6:02pm Mar 3 2015 (last edited on 11:48am Apr 3 2015)
Normal User
Posts: 392
Welcome to solve it!! Here is your task: Every week I will post a riddle/joke. You will be on teams of three and your job is to give your best guess to the answer of the riddle/joke. Now these will be set on a certain difficulty each week; Easy, Medium, Hard, or Pro. These will take a lot of smarts!! Now there is something I will need from you...... Entering these contests will cost you 200k. You only have to pay once. But if you want to be the captain of your team you must pay, but you set the price. Also others can out bid you for being captain. Base of idea by WildGirl123
Aaawwwhhhh, Your so sweet water! Thanks. If I end up captain, we all sit at a virtual round table that way nobody's above anyone else. We could call ourselves "Team Camelot". Lol
Hey guys, looks like we only need three more people. Yay!!! Getting close! If anyone personally knows anyone who might be interested maybe some of you could mention it to them. Make sure you've had friendly talks before etc... so your not spamming someone you've never even talked to etc....
If you wanna be a leader speak up now because I am going to start picking them......remember you can bid on whos going to be leader if you want otherwise i will just choose someone