Resmas Giving

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6:38pm Jan 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 236
Does anyone know or have any news on Frank?
I am seriously concerned for him.

Until we know, I ask your prayers for Frank's health or any other adversity he may be suffering.


11:17pm Jan 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 356
I too am very worried. I will keep him in my prayers. I hope he is ok.


6:49am Jan 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 380
May I ask why you're so worried? Is it simply because he hasn't logged on in a while?


9:48am Jan 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 356
Yes, because he was doing this thread(and responsible for the outcome) and very active and then disappeared and has not been on since the 1st. It has me concerned because I think Frank is a super nice and responsible person and I know that this thread was important to him. So, I am worried and I hope that everything is OK with him and that we will see him soon.

9:53am Jan 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 380
I think the worrying is over reacting a little tbh xD Everybody has lives, and they can't spend everyday on a pet site. I'm sure he's fine, just busy ^^


11:50am Jan 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 356
I hope that turns out to be the case. There is no right or wrong when it comes to human emotions and concern is how I feel. I will do a happy dance when I see frank return. He's a great guy and until then I am just concerned for him.

1:13pm Jan 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 236
Hi Alien,

Let me explain my concern. Frank was extremely active on this thread as the originator. He showed extreme desire to help many players and was active many times a day. He even stated a possible timeline to bring this thread to fruition.

It is unlike him to go silent this long without stating why. It is true that many of us do not live here. I am the owner of my own global marketing consulting firm and use the game as a release. But, I am also a person who knows individuals based on previous behavior. It is why I am considered a global expert at what I do. It is out of Character for Frank and that is why some of us are concerned. I see no harm in asking if anyone knows anything or to ask people to keep him in their thoughts.

You may be very correct and it is nothing. However some of us get to know other players and develop acquaintanceship's and while I don't know him personally I  am concerned. It actually doesn't matter about the thread, it is that he is a good person.

7:52pm Jan 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 280
For some reason i always thought the thread was gaven out. But since Frank hasnt been here i hope you are ok Frank. I dont know you much but still others say it unlikely for you to be gone long. But it is a pet side. But also we will never know, until we see you again so for now I shall wish you happiness even if your feeling great right now and just not on the pet site :p 


4:42pm Jan 30 2016

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Posts: 68

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12:28pm Feb 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 236
FRANK? Are you OK?

1:55pm Feb 27 2016

Normal User

Posts: 236
It has been almost 2 months since Frank shouted out. I am worried for him. I know some of you say what if... but he is a good and kind soul. I ask your prayers for him.

2:20pm Feb 27 2016


Posts: 546
Frank, if you're out there, be okay. Just, be okay? Tbh, I'm rather worried now, too...


3:46pm Feb 27 2016

Normal User

Posts: 236
To all of us who participated in Franks Post here - It is no longer about the Tu, The Pets, The stuff.

I ask you all to join me in Prayer or good thoughts, whatever is your way and focus on Frank, that he be well, that God is with him and providing for him no matter what the need.

7:01pm Mar 5 2016

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Posts: 236

7:55pm Mar 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
Frank has left before..for many reasons,sometimes for a year or more.
I do hope hes ok.
but,im pretty shure hes taking a break from res.
His life can get pretty busy at times.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:07pm Mar 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 236
I agree MissHalloween, However he left without notice and with a contest running and that is very unlike him. So I'll keep prayers going up.


4:47am Mar 6 2016

Normal User

Posts: 62
Frank :<

Co-founder of

Fetus Squad


11:57am Mar 24 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
To everyone who has been thinking about me, I'm really sorry to keep you all worried. Life just took a toll on me and things started bad for 2016. My brother almost lost his life, my mom was almost going crazy with what has happened to my brother, and my dad got into some serious things. Just when my brother is all good now, other things start to pop-up. At this point, things are getting better and so I was able to finally log back in.

I am really really sorry for not being able to hand out your Resmas gifts. I would have loved to give it all to you around January but circumstances were not cooperating for me. Rest assured that all your donations have been accounted for and none of the items given out here will be sold or used for personal gain. I will try my very best to distribute these gifts as soon as I find more time to focus on this and once I have more breathing room.

Again, thank you all very much for all your concerns and prayers. I really needed those during the tough times I had in the past months. I wish you all well and I hope I can play more.


12:03pm Mar 24 2016

Normal User

Posts: 520
Oh thank Arceus! Frank, I am so glad you are doing better <3 Please take your time to regain composure, that sounds like it was a very tough time for you and your family... My best wishes to you and your family and I hope that everyone is getting the best help for them <3


12:24pm Mar 24 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
Ah thank the gods that you are okay! We were all so worried and it is so great to see you back! Please don't loose sleep over the giveaway!

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