The 1000 Credit Raffle

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1:45am Oct 10 2014 (last edited on 11:41am Oct 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652
(Colorful post ahead >,< Sorry!)
This numbers were drawn in this respective order. Note that while I'm posting this picture here. I havent checked who belongs to which ticket. So please be assured the winners are not chosen by me. 
Redrawn random winners #3 and #4
Now that the numbers are drawn I'll proceed to check with the ticket list and contact the Winners!

:star:Winner of First Prize:
You have sent your creatu DalilaAfon to ErisedMoonstone65.
Your Polka Dot Present has been sent to ErisedMoonstone65. (All the items were placed in it c:)
:star:Winner of Second Prize:
Your Polka Dot Present has been sent to oOVanillaOo. (All the items were placed in it c:)
You have sent your creatu Singinglark to oOVanillaOo
:star:Winner of Third Prize:
You have sent your creatu ilookfunny to FluzzMe.
Your 100 Credit Token has been sent to FluzzMe.
Your Name Tag has been sent to FluzzMe.
Your Name Tag has been sent to FluzzMe.
:star:Participant with the MOST tickets:
Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to magregor18.
:star:Random Winner #1: 
Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to Drenn.
:star:Random Winner #2:

Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to MaiKaida.

:star:Random Winner #3:
oOVanillaOo again (Number to be redrawn. Sorry Vanilla <3)
Your Name Tag has been sent to kibo.
:star:Random Winner #4:
Drenn again (Number to be redrawn. Sorry Drenn!)
You have sent your creatu Lukey to Secrets.
:star:Honorable Mentions and Thanks to:
Kibo, Drenn, MaiKaida, magregor18 and oOVanillaOo for greatly supporting this raffle!
Your mint Haunted Mug has been sent to kibo.
Your Egg of Rebirth has been sent to Drenn.
Your Drop of Synthetic Magic has been sent to MaiKaida.
Your Resurrection Potion has been sent to magregor18.
Your Grape Worm has been sent to oOVanillaOo.

Incase you guys are wondering and are too much of lazy butts. Here's the participants with the highest ticket counts:
magregor18 62 + 34 + 22 + 180 + 3 = 301
MaiKaida 50 + 188 + 30 = 268
kibo = 267 
oOVanillaOo 67 + 47 + 70 + 70 + 2 + 1 =257
Drenn 239


12:08pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
Sent a little late, sorry!

3:42pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Sorry jayni, i wont accept your ticket, cause I had already generated the winners befoer you sent it :c (Or had started to) So it wouldnt be fair to just take your flower <3


4:05pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 789
Thanks for holding this raffle Pretzel and congrats to the winners! ^.^


4:16pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 487
love raffles :D
never win any but meh XD

"He was a dreamer at heart, chasing the stars"

Get your own adoptable in Planet Kusher!

4:28pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 178
'Gratz everybody!~ Thanks for participating :3 <3


4:30pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Thank You Everybody!. This was the first raffle I ever hosted and it was amazing thanks to all of you. Thank you sooooooooooooo much <3.


5:15pm Oct 10 2014


Posts: 2,165
Congratulations guys! :D


3:12am Oct 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 120
First time I've won something in a raffle. ^^
A big thank you to Pretzel for hoding this amazing raffle! :D

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars... ♥

9:42am Oct 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 232
Thanks bunches for the opportunity! Grats to the winners!


9:57am Oct 11 2014 (last edited on 9:57am Oct 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 101
Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for the wonderful raffle Pretzel!



10:31am Oct 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
Eep by Rudami
Thank you guys! I'll try my best to hold it again at the start of next month!


1:20pm Oct 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
Thank you.  i feel so honored


3:57pm Oct 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 204
yay :D *holdy haunted mug* thanks dear^^ and have fun with the next raffle! :D

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