I just wanted to remind everyone, that these are her rules. Those of you who are pushing her to grant your wish, and are even disregarding her rules by asking for high colored seasonal's. Or by being pushy and asking for rare colors when she said she does not have many. She is doing this out of the kindness of her heart to grant wishes to people on res.
So everyone should be a bit more respectful. Don't push, and be patient. If you are going to simply be rude about not getting what you want fast, or as soon as you ask for it. I don't know why your asking in the first place.
Odd's even told me she is trying her best, and even though some of your wishes are pushing it, she is really trying. I personally think Odd deserves a thank you for even offering. Not constant reminders and pushes so you can get whatever you want.
With that in mind, if you don't want to wait super long. Take a better look at your wish, and maybe wish for a reasonable creatu. Instead of ones that are not even in season, and that are near impossible for her to get. Like Albinos of rare creatu's, seasonal's, or just albinos in general.
Not to be rude, but seriously people, try not to be so ungrateful. Ok?
Especially if u want a seasonal, and are asking more then once trying to get her attention. I don't want to name anybody, but to be honest, Narwi's don't grow on tree's? You know.
"Please do not ask for cs eggs/creatu, kir eggs/creatu, or high colored seasonals.These won't be granted for a while unless donated or bought cheaply. I honestly do not have much tu, so please keep this in mind. ^^; and if you choose to ask anyway, it won't be granted for a while.
I don't have a lot of high colors- but I might be able to grant one... Who knows. With that being said..."
-I don't have a lot of high colors- but I might be able to grant one... Who knows. With that being said...
-The only way to enter is to list the creatu or egg that you are after/want and something you used to make a wish on... like..a star or an eyelash etc. ^^ or if you never made wishes, simply state that as well! This is just as a guarantee you have read through the post
-The user who is chosen will be at random- and there will be no repeats unless everyone has had a wish granted.
-If you feel like you want to help please rmail me ^^ I just want to make someone's day truth be told and I gain no benefit from this other than the satisfaction of making someone happy.
-At least one user will be chosen every night! (sometimes more, depending on if i have the creatu available)
-You may not receive the color you would like... But you will receive either the creatu or creatu egg(s) in turn- simply depends on if I have the desired creatu ^^;
Please do not ask for cs eggs/creatu, kir eggs/creatu, or high colored seasonals.These won't be granted for a while unless donated or bought cheaply. I honestly do not have much tu, so please keep this in mind. ^^; and if you choose to ask anyway, it won't be granted for a while.