Resmas Giving

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12:15pm Nov 19 2015

Normal User

Posts: 80
Sending 1 mil over ;)

9:39pm Nov 20 2015 (last edited on 7:14pm Nov 21 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 571
I would also really like:
-Water Cannon 
-Pizza Thrower 
-Doughnut Slingshot 
-Petal Blaster 

-Everlasting Mistletoe 

-Fake Zaphao Fangs

-Jackku Spirit Wistle

-Ebila wistle

-Cosmic Color Value Pack

-and anything else on my thread: [url=]


8:33am Nov 21 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
Makana - So far you have 3 posts on this thread. It would be great if you can just update one post.


12:08pm Nov 21 2015 (last edited on 12:59am Dec 15 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 237
My Wishlist:

Any kind of Dye Kit
Trance Potion
Shaefu egg
Rancher Class Token


12:13pm Nov 21 2015 (last edited on 1:14am Dec 23 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 172

~~Wishing List~~

~Trance potion (as many as can i get)  
~ Seasonal Eggs  
Seasonal & Unseasonal Mutant creatu 
~ Any amount of TU  
~ Random Dye kits
~ R Ray
~ Various Books & Squishy 
~Any type/color OF adult creatu



People i like to say Thanks For helping me out -- <3

Merlin77 has sent you a creatu named Embia!

Redrock has sent you the following item: Fresh Jaaku Creatu Egg x 1

Redrock has sent you the following item: Fresh Easero Creatu Egg x 1

Redrock has sent you the following item: Fresh Ebilia Creatu Egg x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Tina the T-Rex x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Silver Easero Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Shaefu Egg Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Sepia Vaspi Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Rainbow Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Rainbow Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Natural Saruka Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Natural Saruka Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Natural Saruka Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Natural Saruka Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Natural Saruka Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Mutant Iluvu Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Kayoki Egg Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Ginger Quelis Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Cyid Egg Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Cream Narwi Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Black Shaefu Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Calico Uilus Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Black Cyid Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Albino Jahra Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Achromatic Wyrae Squishy x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Visiting Atquati x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: The Sum of xeeroh x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: The Legend of Loyna x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: The Gift of Flight x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Outsane How to RAYGE x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: How to Hatch an Ardur Egg x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: How to Hatch a Haberisar Egg x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Halloween Recipe Card 2012 x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Halloween Recipe Card 2012 x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Flying with Tesuri x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Guide to Goths x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Book of Earth x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Achromatic Iluvu Pages x 1

Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: A Guide to the Merchant Class x 1

Fireelf has sent you a creatu named Wimpiest!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Zegan!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Gailia!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Ferocisa!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Ziphena!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Flander!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Flander!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Mugsley!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Ianie!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Zaeran!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Ylian!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Felomelorn!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Nachshon!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Natix!

Sundaith has sent you a creatu named Flyne!

Sundaith has sent you the following item: Murren Soup Bowl x 1

Sundaith has sent you the following item: Hatching Kurrabi Squishy x 1

Roosiket has sent you a creatu named Cloudscaper!


12:53pm Nov 21 2015 (last edited on 12:05pm Dec 22 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 163
Hello everyone!
This year I would really like:
Any amount of trance potions
Calico pets that I don't have or albino pets
A liyure creatu egg!!! (All I really want!!!)
3 random dye kits
A albino murren for kir!
:) anything would be very appreciated and I hope that I will be able to help others in their wish list!

7:12am Nov 24 2015 (last edited on 8:23am Nov 28 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 105
Hmmm, well I would like an Ivik egg, a derp Iluvu and an undead curse thing :-) 

Thanks lots to Lunasparkle and Merlin 77 for the lovely undead Drachid and the totally adorable Iluvu :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) 

There is always another way....

2:46pm Nov 24 2015

Normal User

Posts: 570
sending a pet for this ^^


12:28pm Nov 28 2015 (last edited on 10:31pm Nov 30 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 35

Never done this before, and glad to see what people want so I can throw gifts at people lol

As for my wishlist..

Possibly a wyrae, any color.

A lime Saruka

Drachid eggs

Any dye kits

Any effect items

Anything related to drachids

And I've been dying to find a liyure lol

I am now collecting Shaefus :D I have amber, lemon, and orchid.

Thanks to my adoptive sis lol Sundaith for the drachid egg!

Thanks to Fireelf for the nattie drachid :)

And Lunasparkle for the Orchid dye kit :)


1:26am Nov 29 2015 (last edited on 9:53pm Dec 6 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 30
This thread is going to make it so much easier to surprise people! No more "what do you want?" *poof* "wow, look at that, how did you know?!"
Here are just some things that are on my go to list of wishes:

Dye Kits:



Black Iluvu
Silver Iluvu (Thanks Lunasparkle!! <3 )
Black Ezahni (Thanks Fireelf!! <3 )
Silver Leverene
Mutant Meragon Azure/Rose


Fake Ebilia Fangs
Meiko Face Mask
Silver Stardust Hair (Thanks Sundaith!!!)
Stardust Cape
Golden Flower Crown
Gothic Eyeshadow
Bony Chestplate
Sleeveless Black Noctis Coat
Torn Eclipsed Fabric
Queen of Hearts Card Ring
Trickster Knight Cape

But I'm honestly pretty predictable, my username is my aesthetic basically, and my latest Creatu obsession is all things silver or rose <3 <3 <3
Thank you so much to Sundaith, Fireelf, Lunasparkle for their spectacular gifts! And thanks to AiAi for the generous gift of TU!!

6:42pm Nov 29 2015 (last edited on 12:32am Dec 13 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

So I got the things that were on my list before. Time to make a new one!

Occult-related names. Yep.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


8:37pm Nov 29 2015 (last edited on 3:04pm Dec 27 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 25
Daith's Wishlist:
  • - An Achro Quelis
  • - Any colour of Attack Bandana, with the exception of White
  • - Any colour of Paper Crown, with the exception of Peppermint Candy
  • - Green Klaws Co. Boots
  • - Red Klaws Co. Suit
  • - Egg squishies
  • - Ghost squishies
  • Graveyard Backdrop (got one! Thx Tututu!!)
  • - Any colour of mutant Quelis
  • Peanut Butter Cookie Bag
  • Green Christmas Light
  • - Albino Malal (Kir's request. Been stuck here for a year T_T)

Thank Yous and Shout Outs:
1. A giant thank-you to Lunasparkle for the Peppermint Candy Paper Crown, a Kayoki Egg Squishy, and a Meragon Egg Squishy!
2. Tackle hugs and thanks to tututu for the super awesome Graveyard Backdrop and the Quelis eggs!!
3. A giant balloon of happiness and rainbows to xocherieox0429 for the Saruka Egg Squishy!
4. A big ILU to VintageAssassin for the Purple Blooming Branch!!

8:53am Nov 30 2015 (last edited on 8:56am Nov 30 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 141
This is so wonderful! I think I will just list some things that I have wanted for a really long time, some of them are pricey so I won' feel bad if I don't receive them. But they're all things I have been trying to save up for.
Also if anyone wants to gift me tu, that would be quite nice. I am trying really hard to save up tu!



Of course all of the creatu colours are the colours I want the most, but any colour is absolutely great!

You guys are amazing for doing this ♥ Thank you so much

Edit: The pictures aren't showing up for me, so here is a list of all the things that are supposed to be pictured ^-^

- Calico Wyrae
- Calico Ivik (or Ivik eggs!)
- Achro Jahra
- Derp Tesuri
- Omni Egg
- Random Morphing Potion
- Decorated Branch Antlers
- Frosted Branch Antlers
- Tu

9:36am Nov 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 23
my wishlist
Natural colored jellybeans
cs eggs

11:08pm Nov 30 2015 (last edited on 12:16am Dec 27 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 193
Wishing for:
Seasonal egg
Potion of death
Egg of rebirth
Alert item
Hidden avatar item
Albino iluvu for kir
Flowers for botanist quest

Thank you very much to Sundaith has sent you the following item: Egg of Rebirth x 1
Thank you very much to Lunasparkle has sent you the following item: Potion of Death x 1


11:20am Dec 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 423
Hi! ^^
I changed my name from Blissful to Owl. So if anyone is curious, it is I, Blissful. 

I hope ya'll are getting all the stuff that you're hoping for this Resmas <3


7:24pm Dec 1 2015 (last edited on 8:05pm Dec 1 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 48
CS Egg O3O
30 CP

7:51pm Dec 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 13
My wishlist :)
Seasonal Eggs
any amount of TU
any amount of CP
any dye kits
Kioka eggs
Gondra's of any color
any eggs anyone doesn't want
Thank you all!


8:39pm Dec 1 2015 (last edited on 8:52pm Dec 1 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 124
Hi!  I'm going to try to write a v. organized list (it's going to be a small organized list) to help the like six people that know me and wants to do le gift-giving

  • Pets
  1. ~Any creatu with a name involving The Hunger Games book/movie series (I'm addicted.)

~Any books (I have a collection, if I already own it, I'll donate it or return it)

Dream HA
~Tamia Haunted Lantern
~Spooky Black Silk Stockings
~Trickster Knight Cape
~Shredded Shirt
~Gothic Eyeshadow
~Soulless Eyes
~Black Saruka Sultan Pants

~Dunno.  Maybe a good profile background code?  I just like having a background and nothing else...


9:50pm Dec 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 169
here my wish list since ppl r bothering me to make one ;V

FBC (im so lame i change my username all the time ,)
random morphing potion
natural colored jelly bean (i have an addiction)


Albino Kayoki (4 kir)

any amount of u .. i am so poor ...

ill try to gift back if you rmail me the page your list is on !

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