories are amazing, and I love that you are so open with your feelings. Everyone makes mistakes, and you worry about yours a lot, but you don't need to <3 You are my go-to person with stories, and I thank you for your friendship <3
Cori (LaCortoriReturn) - My beautiful res-wife who I haven't seen in AAAAAGES. COME AND SAY HELLO GURL.
Jessi (JessiKorpse) - Another of my gorgeous res-wife, and current holder of my username. I miss you, and you also need to say hello and come back on! You two have missed stuff.
Tara Butt (Tarajara) - Soon-to-be-Res-wife. My arty farty, and my jellybean. We need to start planning the res-wedding as well >8C. You can't avoid it forever.

Other people I love and appreciate but am too lazy to write an appreciation note:

Whitey (WhiteFox)  -----  Virus (GLaDOS)
laya (layamaria)  -----  Strikeh (Tiberius) 
Shao  -----  Wendy (Wendla)
7650  -----  44blueroses
 De  -----  Eternityfox
 DanceIsLife  -----  Euchre
 Fenikkusu  -----  Flannel 
Ganymede  -----  Hojak (hojak1226)
Prou (Jehan)  -----  Jenny
 Ci (lastchance92)  -----  katkandyfloss
 Kittykat  -----  Kogababy
Lovemz  -----  Azy (Magpie)
Aunt Mando (mandolady)  -----  Mik (Mikkio)
 Hallo (MissHalloween)  -----  Mugi
Nene (Nenebaby)  -----  Poli (Polisis) 
 Reap (ReapersPlaymate)  -----  Paf (Repetition)
 Allybubble (Ally)  -----  Sere (SerenityDream)
 Sly (slyfox2587)  -----  Smarshmellow (Smuh)
 Jaaku (Syaraa)  -----  Sym (Symonya)
Apple (TARDIS)  -----  Ash (AshEcho)
Timber  -----  Fabu (Vin)
 Witchy  -----  Zimber
Ani (Aniwolf) 

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

3:08pm Feb 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 18
I'm grateful for my best friend Schmerz! We have been friends ever since we were little. He's funny and always brings a smile to my face! :D
hope this counts :)

When Life Gives You Lemons... well that is all I\'ve got :D

6:21pm Feb 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
argh gosh uhm so many ppl

Imy for being the biggest bestest butt
Dodo for being absolutely hilarious
Jess for being a huge fangirler
Katiee my twinny <3
Llama for the good chats
Flor for the funny snapchats ;o
Sona for dating doodoobum and for being so entertaining
Dande for being so caring
Lakebear for being Lakebear
Mendini for declining my love
Wolf for introducing me to res
Zae for being caring and respectful
Euchre for helping me on FR as well as being a butt

Uhm I may update this later but you get the gist


6:29pm Feb 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Oh my gosh, I am grateful for so many people here on res! Pandanalina for helping me learn the ropes of this awesome site, and sending me random pets occasionally, Sonador for always commenting on my blogs and making me feel a lot better if i'm sad, and too many people to ever remember.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

10:50pm Feb 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 564
There are many users i could talk about because everyone has a good heart on here, but 4 users in specific that i would like to thank for being there and being my friend are Dude41, Daisuki, Octopusbaby and Bluerayofsunshine. They have all become great people to know, and all though i havent known them for too long i trust them all with my life :)


10:50pm Feb 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
I wanna mention well my husband NabbyEli cause even when virtual pet sites is not his thing, he plays to help me lol cause he enjoys seeing me happy.
And mentioning some other lovely people out there.
Tibbity, (like tibby has to be mentioned in every one of this kind of threads lol) Dustfeather, Carcass, Pettirosso, sakuralove77, Ratchet, Repetition. They are all lovely peepz <3


10:34am Feb 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 392
Shao, she's friendly, sweet, and always a delight to talk to. <3


10:54am Feb 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 19
I am grateful for everybody who is grateful for each other. Just be kind to one another! ^-^ <3


1:45pm Feb 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5

Well im new but I would have to say I appreciate the one who made this website for us and made it possible to play res :)

7:10pm Feb 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 934
Edited my post above~


10:03pm Feb 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 306
I grateful for Zaefyra because she was very friendly in our interactions on this site. She helped me through a difficult Kir Quest, and gave me a silver Iluvu for my birthday. :)
YoursTruly is also great because she is an amazing RPer and is super sweet and funny.

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

10:08pm Feb 22 2014 (last edited on 10:10pm Feb 22 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 663
(btw, I know that I'm getting only one number... but this is fun and I might get carried away.. XD)

I appreciate Cloaked because he has made life on Res so much more fun that is unbelievable.
I appreciate ER/InfernoFire because its always nice to feel like you are needed and to feel that you have helped somebody, whether it just be listening to them.
I appreciate GLaDOS, because who doesn't appreciate their little Raccoon...
I appreciate Mondo for the incessantly random gifting... and the LURVE.
I appreciate Mugiwara for being the spark of pink that brightens the day.
I appreciate Euchre for giving me my first nickname... Mirch... XD
I appreciate Boonys for letting my narwi rest in her SR for a while!
I appreciate Zoe (Headache) for just being adorable, and everybody needs an adorable friend in their life!
I appreciate Frank for being classy...



7:12pm Feb 23 2014 (last edited on 7:15pm Feb 23 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 163
Well, Ill get started.

I appreciate my dearest Wendla for always being there . Thank you ;a;

I appreciate my bootifullest friends Imaginary and ThornlessRose. You guys are a box full of fun. 

I appreciate Frank, a one of a kind dude who's pretty awesome. (He bites though ;3)

I appreciate Zen for welcoming me back. Thank you!

I appreciate Tiberius, who shares their kindness with the whole of Res ^_^  

I appreciate Zaefyra and Boonys whom supported me in my early days. You two are the nicest people ever :3

I appreciate all the users I've shared my friendship and laughter with, iincluding the ones who don't visit Res anymore. You'll always have a place in my chaotic mind :3

I appreciate the staff in general for maintaining this site,  keeping it safe like parents, all so we could keep our family together. *Snugs*

I appreciate all the users who keep the family tight knitted, you guys rock.

I appreciate all of the new people joining. You'll all find a place in the family soon, and I'll always be there for everyone so don't hesitate to talk or send a message to me :)

(Dun Dun Dun. Cloaked's back. *Hits Imaginary and then snugs* I'll never truly be gone. ;)

Here I wanted to make something :

Laughter rang out as two Berrok cubs ran around with pink ribbon flowing from their mouths. I stared at them for a moment, my backpack sliding off my shoulder with a thud. Many people passed me, leading their creatu to various places. I had missed so much, and a twinge of anxiety had me doubling over.  

Most of the people I saw were strangers, which made me a bit anxious. Was I forgotten? Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar user . I smiled lopsidedly as I located the pink badge, which was boldly located on the front of their shirt. "Zen." I dipped my head as they strode past. 

Picking up my bag, I slunk past the pink, red, and white decorations strewn hazardously about. "I had forgotten how much fun Valentines was." I murmured to myself as I continued in the general direction of my home. Once there, I noticed my mailbox was overflowing with letters. I smiled sadly as I read them, most being Valentine letters.

  Quickly I wrote responses, accepting all the Valentine love.  Standing up, I peeked out my window, content for now to watch others celebrating this wonderful event. A Meragon was pulling a cart painted pink with red hearts  glued to the side. The people inside were happily sharing Valentine letters and laughing.

 Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I noticed a few flowers sitting on my counter. I slowly walked over and picked up the card, which I opened with ease. The contents spilled out, a few letters from Wendla. Reading them I smiled happily. I wasn't so forgotten. I held the letters close and turned back to the window. 

Everywhere I looked there was people sharing their love with others. I noticed a few new people looking a bit distraught, but soon they were chatting merrily with some of the older members who had reached out to embrace them. I looked down, my smile growing wider. 

Everyone was a part of this family, be they new members or old. Everyone was loved by someone, and that's how this family would always work, together. Turning around, I headed out, determined to find and meet everyone, be they someone I knew or didn't. 

In short, Happy Valentines Day!

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1:43pm Feb 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
To me Kitten3 is the person who i appreciate very much.  Shes helped me out alot with keeping the forum 'the factory' going.  Without her help and the help of many others, i would be continuously struggling to keep it afloat.  So many thanks to her and everyone else who has donated to 'the factory'


1:45pm Feb 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
Oops, forgot to subscribe


2:39pm Feb 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 361
I appreciate a lot of people on Res, however the main person that I'd like to thank is Tiberius for giving me Civvies, my now gold Kioka :3

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