3:00pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 347
3:14pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 124
Second walk about down path B this time please.
3:39pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 23
3:56pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 471
I would like to choose path A please
3:59pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 4,749
Path A c:
Hi there
4:40pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 5
path A please
4:40pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 5
2nd time path B
4:54pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 1,018
Second time, Path A~
6:28pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 1,942
Path A thanks. Glad to see you back Too. Hope you were OK.
6:41pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 24
Second walk Path B please and thanks
The Order is Watching
6:45pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 570
B ^^
7:27pm Feb 19 2016 (last edited on 7:36pm Feb 19 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 347
AlexMassecre decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil
Steampunk decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothingBillbee decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 4mil
Heybay decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil
Lordnugget decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing
Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing
@AlexMassecre, thanks and thank you guys I am glad to be back :D
Heybay decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothingXAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil
Rose decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothingYoshi3357 decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothingMeagles decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothingMeagles decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil+
Billbee decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 1mil
Vamplord0328 decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothingGG decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
Meg decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing
Thesecretlifeofthepotato decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothingThesecretlifeofthepotato decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil
XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothingRedrock decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 5mil
Yoshi3357 decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil
Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothingAltair decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
7:32pm Feb 19 2016
Posts: 2,161
May I pick path A? owo
7:36pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 347
8:48pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 3,001
Path B please.
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen! \r\n \r\n\r\n
9:26pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 4,749
Path A because I'm a stubborn child >:D
Hi there
10:02pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 119
Path A again!
11:22pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 27
path A today please
11:36pm Feb 19 2016
Normal User
Posts: 1,942
path A. thanks
12:17am Feb 20 2016
Normal User
Posts: 392
Path B, please