Roo's House

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9:46am Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
A :)


10:04am Feb 10 2016 (last edited on 12:06pm Feb 10 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 347

Trenthepunkid decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 4mil
Snowpea decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 2mil
Billbee decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing
MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found a pee snowball
BunnysaurusRex decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Cloverrr decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
XAllurcore decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 5mil
Darkbluelight decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil
Vamplord0328 decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing

Steampunk decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing
MissHalloween decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
Redrock decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing
Kirby decided to take path A, behind the door they found a dead fly
Feather decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 2mil

Demon decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing
Steampunk decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 4mil
Redrock decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 5mil
Yzzuwyzzuf decided to take path B, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 3mil
Evilbloody decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing
Feather decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 5mil

Zelda decided to take path A, behind the door they found nothing
Billbee decided to take path B, behind the door they found nothing
Cloverrr decided to take path A, behind the door they found treasure 4mil


11:07am Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 423
Path A! :D


11:36am Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 124
B this time please

11:57am Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 32
Path A please!

12:06pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 347


12:49pm Feb 10 2016 (last edited on 12:50pm Feb 10 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 168
* You stare at the doors for a long moment.
* They're both way too gold and ornament.
* It makes your eyes hurt.
* You think it would look better with..
* A lot more red.


* But, after a moment of debate..
* You enter anyway.
* There's two paths before you, leading into cold, everlasting darkness..
* Hm.
* Interesting.

* You've chosen to take..

* Path A.


12:58pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
Ooh I will take path B


1:36pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 487
I choose path B again...
duhn duhn duhnnn!

"He was a dreamer at heart, chasing the stars"

Get your own adoptable in Planet Kusher!

1:38pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 138
path b please!


3:39pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Path B. <3


3:48pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 789
Path B please!


4:39pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 27
ill take A this ime

4:50pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 68
Path a!

tle="source:" />>

7:34pm Feb 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 32
Path B =) Thank you!

12:17am Feb 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,942
path A thanks

12:24am Feb 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 172
Path A ^^


12:35am Feb 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
I choose You path A!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

12:56am Feb 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 124
Path A

12:58am Feb 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 19
Path B! :)[injection]ripturedesk2-1.png
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