The 1000 Credit Raffle

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12:02am Oct 2 2014 (last edited on 11:43am Oct 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652
HELLOOOOOOOO and have the warmest Welcome to!!!
~The first edition of The 1000 Credit Raffle is now Concluded.~

How does it work? It's really simple, so let's (try to) keep it short. Pretz wants be able to hold this raffle as often as possible. Once winners are drawn, she wants be able to make a new raffle with the same mechanic and prizes all over again. This will depend on how successful it is. So let's hope it's worth it!



Pretzel will be raffling 1000 credits worth of items. Divided respectively in:
Thanks to the great interest in the raffle, I'll add a couple of pets to the prizes:
:star:1rst Place Winner:
Worth of 375 credits. Distributed as following:
100 credits =x2
75 credits (Meaning 1 of these of your choice) =OROR
160 credits =x2
40 credits (Meaning 1 of these of your choice) =OR   

:star:2nd place winner:
Worth of 255 credits, distributed as following:
100 credits =x2
75 credits (Meaning 1 of these of your choice) =OROR
80 Credits (Meaning 2 of these of your choice) =OR   

:star:3rd place winner: 
Worth of 180 credits, distributed as following:
100 credits =x2
80 Credits (Meaning 2 of these of your choice) =OR 

:star:BUT WAIT, there's MORE!
The person with the MOST tickets bought will recieve this shiny token:
:star:And MORE; there will be 3 random winners of these:
x2 (One per winner)
andwith the name Lukey

:star:And for CONSOLATION PRIZES WE HAVE! *drumroll*
:iconcookie1plz:tle="cookie1plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">:iconcookie2plz:tle="cookie2plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">:iconcookie3plz:tle="cookie3plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">
:iconcookie4plz:tle="cookie4plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">:iconcookie5plz:tle="cookie5plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">:iconcookie6plz:tle="cookie6plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">
:iconcookie7plz:tle="cookie7plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">:iconcookie8plz:tle="cookie8plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;">:iconcookie9plz:tle="cookie9plz" style="border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; position: static !important; max-width: 100%;"> 
If you wanna use this banner on your profile or forum signature. Rmail me and I'll be more than happy to give you the code :)!
1. Be polite as respectful to each other. Bad attitudes of any kind will absolutely not be tolerated.  Whatever is considered a "Bad" attitude is under the host's judgement. Hopefully I don't have to make a blacklist.
2. Begging for tickets is absolutely not allowed. Please refrain from this or you'll be blacklisted immediately. Invalid complaints or whining about the winners drawn can cause you to be banned from participating in the next immediate edition of this raffle.
3. Tickets are 150k each.
4. The items are not bought yet. So if the winner of any price decides they wanna do a different distribution of their credits in different combination of items that is absolutely allowed. Even requesting to be sent the credit tokens is acceptable if the amount is able to be transferred that way. This rule does not apply to the winner of the 50 credit token (Sorry!).
4. Pets and items are accepted as payment. The accepted items/pets or any other mean of payment will have to be discussed with the host, don't be afraid to ask. Please do remember the host has all the right to reject your item/pet offer.
5. If the raffle was not successful, all the items/pets/tu would be refunded to the respective user. Same with the flowers given for the free ticket spots.
6. Please post with your message that you have read the rules and you noticed (or just noticed) there were two number 4 rules.
7. There will be a minimum of how many tickets will be sold before the winners are drawn. The winners will be drawn on FRIDAY OCTOBER 10TH.
8. The time the raffle will be open until THURSDAY OCTOBER 9TH. Meaning you will not be able to purchase tickets past Thursday October 9th 11:59 pm res time.
9. Since The host will try to make this raffle happen over and over again, if you were a winner of one of the three main prizes, you are forbidden to participate in the next immediate raffle. But you are allowed to participate in the one after. This rule does not apply to the 3 random winners or the user awarded with the 50 credits.
10. The tickets will be numbered and assigned as they are bought regardless of payment type. The winners will be drawn with their respective number using


12:03am Oct 2 2014 (last edited on 2:43am Oct 10 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652

All the items given as payment will be displayed in the "Raffle" Category of my Gallery. This method will be used as safe keeping, in case the items have to be refunded.
All the pets given as payment will be respectively be displayed in the "Raffle" Category of my rancher shop, priced at 2.14b in case refunding needs to be done.
All the prize pets will be displayed in the rancher shop too!

UPDATE: The ticket purchase is now closed BOO!
But in case of any confusion, I'll clear this up, whoever posted before the due close time BUT was not able to finish a deal with me before it. I will still accept your tickets. Anyone who posted after the due time, I'm sorry!

The participant with the most tickets will be revealed with the winners. (Just did the recount and fixed a couple of errors thankfully!)
Tickets and form of payment specified.

1 - Snowpea - Flower
2-107 - Witch - Item
108-173 - FluzzMe - Tu 
174-193 - ErisedMoonstone65 - Tu
194-233 - bahearts - Tu
234-283 - Ratchet - Tu
284 - Meulin - Flower
285 - MadamRed - Flower
286-305 - dphne - Tu
306-572 - Kibo - Pet + Tu
573 - lovergirl2468 - Tu
574-575 - yummycake6 - Tu
576 - BuddyAmazing - Flower
578 - Symonya - Tu
579-588 - Snowpea - Tu
589-650 - magregor18 - Tu + Pet
651-717 - oOVanillaOo - Tu
718-751 - magregor18 - Item
752-798 - oOVanillaOo - Pet
799-848 - Ratchet - Tu
849-870 - magregor18 - Tu
871-872 - lovergirl2468 - Tu
873-885 - Owly - Tu
886-909 - Dramagirl2017 - Pet
910-912 - Redrock - Tu
913-1151 - Drenn - Pets + Item
1152-1157 - Excelsia - Tu
1158 - Bonez23 - Flower
1159-1166 - Nick - Tu
1167-1174 - lovergirl2468 - Tu
1175-1208 - octopusbaby - Tu
1209-1278 - oOVanillaOo - Tu
1279-1432 - Secrets - Pet
1433-1502 - oOVanillaOo - Tu
1503-1505 - lovergirl2468 - Tu
1506-1518 - Owly - Tu
1519-1556 - Malific - Tu + Flower
1557-1606 - Rose - Tu
1607-1608- oOVanillaOo - Flower
1609-1628 - yummycake6 - Flower
1629-1639 - De - Tu + Flower
1640-1644 - Snowpea - Flower
1645-1824 - magregor18 - Pet
1825 - oOVanillaOo - Flower
1825-1866 - tlrose - Flower
1867-1888 - GG - Flower
1889 - Trenthepunkid - Tu
1890-1892 - magregor18 - Flower
1893-1912 - ErisedMoonstone65 - Tu
1913-1918 - FluzzMe - Flower
1919-2186 - MaiKaida - Tu + Pet + Item


12:10am Oct 2 2014 (last edited on 11:41am Oct 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652
Previous Winners:
This is the first one, duh! :3

This Edition's

(Complete post in page 7)

:star:Winner of First Prize:
You have sent your creatu DalilaAfon to ErisedMoonstone65.
Your Polka Dot Present has been sent to ErisedMoonstone65. (All the items were placed in it c:)
:star:Winner of Second Prize:
Your Polka Dot Present has been sent to oOVanillaOo. (All the items were placed in it c:)
You have sent your creatu Singinglark to oOVanillaOo
:star:Winner of Third Prize:
You have sent your creatu ilookfunny to FluzzMe.
Your 100 Credit Token has been sent to FluzzMe.
Your Name Tag has been sent to FluzzMe.
Your Name Tag has been sent to FluzzMe.
:star:Participant with the MOST tickets:
Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to magregor18.
:star:Random Winner #1: 
Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to Drenn.
:star:Random Winner #2:
Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to MaiKaida.
:star:Random Winner #3:
Your Name Tag has been sent to kibo.
:star:Random Winner #4:
You have sent your creatu Lukey to Secrets.
:star:Honorable Mentions and Thanks to:
Kibo, Drenn, MaiKaida, magregor18 and oOVanillaOo for greatly supporting this raffle!
Your mint Haunted Mug has been sent to kibo.
Your Egg of Rebirth has been sent to Drenn.
Your Drop of Synthetic Magic has been sent to MaiKaida.
Your Resurrection Potion has been sent to magregor18.
Your Grape Worm has been sent to oOVanillaOo.

Yay it wasn't used!


1:10am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Space maker just in case.
Start posting away! Good luck to everybody!


4:30am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 789
I sent a flower but I don't know if I'm eligible :/ I'm sure there are other users who deserve the free spots more than me so if you get a lot of interest you can send it back and I'll still buy tickets when I get tu c:


4:32am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 789
Oh and hey you've got two number 4 rules xD


9:18am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
There are two #4 rules. :o

Any chance you'd take anything from my merchant as payment for tickets? -saving for a Kioka right now-

This is a really cool raffle idea by the way. ^^

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


9:25am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
I'd take the dye kits Witch :3
Though I value orchid dye kits around 3.6m and the lime dye kit is good at 5m.


9:28am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
So that's... 5 + 10.8 = 15.8 / 150k= 105.3333~ tickets. I used a calculator lol. ^^;

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


9:32am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Yeap you're right. So for the dye kits I'll give you 106 tickets ^^


9:36am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Cool. c: Sending 'em over as soon as my computer will allow.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


10:19am Oct 2 2014 (last edited on 10:43am Oct 2 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
first of all why the heckie are there two fours it messes w/ my mind bruh
Buying like, a couple tickets. :U
all sent boops


10:28am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
66.66 tickets for fluzz.
I'll give you 66 and send the 100k back C:


10:29am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 319
Buying 20 tickets. Sending 3mil now :D

10:30am Oct 2 2014 (last edited on 10:33am Oct 2 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652
Sure thing!

P.s. Fluzz and Moonstone, I hope you both read the rules uwu


10:42am Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
omg I totALLY DID
 but being the dumbarse I am I lD forgot
edits post soz


2:17pm Oct 2 2014 (last edited on 2:45pm Oct 2 2014)


Posts: 2,165
50 tickets please~ :D

EDIT: Yes, I did read and indeed saw there were two number fours. xD


2:25pm Oct 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Sure thing!
p.s. i hope you read the rules.
p.s of the p.s. i love your HA!


2:47pm Oct 2 2014


Posts: 2,165
;o; thank you! I love yours as well!


7:47am Oct 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
Would you take wyrae clothes as payment?
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