There isn't anything that can be done since she hasn't been signing on. We don't know what might have happened to cause that. Jumping to conclusions is wrong and unfair, so please don't post things like that ok? <3
If she signs on again I'm sure she will take care of the contest. If she doesn't return to the site, that's a gamble that you took; the post stickied at the top of this forum states that all unofficial contests are "enter at your own risk".
Im sooooooo sorry I just up and left everyone. School has been eating up my time. As this quarter is wrapping up I have a bit more free time. I do hoe EVERYONE understands!
So that's... 1520? I'll probably send more later. :D
I'll add that amount as it is correct. But Im not sure what kinds of pets you sent since in my absents they daied so I will have to resurrect the correct numbers. I'd like to ressurect the exact pets. If you dont rememeber thats fine like I said I'll get the numbers right at least.
Same thing happened to these pets. Luckily I only had 2 silvers in my Graveyard so I know those were yours. If you can rmember the types of pets they all were that would be great. But like I said If you cant remember I'll just revive by the numbers.
So... 585? I think I got the numbers right. lD Also, if I sent a Vaspi, would it still only be worth 10 tickets? Or would it be more because it's a seasonal? Thanks <3