LyfeSaver - 570-860 + 3870-5120 + 7797-7810
kibo - 861-1506
Megabyte - 862-2575 + 5121-7796
RP45 - 2837-3412
Cloaked - 3413-3818
WiseBlueFox01 - 3819-3869
Ticket Goal:
92190 Tickets
Ways to get tickets:
Tickets are 50K unless other wise stated!
Buy 5 get 1 Free!
Buy 10 get 3 Free!
Buy 20 get 5 Free!
Buy 100 get 40 Free!
CJB: 500 Tickets!
NCJB: 50 Tickets
RMP: 50 Tickets
Name Tags: 40 Tickets Each
Gender pendant: 40 Tickets Each
Trance Potion: 40 Tickets Each
Curse of the Undead: 35 Tickets Each
Dye Kits: 30-100 Tickets Each (Depends which DK)
Silver/Gold Stardust Urns: 200 Tickets
CS Eggers: 300 Each (Retired 400 Each)
(Nests are 450 Tickets) (Retired Baskets are 550 Tickets)
Natties: 10 Tickets
Sepia: 20 Tickets
Cream: 35 Tickets
Black: 55 Tickets
Ginger: 70 Tickets
Silver: 90 Tickets
Blonde: 100 Tickets
Calico: 110 Tickets
Achro: 200 Tickets
Albino: 350 Tickets
Dye Kit colors: Rmail me the species and color and we will work something out.
(Again this will depend on the pet.)