Roo's House

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6:48pm Feb 17 2016

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I'll take Path A once more


6:53pm Feb 17 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Path A first today.


11:29pm Feb 17 2016

Normal User

Posts: 124
I think she left us. But if she comes back I think I will check out path A.

11:31pm Feb 17 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Path B!


12:12am Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Roo? you ok?

I havent seen you around in a few days.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

3:20am Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 172
Path A


3:21am Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 172
Path A again


9:29am Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 472
Bath b please


10:04am Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
B ^^


11:09am Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
GG is in bath B. 

I'll go for path A today.
I hope all is fine for you Roo.



12:16pm Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Path A!


6:26pm Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
A :)

also hope everything's ok <3


7:36pm Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Path A..please.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:09pm Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Path A c:


8:09pm Feb 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Path B!


3:35am Feb 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 172
Path A 


3:36am Feb 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 172
Path A


6:33am Feb 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 68
Path  a plz?

tle="source:" />>

10:10am Feb 19 2016 (last edited on 10:22am Feb 19 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 347

Feb 15

Billbee decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Trenthepunkid decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Steampunk decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 4mil

Peatals16 decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

BunnysaurusRex decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Dragonwarriar678arriar678 decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

emily8900 decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

AlexMassecre decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Vamplord0328 decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 5mil

MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

GG decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

XAllurcore decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Yzzuwyzzuf decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Billbee decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

MissHalloween decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Heybay decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

Feb 16

Yzzuwyzzuf decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 4mil

Taokaka decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

GG decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Redrock decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Flaws decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Redrock decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 4mil

Feather decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Flaws decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Steampunk decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 5mil

Steampunk decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Yzzuwyzzuf decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Heybay decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Demon decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 4mil

Sephrena decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Feb 17

MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 5mil

Vamplord0328 decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

AlexMassecre decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Redrock decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Redrock decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Steampunk decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

BunnysaurusRex decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Demon decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Jaryk decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 4mil

Feather decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 4mil

Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

Billbee decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

XAllurcore decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

Feb 18

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found 2mil

GG decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil

Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil

Flaws decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Feather decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

MissHalloween decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

XAllurcore decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Feb 19

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing

Yzzuwyzzuf decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 1mil


11:00am Feb 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 423
Path... A ;0

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