8:57pm Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 5:12pm Aug 21 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 777
Hey everyone. I would like to say thak you to everyone who entered and to everyone who voted. You're entries have been great and there has been some great sportmanship over the past week. Even people who didnt win or compete, I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves and maybe sometime in the future, we could do something like this again. Maybe not in the near future but you never know right :D
And now I think it is time to unveil the winners...
1st Place: Eya's Gondra
2nd Place: Ylvalaric's Quelis
3rd Place: Sirocco's Chimby
Congrats to all three of you and enjoy your prizes!
8:57pm Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 5:01pm Aug 21 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 777
The Final 10After two hours judging we managed to
pick out ten entries for you all to see and then vote for who you feel
should win the grand prize. We have also given artists the opportunity
to send us a short pragraph to let you know a little more about their
entries. With further ado, I would live to unveil the finalists in no
particular order with a picture of their entry and the url for larger
view.1. Ratchet's (former username AutobotSoundburst) OmniLagrer view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/AutobotSoundburst_zps507c85d8.jpgCreator's notes: "To me, the omni is an artful and complex creatu, which made origami the
perfect idea for my entry. Many origami sculptures have many layers and
require lots of folding, and are beautiful when complete. I started by
choosing an origami cat design from a book and folding that, but leaving
some out and adding some in to make it into an omni. I painted the
details on with acrylic paint and glued on ribbons and gems to make it
appear more omni-like. The finished product stands around 3-4 inches
tall."2. limekitten's meragonLarger View: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/limekitten_zpse042de89.jpgCreator's notes: " My entry came to me when i remembered that my baby sister had a box
of puffballs sitting on top of the TV (they had been there for years!).
They came in one size and only four colors. Green, Pink, Purple, and
Yellow. The green and pink ones instantly reminded me of a Meragon! so i
ripped a few up, squished them together, rolled a few into long strings
and bam! my entry."3. Serval's KiokaLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/Serval_zpsdfa7b898.pngCreator's notes:"Made from a
soda bottle, duck tape, toilet paper rolls, sticks, a cup, newspaper,
paper mache, various paints, some fluffy purple stuff I found, and some
ribbon. It stands roughly 2 feet tall. :)"4. Sirocco's chimbyLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/Sirocco1_zpsb1c0bd01.jpgCreator's notes: "I'm really proud how this turned out. The leaves were my best idea
because there were original, and plentiful. I wasn't sure if it was easy
enough to see what it was, so I painted it. It was fun to make, and I
enjoyed the challenge."5. ArieRiddle's noctisLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/ArieRiddle1_zps87a978b7.jpghttp://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/ArieRiddle15_zpsa6434097.jpg Creator's notes:"The idea of creating an Achro Noctis slithered it's way into my heart
and neated there. I first created a frame made out of copper wire I
found in my house. Then I covered it in black electrical tape. Finally
for the white details I used white acrylic paint. I love Nocti and the
chance to make one and how it turned out fills me with pride."6. Ylvalaric's QuelisLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/Ylvalaric_zpsaaf6a09c.pnghttp://img822.imageshack.us/img822/3495/6gdj.jpg Creator's notes:"Since I first heard from the contest, a hand-made plushie first came to
my mind. Choosing a creatu was kind of a hard part, until I remembered
one of those days when I went to the Squishy Shop and in one of the
bottom corners of the merchandise, there was a cute calico quelis
squishy looking at me. I fell inlove with it immediately for those
plastic eyes captivated me. Not needing to say more i bought it right
away. The plushie inspired nothing but adorable thoughts. So when I got
my chance.. I told myself I'd make one for myself. The result of my
3-day effort is a loyal resemblance of the squishy. I love it and I hope
the Jury can see in my entry the same adorable and loving squishy I
did."7. Sonador's EaseroLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/sonador15_zps201e94e3.jpghttp://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/sonador_zps1d29b833.jpg Creator's notes:"I got the idea for the Easero cloud
nest when I saw an abandoned robin nest in the tree outside our house.
The nest had fallen out of its branch and had broken in several pieces,
leaving it useless. I was trying to think of something to do for this
contest, and when I saw that nest, I knew that I couldn't let it go to
waste. So, I found a bunch of miscellaneous items (a bag of cotton
balls, a baby bird feather, little pointed rocks, ribbon, tiny twigs,
orange paint, little black puff-balls and a broken eggshell) and made
the nest into a home for a cotton-ball newborn Easero, fresh out of the
egg! I have always thought that mother Easero collected little pieces of
cloud for their young and wove it into their nests to keep their babies
warm, like how actual birds weave their feathers into their nests for
their hatchlings."8. bloopsy's goibaLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/bloopsy_zpseb24b38e.jpg 9. Eya's gondraLarger view: http://i.imgur.com/SU1Q591.jpghttp://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/Eya_zpsf9790be0.jpg Creator's notes:"This Silver Gondra was scaled with several hundred antique metal buttons
on a frame of wire, foil, and paper mache. The wings are silver fabric
sew onto a wire frame. He would really appreciate your votes! *rawr* ^w^"10. Dragoon147's KiokaLarger view: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/bryonyd/Rescreatu%20Contest/Dragoon147_zps67aac5cd.jpg Creator's notes: "The Kioka is a sleek and
beautiful creatu, and with it's ribbon-like appearance I thought what
better way to represent such an elegant creature than with a flowing
ribbons? I had both blue and purple ribbons and while it was difficult
to mesh together, the end result was a fluid and hopefully beautiful
enough piece to represent such a fantastical creatu. The Kioka is simply
gorgeous and art-inspiring."
8:57pm Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 4:57pm Aug 21 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 777
All EntriesFlorence:http://s1297.photobucket.com/user/flofais/slideshow/OAK%20Contest%20Rescreatu%202013+ http://i41.tinypic.com/dmsnzo.pngjumkoyuhttp://i40.tinypic.com/105pqj9.jpg+ http://i44.tinypic.com/ms0m4g.jpglimekittenhttp://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h406/Limeses/CONTEST2.jpgKatieehttp://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/katikat97/image_zpsc1253e55.jpg?t=1373300658Hazelwolfhttp://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l605/KazumiWolf/image_zpsce22a838.jpgsonador http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa472/Rescreatu/d5317ce4-d89c-4641-a56b-c72a759d349c.jpg?t=1373425156 http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa472/Rescreatu/8cc74a0f-f14c-4f2c-b6ad-edb799494789.jpg?t=1373425094+http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa472/Rescreatu/3de83e92-5801-4023-b9da-003776c0040d.jpg?t=1373424854snowehuskeh http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/snowehuskeh/library/Res%20Summer%20Contest%201?sort=3&page=1+ http://i44.tinypic.com/2n7o2gg.jpgShadowStar0http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c391/ShadowStar09/download_zps13da13c5.jpg + http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c391/ShadowStar09/OrchidQuelis_zpsc17edf0d.jpgKubbihttp://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q559/Kubbicabra/Blue%20Challenge/IMG_0978.jpgDawnOfTheDragonhttp://imgur.com/a/kxQqU+ http://imgur.com/ggNgv6Zbloopsyhttp://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b625/pennyflatter/IMAG0497_zps81a28836.jpgAutobotSoundbursthttp://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/192/6/5/origami_omni_by_silverstormwarrior53-d6d1c7c.jpgWitchhttp://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b574/DracoSpirita/null_zpsda15abcc.jpgExcelsciahttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b541/comicsgirl/Snapshot_20130711_4_zps6c88c410.jpg+ http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b541/comicsgirl/Snapshot_20130711_9_zpsca493b63.jpgYlvalarichttp://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7789/lja.png+ http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/9862/6hh1.pngjasmeenahttp://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=121zzvb&s=5petra13131http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/199/7/5/lime_easero_chick_by_petra13131-d6dzi4o.jpgSabrinaBelle1Here is my entry!
http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/SabrinaBelle1/media/photo1_zps91daf7ec.jpg.html?filters[user]=136670278&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0MidnightVortexhttp://youpoisonedthewater.deviantart.com/art/RSTUs-386609555?ga_submit_new=10%253A1374252825JamesJamiesonhttp://dralicoma.deviantart.com/art/Lego-Ardur-Black-386704798?ga_submit_new=10%253A1374278489ArieRiddlehttp://imageshack.com/a/img20/7646/xspj.jpghttp://imageshack.com/a/img827/1787/k088.jpgMissHalloweenhttp://i41.tinypic.com/2rz51sp.jpgRussiahttp://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll85/Thrax_2008/26F7E4EF-424F-4E58-A689-0CF4FBDECB4D-1180-000001DAEE8ACB92_zps3e4cca28.jpgEmoMuffinhttp://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd520/EmotionalEmoth/image_zps8da6560c.jpgDragoon147http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=k9fig5&s=5WinterRoseStormhttp://whitexwinterxwolf.deviantart.com/art/Black-Ardur-387680304?ga_submit_new=10%253A1374618300Siroccohttp://s1348.photobucket.com/user/TinKittenRacers/media/limechimbypainted_zps9eae8f29.jpg.html+ ttp://s1348.photobucket.com/user/TinKittenRacers/media/silverkurrabi_zps24e9e4b3.jpg.htmlSewnSoulshttp://s1362.photobucket.com/user/SewnSouls/media/4b29efd6-5b0f-4fdd-8023-94bcf448c240_zpsc60cd2e6.jpg.html+ http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r698/SewnSouls/dce9bcb5-7a02-4cf6-8c52-85ecbbabd10c_zps456f4ea8.jpg
Noctrehttp://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj580/Shadowferret93/frogd030_zpsca1c73ea.jpg+ http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj580/Shadowferret93/wyrae002_zpse2edfabd.jpgSilverstream94http://imgur.com/a/wz057Servalhttp://oi43.tinypic.com/2058lfn.jpgRabidWeazelhttp://natoruneko.deviantart.com/art/Kayoki-390588711?ga_submit_new=10%253A1375588697iBethyhttp://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b508/iBethyBee/BabyJaakuArtDONE_zps159b4ef6.jpgRavewolf101http://i.imgur.com/fgiJLQq.jpgxXAlbiXxhttp://oi41.tinypic.com/2gu0hhz.jpgEyahttp://i.imgur.com/wmalgt3.jpghollyheart12http://oi43.tinypic.com/15qc938.jpg+ http://oi41.tinypic.com/x4golj.jpgcatz911http://postimg.org/image/epqptek9t/
8:57pm Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 4:56pm Aug 21 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 777
Original post information
1 You may submit up to two entries for the contest. Each with one creatu in 2. Please take your best photo of your work, and it is recommended you make sure your username is visible somehow on the photograph. 3. Entries submitted can be 2D or 3D format; this means it could be a picture or a sculpture 4. Pictures must resemble a creatu species and colour. Pose doesnt matter 5. Entries must not contain inappropriate material, as defined by the rules of Rescreatu
6. Remember, this IS NOT an art/drawing contest or a sculpture contest
so please we would like to see what you can create without your
conventional artist tools, like clay, pencils, paintbrushes. If needed
small add ons can be drawn on so long as not the main focus of your
creation. So dont just simply draw a picture or do a clay sculpture.
Playdough is acceptable but strongly discouraged and you may be marked down when judged for it 7. Please submit all entries on the thread by 11.59pm on Sunday, 4th of August, Rescreatu time
The Format
The content will take place in two phases. Phase one - entries are
submitted here. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of mystery judges
and the ones that are chosen by this panel will move onto phase two. In
phase two, the entries chosen from phase one will be put up in a poll
for users to vote on. The overall winner will be decided by you guys!
like it could be a potentially hard challenge, right? Well never fear,
we have a super cool prize to offer! The winner of this contest will be
rewarded for their efforts by receiving a FREE entry on the OAK effect waiting list!
(All costs will be covered by us.) If a prize worth $100 doesnt tempt
you guys I don't know what will! Two runners-up will also each receive a
noctis egg nest.
Here's something I attempted earlier and I have faith that you guys
will be able to produce something far better than my ginger Narwi made
out of coins:
9:09pm Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 4:55pm Aug 21 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 777
Will I be able to choose what I want the effect to be? Yes, if you win you will be contacted for further details so your effect can be placed in the queue.
If i win can I give the effect to another user?
Yes. When contacted just let us know if it is intended for another's creatu though do first seek permission from that user
Can substitute the OAK for the cash points, or other items?
It's just the OaK that is up for grabs here. One of the main ideas of
this contest was to give users without the money to buy cp a chance to
get one.
Can I do some form of one of a kind version of a creatu?
So long as what you created still clearly the creatu colour and species
Can I do any form of drawing?
If not the central focus ie the main part of what you create, you can add the off little detail to touch up your entry
What sort of materials can I use?
Some examples could be: Pipecleaners, cardboard, wires, fabrics, plants, food, bubblewrap. Surprise us :3
Further info on OaKs can be found at
More questions will be added should any additional ones pop up <3
9:12pm Jul 1 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,274
Definitely entering. /goes to buy clay/
9:53pm Jul 1 2013
Normal User
Posts: 4,355
I am so entering this oh my gosh. //subscribes//
3:00am Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 85
So entering
9:31am Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 2,200
entering :)
but, can you take a pic of anything that is res related?
11:57am Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 777
Just of a creatu boomboom
12:00pm Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 805
This is awesome, I am SO entering!
Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!
12:00pm Jul 2 2013
Posts: 333
I'll try and enter!!
Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!
12:07pm Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 4,093
This is a great idea, glad it was chosen to be the contest! I'll try my best to enter. c:
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:11pm Jul 2 2013 (last edited on 12:12pm Jul 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 223
Eh, why not. *enters*
But what do you mean by this.
5. Remember, this isn't an art contest or a sculpture contest so please don't just draw a picture or make a clay sculpture
Are we not allowed to use clay or draw? I can do that, but just to be clear.
Oh yeah. *subscibes*
“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.” ~Kahlil Gibran
12:40pm Jul 2 2013 (last edited on 12:42pm Jul 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 1,274
12:41pm Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 777
It means that we are wanting you to come up with something that isnt just a drawing you made with pencil and paper or some fantastic clay sculpture. We want to see how you can improvise with other objects.
1:01pm Jul 2 2013
Posts: 3,211
subscribing :3
1:02pm Jul 2 2013
Posts: 3,211
,..... I forgot to click subscribe
*coughs and scuttles away to find materials*
1:09pm Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 3,426
I'll enter this. Already have a couple ideas so hopefully at least one of them won't backfire.
HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:31pm Jul 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 652
Entering ;w;!!