Ticket cost: 5k
Date End: 7-18-09
1st winner gets: 7 ardur eggs, 4 poar eggs,2 Tesuri eggs, and 5 zaphao eggs
2nd winner gets: 7 veram eggs, 4 malal eggs,and 3 Skaldyr eggs
3rd winner gets: 3 intes eggs
Conselation prize (soz for spelling if its wrong XD):
Any egg in my gallery
Maximum amount off eggs to take for con. prize: 3 eggs
how I do the raffle: i put ur username in a hat (lets say someone buys 5 tickets, so i put their username in there 5 times and so on) and there will b a drawing on saturday morning, once i finish the drawing u will be rmailed what place you got and your prizes if 1-3, conselation prize winners will be told what i has in my gallery and let choose what eggs they want from there :D